Știrile SEO și PPC ale lunii iulie 2020

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna iulie 2020.

Viitorul marketingului este aici: 2Performant se listează la Bursă! – 2Performant Blog https://ro.2performant.com/blog/2performant-se-listeaza-la-bursa/

Astăzi este o zi mare pentru 2Performant și pentru piața de marketing afiliat și eCommerce din România. Astăzi vă anunțăm că intenționăm să ne listăm pe piața AeRo a Bursei de Valori București până la finalul acestui an!

Este o mare bucurie pentru noi și sperăm să fie și pentru voi, partenerii și prietenii noștri împreună cu care am crescut marketingul afiliat din România.

Curs Google gratuit pentru antreprenorii români cu magazine online https://www.startupcafe.ro/idei-antreprenori/curs-magazin-online-google-antreprenori-romani.htm

Antreprenorii români cu mici afaceri e-commerce se pot înscrie la un curs gratuit oferit de Google România în parteneriat cu Banca Transilvania, pentru accelerarea dezvoltării magazinelor online.

STUDIU IAB. În România: Piața de publicitate online a trecut de 80 de milioane de euro, dar suntem departe „scorurile” din Europa https://www.paginademedia.ro/2020/07/piata-publicitate-online-2019-80-mil-euro

STUDIU. Valoarea pieței de publicitate online din țara noastră a sărit de 80 de milioane de euro, dar e totuși departe de „scorurile” înregistrate de țările din Occident. Piața de publicitate online din Europa, în 2019, a sărit de cifra de 64,8 de miliarde de euro.

YouTube întrece televiziunea în România (și alte concluzii de la Visualfest) – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2020/07/youtube-intrece-televiziunea-romania-visualfest/

În intervalul 18-24, YouTube are audiență mai mare decât canalele TV, iar în 25-34 este pe locul 4.

Samsung: Expect 6G in 2028, enabling mobile holograms and digital twins | VentureBeat https://venturebeat.com/2020/07/14/samsung-expect-6g-in-2028-enabling-mobile-holograms-and-digital-twins/

On the “what” side, Samsung expects 6G to offer 50 times higher peak data rates than 5G, or 1,000Gbps, with a “user experienced data rate” of 1Gbps, plus support for 10 times more connected devices in a square kilometer.

Granturi AMC https://www.unicredit.ro/ro/imm/diverse/GranturiAMC.html

Ce trebuie sa stii e ca nu esti singur pe drumul acesta. Daca stii ce trebuie sa schimbi si esti hotarat sa faci acest lucru, noi suntem hotarati sa te ajutam. De aceea, UniCredit Bank si Asociatia Brand Minds ofera 7 granturi in valoare totala de 30.000 € pentru digitalizarea afacerilor.

Balance in Effective SEO – Interview with Steven Kang https://www.seolium.com/balanced-seo-interview-with-steven-kang/

Steven Kang has been in the digital marketing space since 1998. What started out as a fun side project involving web design while running his offline business turned into a full-time career. Steven has worked with thousands of businesses including projects for Fortune 500 companies and large marketing agencies.

Explozia TikTok în România: înscrie-te gratuit la evenimentul unde vei afla totul despre noua platformă-vedetă a lumii social media – UPGRADE 100 News https://www.upgrade100.com/updates/explozia-tiktok-in-romania-inscrie-te-gratuit-la-evenimentul-unde-vei-afla-totul-despre-noua-platforma-vedeta-a-lumii-social-media/

Astfel, pe scena UPGRADE 100 Focus vor mai urca:

Robert Tatoi – FollowArt

Mih lovin – SquadTikTok

Alin Stoica – Global Records artiștilor din domeniul muzical și ce proiecte cu branduri se pot derula astfel

Cristina Almășan – Creator de conținut

Maria Ganta – Social Insider


Why Wirecutter Wins: Opinionated Content – Animalz https://www.animalz.co/blog/opinionated-content/

Wirecutter carved out a $150-million niche in the crowded affiliate marketing industry by understanding one core tenet of content marketing: opinions are not optional.

How to Become an SEO Expert https://www.searchenginejournal.com/become-seo-expert/373474/

Want to become an SEO expert? Awesome! Here are 21 things you need to know to truly become an SEO expert today.

Why (almost) everything you knew about Google CTR is no longer valid – SISTRIX https://www.sistrix.com/blog/why-almost-everything-you-knew-about-google-ctr-is-no-longer-valid/

The Google CTR (Click-through rate, or clickrate) shows you how many people click on each position, in terms of percentage of all clicks.

Do We Have the Math to Truly Decode Google’s Algorithms? https://www.searchenginejournal.com/math-decode-google-algorithms/374391/#close

This article shows how SEO studies that claim how to decode Google and other search engine algorithms are based on poor data and bad science.

The Shoes of MozCon 2020 – SearchLab Digital https://searchlabdigital.com/blog/the-shoes-of-mozcon-2020/

So somehow, the “Shoes of MozCon” has become a tradition. I started off as a goofy thing to do on Twitter with my friend Bryant, and now it’s something everyone expects, and maybe even looks forward to (and this year, we even got shoe companies hitting us with ads on the hashtag).

The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack: Home https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/

The world’s biggest collection of classic text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles – preserving raster typography from pre-GUI times.

Copy:    66 Copywriting Tips that Will Boost Your Conversion Rates by 327% https://cognitiveseo.com/blog/15998/copy-66-copywriting-tips-that-will-boost-your-conversion-rates-by-327/


There is no secret for anyone that content marketing is a must. And the truth is that copywriting isn’t just about writing blog posts anymore; it’s about telling good stories well. How do you get to create those stories that will increase your conversion rates hundreds of times?

4 Design Patterns That Violate “Back” Button Expectations – 59% of Sites Get It Wrong – Articles – Baymard Institute https://baymard.com/blog/back-button-expectations

“How do I get back? Just press ‘Back’. Navigation, this isn’t great to be honest. And now it’s brought me back to the women’s. OK. Don’t like this.”

DWF este finalistă la Global Search Awards pentru cea mai inovatoare campanie SEO! – DWF https://dwf.ro/blog/dwf-a-fost-nominalizata-la-global-search-awards-dupa-3-nominalizari-la-european-search-awards/

Campania este dată de colaborarea cu Whatfontis, cel mai rapid și flexibil instrument de identificare a fonturilor din orice imagine. Am reușit să ajutăm un client român să-și atingă visul la nivel global. Am reușit, de asemenea, să depășim concurenții care au în spate branduri puternice, într-o nișă foarte competitivă.

Suntem în top 8 cele mai bune agenții de SEO din lume. Ce principii de business și strategii ne-au pus pe lista scurtă la Global Search Awards – Upswing Seo Agency https://upswing.ro/upswing-in-top-8-agentii-de-seo-din-lume/

Incertitudinea a fost singura constantă globală pentru businessuri în ultimele luni. Volatilitatea mediului de afaceri s-a făcut simțită la toate nivelurile, de la mic, la mare. Managementul crizei a devenit, brusc, o prioritate pentru orice leader.

Google Shopping: 5 motive pentru care aceste tipuri de campanii nu ar trebui să lipsească din strategia ta – Canopy https://www.canopy.ro/2020/07/24/google-shopping/

În septembrie 2019, Google lansa pe piața din România un nou produs de promovare – Shopping Ads. Campaniile de Google Shopping se adresează exclusiv magazinelor online, oferindu-le multiple avantaje în comparație cu anunțurile clasice de tip search ads.

The 80 Best Single-Operator Newsletters on the Internet – InsideHook https://www.insidehook.com/feature/internet/best-single-operator-email-newsletters-internet

The greatest benefit of email to publishers may well be what made it great in the first place: direct contact. Inbox placement doesn’t rely on upvotes or shares or some inscrutable third-party algorithm; all that matters is how recently a message arrived and whether the recipient trusts the sender.

Marketing Examples on Twitter: “17 tips for great copywriting:” / Twitter https://twitter.com/goodmarketinghq/status/1258052549246140416

cdixon | The next big thing will start out looking like a toy https://cdixon.org/2010/01/03/the-next-big-thing-will-start-out-looking-like-a-toy

The reason big new things sneak by incumbents is that the next big thing always starts out being dismissed as a “toy.”

Marketing Examples on Twitter: “Levi’s COVID-19 email is a lesson in copywriting: https://t.co/CncgSX7zU1” / Twitter https://twitter.com/GoodMarketingHQ/status/1242081881664954369

Mark Zuckerberg answer what Facebook is – Oct. 26, 2005 – Stanford – YouTube


What is good retention – Issue 29 – Lenny’s Newsletter https://www.lennyrachitsky.com/p/what-is-good-retention-issue-29

Although retention is widely considered to be the most important metric to get right when building (and investing in) a business, it’s also one of the least understood. Why?

The Digital PR Summit (Online) – Digitaloft https://digitaloft.co.uk/the-digital-pr-summit/

A FREE half-day virtual event that brings together some of the brightest minds in digital PR to share tips, tricks and insights to help you to launch successful campaigns.

LinkedIn Outreach Guide for Beginners – 7 Essential Rules to Keep in Mind https://blog.expandi.io/linkedin-outreach-guide-for-beginners/

Here are all the essential rules you need to keep in mind when doing outreach in order to skyrocket your social selling.

DIY Video Hosting – tyler.io https://tyler.io/diy-video-hosting/

I needed a reliable way to host a bunch of screencasts and video tutorials I was producing for my software.

Bringing Content Out of Tabs: SEO Split Testing Lessons from SearchPilot https://www.searchpilot.com/resources/case-studies/seo-split-test-lessons-bringing-content-out-of-tabs/

The constant dialogue between webmasters and representatives at Google has always been littered with SEOs sharing case studies with examples of when what they’ve seen out in the wild hasn’t lined up with what the powers-that-be at Google claimed should happen with its algorithm.

GitHub – umputun/remark42: comment engine https://github.com/umputun/remark42

Remark42 is a self-hosted, lightweight, and simple (yet functional) comment engine, which doesn’t spy on users. It can be embedded into blogs, articles or any other place where readers add comments.

Digital 2020: July Global Statshot — DataReportal – Global Digital Insights https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2020-july-global-statshot

All of this increased activity has resulted in some important milestones and trends in our new Digital 2020 July Global Statshot report, produced in partnership with We Are Social and Hootsuite.

IPv4, IPv6, and a sudden change in attitude – apenwarr https://apenwarr.ca/log/20200708

IPv4, IPv6, and a sudden change in attitude

The OWOX BI guide for digital marketers: data collection, dashboards, and templates https://www.owox.com/blog/articles/digital-marketers-data-collection-dashboards-templates/

How can marketers prove that their actions help the business achieve its goals? With marketing reports, of course! In our guide, we’ve collected everything you need to know about marketing reporting — from data collection to report templates, dashboards, and the services you need for building them.

To Get More Replies, Say Less | Greg Kogan https://www.gkogan.co/blog/increase-reply-rates/

This is a story of how a software company was able to start a conversation with 8x more of their users by cutting the length of their emails by 90%.

16 Ways to Reduce Direct Traffic in Google Analytics – Analytics Mania https://www.analyticsmania.com/post/how-to-reduce-direct-traffic-in-google-analytics/

There are many reasons that affect this type of traffic and I wanted to address the ways how to reduce direct traffic in Google Analytics. Also, in the second half of this blog post, I will mention things that you have no control of and you will just have to accept them.

Social Media Definitions: The Ultimate Glossary of Terms You Should Know https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/social-media-terms

For many people, posting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, and sending out an invite for a Facebook event on Facebook has become common practice.

Facebook Announces Plan To Break Up U.S. Government Before It Becomes Too Powerful https://www.theonion.com/facebook-announces-plan-to-break-up-u-s-government-bef-1844121902

MENLO PARK, CA—In an effort to curtail the organization’s outsized influence, Facebook announced Monday that it would be implementing new steps to ensure the breakup of the U.S. government before it becomes too powerful

How to Improve Your Website’s E-A-T https://www.searchenginejournal.com/how-to-improve-your-websites-e-a-t/374212/

Find out what role E-A-T plays (and does not play) in Google’s algorithms, plus tactics to promote trust in your own website.

Take SEO by Storm with Marshall Simmonds and DefineMG https://www.similarweb.com/corp/webinars/take-seo-by-storm/

Join us on Wednesday, July 29th at 4:00 pm GMT+1, 11:00 am EST for our live webinar, Take SEO by Storm with Marshall Simmonds and DefineMG, where SimilarWeb Strategic Consultant, Tomas Seliokas, and SimilarWeb’s Head of SEO, Roy Hinkis will host a panel discussion with Marshall Simmonds, Founder of DefineMG, Adam Sherk and Shahad Abbas, VPs at DefineMG.

Register here for Playing Outside the Boring B2B Virtual Events Box https://nurturenow.pathfactory.com/playing-outside

Join us at 1PM ET/10AM PT on Thursday, August 6th for a live discussion about what makes or breaks virtual events in 2020 from a trio of talented marketers who have included everything from DJs to yoga to puppet making in the agendas of their B2B virtual events this year.

Webstock – Participare https://www.webstock.ro/participare/#up

Cel mai mare eveniment de social media si comunicare online din Romania

8-9 octombrie 2020 // JW Marriott Hotel // Bucuresti

SEO Master Class: Advanced Title Tag Optimization (For Any Site) – Moz https://moz.com/webinars/registration-title-tags

In this session, you’ll learn how to:

Utilize a counterintuitive approach learned from testing thousands of title tags

Improve traffic by 5–20% for almost any site

Avoid the #1 pitfall when optimizing your titles


Amazon SEO Isn’t Google SEO: 6 Differences That Matter | CXL https://cxl.com/blog/amazon-seo/

If you’re porting over your SEO “best practices” from on-site product pages to Amazon product pages, you’ll struggle. This post covers the key differences to help you thrive on both platforms.

Webstock Awards ofera recunoastere celor mai creative si inedite proiecte si campanii din online (inclusiv social media si mobile), realizate in Romania, in ultimul an.

Ca si la editiile anterioare, premiile Webstock 2020 se vor desfasura pe parcursul a doua etape: propunerile spre nominalizare si jurizarea (ce include preselectia nominalizatilor si jurizarea finala). Se califica acele proiecte care au fost realizate in intervalul 2019 (august) – 2020 (august), se adreseaza publicului roman, sunt dezvoltate de echipe locale si exceleaza in design, functionalitate si continut.

Webstock – Awards 2020 https://www.webstock.ro/awards/#up

Webstock 2020 | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/646874626037507

Webstock | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/webstock

Webstock – Awards 2020 https://www.webstock.ro/awards/#up

The Perfect Blog Post – Ian Lurie https://www.ianlurie.com/randomness/the-perfect-blog-post

Breathless, content-free intro.

Self-deprecating humor. Anecdote about favorite hobby aw-shucks-I’m-just-like-you.

The real point.

SEO Hacktool: Sitemap Generator https://blog.sucuri.net/2020/07/seo-hacktool-sitemap-generator.html

This hacktool was found on a compromised website that had a SEO spam problem. Its only purpose is to generate a malicious sitemap.xml file so that the spam can be indexed.

OpenAI’s new language generator GPT-3 is shockingly good—and completely mindless | MIT Technology Review https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/07/20/1005454/openai-machine-learning-language-generator-gpt-3-nlp/

The AI is the largest language model ever created and can generate amazing human-like text on demand but won’t bring us closer to true intelligence.

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Notă Olivian Breda: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, inclusiv cele de SEO, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri) - Blog de Olivian Breda.