Știrile SEO și PPC ale lunii august 2021

Mai jos, resursele SEO și PPC cele mai importante, pentru noi, din luna august 2021.

Cum sa ai o campanie isteata pentru Back to School – Gomag Live  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRVZ8w8T6mw


Payten achiziționează pachetul majoritar de acțiuni al ContentSpeed | PROFIT.ro https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/it-c/payten-achizitioneaza-pachetul-majoritar-de-actiuni-al-contentspeed-20336480


Payten, parte a ASEE Group (Asseco Group), lider în soluții de plată, își continuă extinderea și face o nouă investiție strategică în eCommerce printr-un parteneriat cu liderul local în servicii și soluții software dedicate comerțului electronic, ContentSpeed.


Propunerile tale la Webstock Awards 2021


Ca in fiecare an, Webstock Awards premiaza ideile, proiectele si campaniile extraordinare care s-au desfasurat in online in ultimul an. Pentru ca am urmarit mereu sa tinem pasul cu tot e nou in social media, competitia de anul acesta cuprinde 25 de categorii – cele mai multe de pana acum. Stii proiecte care te-au impresionat in ultima vreme si care crezi ca merita cunoscute si apreciate de toata lumea? Trimite-ne pana pe 3 septembrie propunerile tale aici




Rezumat digital 2.0 (71) – 28.07.2021 ⋆ Kooperativa 2.0 https://kooperativa.ro/noutati/rezumat-digital-2-0-71-28-07-2021/


40 Social Media Advertising Statistics that Matter to Marketers in 2021 https://adespresso.com/blog/social-media-advertising-statistics/


Social media marketers know the value of relevant statistics. Data-driven insights can point a campaign or ad strategy in the right direction and set it up for success.


Six content ideas to supercharge your marketing in 2021 https://www.searchenginewatch.com/2021/07/28/six-content-ideas-to-supercharge-your-marketing-in-2021/


In the era of content overload, here’s how you can brew fresh ideas to bolster your marketing strategy and stand out


Facebook iOS 14 Update Aftermath: 4 Issues & What To Do About Them https://www.searchenginejournal.com/facebook-ios-14-aftermath/414423/?ver=414423X2


The Facebook iOS 14 update has transformed ad campaigns. See 4 key issues advertisers are experiencing and what can be done about each one.


Propunerile tale la Webstock Awards 2021


Ca in fiecare an, Webstock Awards premiaza ideile, proiectele si campaniile extraordinare care s-au desfasurat in online in ultimul an. Pentru ca am urmarit mereu sa tinem pasul cu tot e nou in social media, competitia de anul acesta cuprinde 25 de categorii – cele mai multe de pana acum. Stii proiecte care te-au impresionat in ultima vreme si care crezi ca merita cunoscute si apreciate de toata lumea? Trimite-ne pana pe 3 septembrie propunerile tale aici




Rezumat digital 2.0 (71) – 28.07.2021 ⋆ Kooperativa 2.0 https://kooperativa.ro/noutati/rezumat-digital-2-0-71-28-07-2021/


40 Social Media Advertising Statistics that Matter to Marketers in 2021 https://adespresso.com/blog/social-media-advertising-statistics/


Social media marketers know the value of relevant statistics. Data-driven insights can point a campaign or ad strategy in the right direction and set it up for success.


Six content ideas to supercharge your marketing in 2021 https://www.searchenginewatch.com/2021/07/28/six-content-ideas-to-supercharge-your-marketing-in-2021/


In the era of content overload, here’s how you can brew fresh ideas to bolster your marketing strategy and stand out


Facebook iOS 14 Update Aftermath: 4 Issues & What To Do About Them https://www.searchenginejournal.com/facebook-ios-14-aftermath/414423/?ver=414423X2


The Facebook iOS 14 update has transformed ad campaigns. See 4 key issues advertisers are experiencing and what can be done about each one.


How to Stay Under Your 15 GB of Free Storage From Google | WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-stay-under-free-15gb-storage-google-drive-gmail/


If you’re smart about how you use your space in the cloud, you don’t have to pay extra.


Rezumat digital 2.0 (72) – 04.08.2021 ⋆ Kooperativa 2.0 https://kooperativa.ro/noutati/rezumat-digital-2-0-72-04-08-2021/


Mădălina Buhuș: portret de Maverick | Blogul Mavericks https://mavericks.ro/blog/povesti-cu-suflet-despre-oamenii-din-mavericks-madalina-buhus/


O agenție are oameni specialiști în domeniul pe care activează, dar te-ai întrebat ce funcții de suport există în strategia acesteia?


How to Manage a Social Media Crisis: A Step-by-step Guide – Later Blog https://later.com/blog/social-media-crisis/


Is your brand prepared to manage a crisis on social media?


38 of the Best Free Stock Photo Websites for 2021 https://blog.hootsuite.com/20-free-stock-photo-sites-social-media-images/


Here’s a list of online resources and websites where you’ll find free stock photos for your social media posts, website, or other marketing channels.


7 GA4 Features That Will (Hopefully) Make You Hate It Less https://www.searchenginejournal.com/useful-google-analytics-4-features/413920/


You may not love Google Analytics 4 any time soon, but there are a few things to like. Learn about some promising GA4 features here.


Portret al românului tipic în 2021 https://pressone.ro/portret-al-romanului-tipic-in-2021


Când discuția la bere sau cafea devine mai serioasă și lumea începe să filosofeze despre românul tipic, să știi că există date oficiale care îți permit să știi cum este persoana medie din țara noastră.


Google Ads will soon block ad targeting based on age, gender or interests of people under 18 https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-will-soon-block-ad-targeting-based-on-age-gender-or-interests-of-people-under-18-351133


In the coming months, Google Ads will be expanding safeguards to prevent age-sensitive ad categories from being shown to teens.


Optimizare SEO: Sfantul Graal al Marketingului Online – Moloso https://moloso.ro/blog/optimizare-seo/


Singura disciplina din intregul mix de marketing online care este cel mai putin inteleasa si de care marea majoritate a antreprenorilor online fug la propriu.


Google Ads Implements New Cryptocurrency Policies https://wersm.com/google-ads-implements-new-cryptocurrency-policies/


Google Ads has implemented new cryptocurrency policies allowing a small group of registered financial entities to advertise their services.


50 Free Online Marketing Classes to Take This Year https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/free-online-marketing-classes


Are you a marketer looking to sharpen your expertise and increase your earning potential?


Cum să identifici canalul potrivit pentru afilierea pe conținut și cum începi? – 2Performant Blog https://ro.2performant.com/blog/cum-sa-identifici-canalul-potrivit-pentru-afilierea-pe-continut-si-cum-incepi/


În următoarele săptămâni te invităm să parcurgi alături de noi un maraton, doar că nu de alergat, ci de informații despre marketing-ul afiliat pe nișa de conținut. Articolele sunt susținute de Decathlon România, unul dintre advertiserii din 2Performant care colaborează și susține afiliații de conținut.


Online luxury brand awareness in Europe – Cross-Border E-commerce Magazine https://cross-border-magazine.com/online-luxury-brand-awareness-in-europe/


The traditional image of luxury retail is one of a high-end brick-and-mortar business often located in an exclusive historic or architecturally exquisite building in a vibrant city center. Luxury brands have long counted on brick-and-mortar to bring across their key message of exclusivity.


Start Online by BT Mic – Programul de accelerare E-Commerce | Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/start-online-by-bt-primul-program-de-accelerare-e-commerce-din-romania


Anul acesta, echipa GPeC a avut bucuria de a contribui la programul Start Online by BT Mic – primul program de accelerare E-Commerce din România care își propune să ajute antreprenorii cu afaceri mici din mediul fizic să își deschidă magazine online și, astfel, noi orizonturi către clienții din lumea digitală.


Startup-urile românești, venituri medii de 150.000 de euro. Impactul https://start-up.ro/startup-urile-romanesti-venituri-medii-de-150-000-de-euro-impactul-pandemiei/


Aproximativ 70% dintre startup-urile de tehnologie românești au fost afectate de COVID19, potrivit primului studiu „Impactul COVID19 asupra startup-urilor de tehnologie din România” inițiat de Romanian Tech Startups Association (ROTSA), în parteneriat cu peste 130 de actori ai ecosistemului național de startup-uri.


Email Marketing Statistics: Complete Guide For 2021 https://www.emailtooltester.com/en/blog/email-marketing-statistics/


I got my first email address when I was around 12 years old. I used to love AOL’s encouraging “you’ve got mail” greeting, though my inbox was fairly vacant back then.


NETOPIA Payments, SmartBill si Visa, parteneriat pentru IMM-uri: Butonul de plata, direct in factura – ECOMpedia https://ecompedia.ro/netopia-payments-smartbill-si-visa-parteneriat-pentru-imm-uri-butonul-de-plata-direct-factura/


NETOPIA Payments (cel mai utilizat procesator de plati electronice din Romania), software-ul de facturare SmartBill si Visa anunta, intr-un comunicat de presa, promovarea unei solutii pentru incasari mult mai rapide a facturilor, in randul companiilor mici si mijlocii (IMM-uri): Butonul de plata introdus direct in factura emisa.


Key trends in PPC, reporting and analytics in 2021 and beyond https://searchengineland.com/trends-in-ppc-reporting-and-analytics-in-2021-and-beyond-from-smx-report-346777


With COVID shifting consumer behavior in 2020, use these trends from speakers at SMX Report to find equilibrium in 2021.


4 Ways to Find Question Keywords (With Examples) https://www.robbierichards.com/seo/question-keywords/


Latest figures show that 14.1% of Google searches are question keywords.


Worldwide Digital Ad Spending 2021 – Insider Intelligence Trends, Forecasts & Statistics https://www.emarketer.com/content/worldwide-digital-ad-spending-2021


In 2020, worldwide ad spending had its most disappointing year on record in terms of growth, but the final figures outperformed dire mid-pandemic projections. Digital ad spending, meanwhile, held up surprisingly well.


Cele mai bune strategii de Link Building pentru România | Digital Craft Agency https://digitalcraft.ro/cele-mai-bune-strategii-de-link-building-pentru-romania


Află topul celor mai bune strategii de link building pentru creșterea autorității, cum să faci optimizare SEO off page și cum obții backlinkuri de calitate.


Prima oportunitate globală pentru afiliații de top 2Performant: AliExpress.com – 2Performant Blog https://ro.2performant.com/blog/prima-oportunitate-globala-pentru-afiliatii-de-top-2performant-aliexpress-com/


AliExpress, unul dintre cele mai mari marketplace-uri din lume, este disponibil acum pentru colaborări prin intermediul platformei noastre.


Influencer Marketing Conference


Cum pot influencerii sa imbunatateasca strategia de comunicare


Pe 22 septembrie, peste 1500 de specialisti in marketing si comunicare se vor alatura transmisiunii online a conferintei.


Inscrierile sunt GRATUITE. Rezerva-ti din timp locul!




HTTP/3 From A To Z: Core Concepts (Part 1) — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2021/08/http3-core-concepts-part1/


QUIC’s new approach gives way to a number of performance improvements, but their potential gains are more nuanced than typically communicated in articles on QUIC and HTTP/3.


People Are Now Spending More Money at Amazon Than at Walmart – The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/17/technology/amazon-walmart.html


Proof that the online future has arrived: The biggest e-commerce company outside China has unseated the biggest brick-and-mortar seller.


Gun.ro – Ebook | Descarcă Gratuit Ebook-ul “Mixul esențial al canalelor de promovare online” https://gun.ro/ebook/


Cum te va ajuta concret?

Descoperi beneficiile celor 3 elemente cheie pe care noi le folosim activ în agenție: Social Media, Google Ads și SEO.

Vei afla ce presupun mai exact, cum să-ți setezi obiective reale, ce buget să aloci sau ce indici de perfomanță să urmărești.


40 SEOs Under 40 – Nominations | iPullRank https://ipullrank.com/seo-under-40-noms


In honor of Mike King’s 40th birthday, iPullRank wants to shine the spotlight on the SEOs that are innovating, breaking new ground, and finding new ways to succeed at SEO.


We’re asking YOU to share who inspires you? Who (under the age of 40) deserves to have their voice lifted up?


Google recommends adding a link to the author page in Article structured data https://www.coywolf.news/seo/google-recommends-adding-a-link-to-the-author-page-in-article-structured-data/


Google updated its Schema-based structured data recommendations to include linking to an author’s bio page to help it disambiguate the correct author for an article.


Mavericks Benchmark | Blogul Mavericks https://mavericks.ro/blog/mavericks-benchmark/


Nu trebuie privit ca pe o așteptare la nivel de rezultate ci mai degrabă ca pe o perspectivă asupra viitorului.


TikTok overtakes Facebook as world’s most downloaded app – Nikkei Asia https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Technology/TikTok-overtakes-Facebook-as-world-s-most-downloaded-app


TOKYO—A global survey of downloads in 2020 shows TikTok, a video-sharing app developed in China, on top of the list of social media providers for the first time since the study was first conducted in 2018.


How to plan SEO content that actually ranks https://searchengineland.com/how-to-plan-seo-content-that-actually-ranks-351054


Learn how to identify metrics for content goals, perform keyword research that drives SEO value and build your content calendar.


Marketing Productivity: What It Is & How to Measure It https://www.searchenginejournal.com/marketing-productivity-guide/415124/


Real productivity means moving towards the goals you set. Learn about marketing productivity and actionable steps you can take to improve it.


Black Hat USA 2021 Review – L3o https://l3ouu4n9.github.io/post/learningnotes/2021-08-13-black-hat-usa-2021-english/


First of all, thank Orange Tsai for giving me the opportunity to participate in Black Hat USA 2021 in Las Vegas. This article would not exist without this ticket.


SEARCH INTENT KEYWORD CLASSIFIER [LAZARINA STOY] https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/d588991b-42b1-4a8d-a349-b9e6dd213672/page/LuBV


There is a recognized need, with no clear solution.  The behavior is purely information-seeking. The searcher is asking general questions with the intention of learning and understanding potential pathways to a solution better.


Google Title Tag Update: A Highlight for Extraction Methods & Approaches to SEO – Brodie Clark Consulting https://brodieclark.com/google-title-tag-update/


Google’s influence over web page snippets has been around since the dawn of time. But a recent change to title tag representation within Search has caught the attention of SEO professionals.


Don’t Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice | Kalzumeus Software https://www.kalzumeus.com/2011/10/28/dont-call-yourself-a-programmer/


If there was one course I could add to every engineering education, it wouldn’t involve compilers or gates or time complexity.


Giving kids and teens a safer experience online https://blog.google/technology/families/giving-kids-and-teens-safer-experience-online/


We’re committed to building products that are secure by default, private by design, and that put people in control.


Cursuri de E-Commerce si Marketing Online organizate de GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/cursuri/


Pe tot parcursul anului organizăm cursuri de E-Commerce și Digital Marketing atât In-House pentru companii, cât și în sesiuni publice – cum ar fi cursurile de la DallesGo sau GPeC Trainings. Vezi ce ți-am pregătit anul acesta și înscrie-te la cursul potrivit pentru tine.


Curs Intensiv de Strategie de Digital Marketing

Curs Intensiv de Facebook Ads

Curs Instagram Ads – Cum să te promovezi eficient pe Instagram

Curs Intensiv de Google Ads: Search, Shopping, Display & Youtube

Webinar E-Commerce, Usability & Optimizarea Ratei de Conversie

GPeC Trainings

Curs de inițiere în E-Commerce

Cursuri In-House


Why Facebook Shelved an Earlier Report on Popular Posts – The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/20/technology/facebook-popular-posts.html


The company praised itself this week for being “the most transparent platform on the internet.”


SEO and Google Discover – Moz https://moz.com/blog/google-discover-seo


In today’s episode of Whiteboard Friday, Moz’s own SEO expert, Tom Capper, talks about the untapped organic traffic opportunity that is Google Discover.


The World’s Largest Computer Chip | The New Yorker https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-worlds-largest-computer-chip


In the race to accelerate A.I., the Silicon Valley company Cerebras has landed on an unusual strategy: go big.


Site-ul ori siteul, site-uri ori siteuri? / Dans printre cuvinte – Ziarul Metropolis | Ziarul Metropolis https://www.ziarulmetropolis.ro/site-ul-ori-siteul-site-uri-ori-siteuri/


O harababură de toată frumuseţea apare în scris când punem la plural sau articulăm cuvinte preluate din limba engleză. Care este regula?


You know that moment when you don’t fully understand something? – The Oatmeal https://theoatmeal.com/comics/bullshitspiration


It’s Not You — Startup PR is Getting Harder. Here’s Why. | by Kerry Bennett | Aug, 2021 | Medium https://medium.com/@KerryKB/its-not-you-startup-pr-is-getting-harder-here-s-why-59d8d8bad68d


Turns out, three big trends are contributing to a current environment that makes it harder for early stage companies to break through. Knowing why can give you more tools to succeed (not to mention hopefully a little more empathy and insight for reporters!)


Is Google Showing Different Organic Titles in August 2021? | Amsive Digital https://www.amsivedigital.com/insights/news/is-google-showing-different-organic-titles-in-august-2021/


While Google updating titles is not new (as I will cover in the next section), the frequency and impact of the changes to organic titles appeared to be significant.


Instagram To Replace Swipe Up Gestures For Links With Stickers | Ubergizmo https://www.ubergizmo.com/2021/08/instagram-swipe-up-link-stickers/


According to the message he received, “Starting August 30, swipe up links will go away. To add a link to your story, use the new link sticker.” Note that this won’t be in addition to the swipe up gesture, but it will be replacing the swipe up gesture completely.


Upswing Power Sessions – Ediția #9 – Tudor Popescu despre Contero, cel mai nou produs Upswing – Upswing SEO Agency https://upswing.ro/upswing-power-sessions-editia-9-tudor-popescu-despre-contero-cel-mai-nou-produs-upswing/


În cadrul UPS #9, Tudor Popescu, Head of Innovation @Upswing, a prezentat Contero – cel mai nou tool creat de Upswing.


Upswing Power Sessions – Ediția #9 – Invitat special: Dragos Smeu – Upswing SEO Agency https://upswing.ro/upswing-power-sessions-editia-9-invitat-special-dragos-smeu/


Luna trecută ne-am revăzut în cerc restrâns la Biblioteca Matera din cadrul Nod Makerspace unde, alături de 3 speakeri, am reluat seria evenimentelor Upswing Power Sessions și am împărtășit din experiența noastră, din planurile noastre și cel mai nou tool pe care l-am creat și ne-am bucurat și de prezența invitatului nostru special, Dragoș Smeu, General Manager at Mavericks. The Agency.


Upswing Power Sessions – Ediția #9 – Andrei Ionescu despre Google updates și Core Web Vitals – Upswing SEO Agency https://upswing.ro/upswing-power-sessions-editia-9-andrei-ionescu-despre-google-updates-si-core-web-vitals/


Andrei Ionescu, Upswing SEO Specialist, ne-a vorbit despre cele mai recente update-uri Google și impactul lor, atât din punct de vedere SEO, cât și din punct de vedere al business-ului. Google Core Updates și Google Core Web Vitals au fost protagoniștii, însă explicarea metricilor și a importanței lor ne-a ajutat să înțelegem mai bine impactul pe care îl pot avea o serie de taskuri.


SEO Testing: A Simple (But Complete) Guide https://ahrefs.com/blog/seo-testing/


If you’re unsure whether making a change to your website will positively or negatively affect SEO, running an SEO test might be the solution.


Cum să creezi conținut care convertește? – 2Performant Blog https://ro.2performant.com/blog/cum-sa-creezi-continut-care-converteste/


După ce ai trecut de linia de start, ești pregătit să alergi în cursa marketing-ului afiliat. Ai alergat deja puțin și ai învățat ce canale de promovare sunt cele mai potrivite pentru promovarea prin conținut. La final, ai mai făcut câțiva pași și ai reținut ce trebuie să faci ca să poți începe bine cursa, cum să-ți faci încălzirea și să începi cu adevărat să faci marketing afiliat.


Here’s another free CA as an alternative to Let’s Encrypt! https://scotthelme.co.uk/heres-another-free-ca-as-an-alternative-to-lets-encrypt/


I’m a huge fan of Let’s Encrypt and what they’re doing, but if we want to encrypt the entire Web, we can’t rely and depend on a single organisation to help us do that. That’s why I’m happy to announce another free CA to help us get there!


YouTube Overhauls Search Results https://www.searchenginejournal.com/youtube-overhauls-search-results/416682/


YouTube is overhauling its search results with changes to the visual presentation of SERPs as well as the types of content returned.


Magento SEO: The Guide to Optimizing Magento Websites – Moz https://moz.com/blog/guide-to-magento-seo


When it comes to e-commerce platforms, there are few that are more robust than Magento. Due to its power and customizability, Magento is still the go-to e-commerce platform for retailers. This is especially true for enterprise stores. Magento is utilized by many enterprise sites such as American Express, Ford, Puma, Xerox, and more.


Cum afectează iOS14 campaniile Google Ads? • Blog Digital https://blogdigital.ro/cum-afecteaza-ios14-campaniile-google-ads/


La acest moment doar un număr de 17% din utilizatori au permis dispozitivelor să le urmărească activitatea de navigare.


The most underused browser feature | Frank’s blog https://frankgroeneveld.nl/2021/08/24/most-underused-browser-feature/


I’m talking about the “reader mode”. When available for a website, it is displayed as an icon at the end of the url bar in Firefox. The same is true for Chrome, but you first need to enable it at chrome://flags/#enable-reader-mode. Safari on iOS includes it in the menu at the left of the url bar.


An update to how we generate web page titles https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2021/08/update-to-generating-page-titles


One of the primary ways people determine which search results might be relevant to their query is by reviewing the titles of listed web pages. That’s why Google Search works hard to provide the best titles for documents in our results to connect searchers with the content that creators, publishers, businesses, and others have produced.


How to Crawl JavaScript Websites | Sitebulb.com https://sitebulb.com/resources/guides/how-to-crawl-javascript-websites/


Crawling websites is not quite as straightforward as it was a few years ago, and this is mainly due to the rise in usage of JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular and React.


Three PPC targeting tactics that power every stage of the funnel https://searchengineland.com/three-steps-to-targeting-tactics-to-power-every-stage-of-the-funnel-351284


Her three-step strategy includes ways to better understand your audience, how to determine their varying paths to purchase, and tips to ensure that you’re targeting them at every stage along that path.


Joburi în Digital (86) – Sabina Cornovac Online https://www.sabinacornovac.ro/joburi-in-digital-86/


Pentru că articolele din această categorie de „Joburi in Social Media” au fost bine primite, iată că revin cu ediția 86. Wow, vă dați seama că postez aceste joburi de aproape 8 ani? Vă doresc să vă ajute și să vă găsiți locul de muncă potrivit.


The 6 Kinds of Digital Marketing Collateral You Should Be Creating https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/effective-marketing-collateral-list


Here, we’ll get a more in-depth understanding of the concept and go over the most important marketing collateral formats you can use to help establish legitimacy and supplement your sales efforts.


De ce am lansat inițiativa #RomaniaDeschisă și cum te poți implica – Cristian China-Birta https://cristianchinabirta.ro/2021/08/27/de-ce-am-lansat-initiativa-romaniadeschisa-si-cum-te-poti-implica/


Deocamdată cam atât despre acest subiect. Pentru că oricum în perioada următoare o să vorbesc muuuuuuuuult despre această inițiativă. În care cred foarte tare. Și în care mă regăsesc. Și pe care chiar vreau să o construiesc așa cum se cuvine. Și cum – cred cu tărie – merităm să avem.


Advertisers can adjust conversion values in Smart Bidding in the coming weeks https://searchengineland.com/advertisers-can-adjust-conversion-values-in-smart-bidding-in-the-coming-weeks-351361


This allows businesses to get their intuitive/institutional knowledge into the machine learning to optimize more accurately.


Content, Curated. – Issue #27 – Search Valley https://searchvalley.co.uk/content-curated-27/


Welcome to August’s issue of Content, Curated., looking back on awesome and notable content and digital PR campaigns from the last month or so.


Strategia de Smart Link Building Pentru ROI & Vanzari https://moloso.ro/blog/smart-link-building/


Daca nu ai idee cum sa faci un Link Building care sa iti aduca si rezultate, citeste acest articol si lasa-te ghidat de cativa pasi esentiali pentru reusita afacerii tale.


The Rise of Privacy-First Search Engines | Brainlabs https://www.brainlabsdigital.com/blog/the-rise-of-privacy-first-search-engines-a-marketers-guide-to-neeva-brave-and-duckduckgo/


Consumer privacy is a major concern across every component of today’s marketing ecosystem.


Reels, clona de TikTok de pe Instagram, vine și pe Facebook. Este deja în teste https://www.go4it.ro/content/social-media/reels-clona-de-tiktok-de-pe-instagram-vine-si-pe-facebook-este-deja-in-teste-19178048/


Între timp, Facebook tot caută noi metode prin care să popularizeze Reels, iar un nou test din SUA sugerează că aceste clipuri vor ajunge în curând și pe Facebook.


7 Cross-Channel Marketing Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2021/08/24/cross-channel-marketing-mistakes


The phrase “cross-channel advertising” can sound intimidating to some folks, but the concept is actually quite simple. W


15 Ways to Lower Your Cost Per Click in Google & Facebook Ads | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2021/08/17/lower-cost-per-click


Although Search ads have been around the longest in the world of digital advertising, people still feel they struggle to perfect their low CPC recipe.


Steal These 3 Advertising Secrets–For Motivation Hacks https://www.nirandfar.com/motivation-hacks/


You can create some powerful motivation hacks by learning techniques from the persuasion business.


How TikTok’s Algorithm Figures You Out | WSJ – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfczi2cI6Cs


Time dilation | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2021/08/time-dilation/


You can read this post in six minutes. It took me more than an hour to write.


People Are Now Spending More Money at Amazon Than at Walmart – The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/17/technology/amazon-walmart.html


Proof that the online future has arrived: The biggest e-commerce company outside China has unseated the biggest brick-and-mortar seller.


Coronavirus Logos on Behance https://www.behance.net/gallery/93755381/Coronavirus-Logos


Google’s Title Rewrite Dropped Our CTR by Up to 37%! | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2021/08/26/google-page-title-update


We’ve known for a while now that Google will sometimes change a page’s title in the SERP based on the query. But on Monday, August 16, many SEOs began noticing their titles being completely rewritten, in a detrimental way.


Nielsen studies show ‘light’ listeners make up nearly half of podcast audience https://digiday.com/media/cheat-sheet-nielsen-studies-show-light-listeners-make-up-nearly-half-of-podcast-audience/


“Light” podcast listeners — or those that listen to a podcast one to three times a month — now make up nearly half of podcast listeners, up 10% in May 2021 compared to August 2018, according to a Nielsen webinar on June 15 that highlighted podcast trends from the measurement provider’s Podcast Buying Power survey and Podcast Ad Effectiveness studies.


Care este valoarea optimă a CTR-ului (Click Through Rate)? • Blog Digital https://blogdigital.ro/care-este-valoarea-optima-a-ctr-ului-click-through-rate/


Care este valoarea optimă a CTR-ului (Click Through Rate)? Care este valoarea optimă a CTR-ului?


Brave, un nou rival pentru Google | PROFIT.ro https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/it-c/brave-un-nou-rival-pentru-google-20257301


Brave, dezvoltatorul browser-ului web cu același nume, a lansat un motor de căutare ce pune accent pe protejarea intimității utilizatorilor.


Netflix Top 10: The streaming service’s clickbait problem threatens to ruin it. https://slate.com/culture/2021/08/netflix-top-10-movies-shows-clickbait.html


The same tricks that nearly destroyed online journalism now threaten to take over the streaming service.


(Probably) The Best Screaming Frog Settings for (Most) Audits https://technicalseo.consulting/the-best-screaming-frog-settings-for-site-audits/


Screaming Frog, my favourite, most used SEO Tool and I imagine the most used SEO tool in the industry. What would we do with it! (Remember using Xenu?)


Twitter now rolling out Ticketed Spaces for iPhone users – 9to5Mac https://9to5mac.com/2021/08/27/twitter-now-rolling-out-ticketed-spaces-for-iphone-users/


Twitter announced earlier this year some new ways for creators to monetize their content on the social network, which includes paid Spaces — or “Ticketed Spaces.” After letting users apply for these new features, Ticketed Spaces are now being rolled out to some iPhone users.


Brilliant 11 Books Recommended by eCommerce Professionals https://blog.2checkout.com/books-recommended-by-ecommerce-experts/


We’ve all noticed the rapid ascension of the eCommerce industry in these past couple of years, so it’s not surprising that if you weren’t interested in starting up an eCommerce business before, the idea may have been sparked by now.


România conduce topul European Search Awards prin agenția Vertify: 12 campanii SEO finaliste și 5 câștigătoare https://www.iqads.ro/articol/56045/romania-conduce-topul-european-search-awards-prin-agentia-vertify-12-campanii


Ediția de anul acesta a adus 12 proiecte finaliste și cinci premii agenției Vertify, care a devenit cea mai premiată agenție la nivel european în 2021 pentru campanii SEO.


Checks if the title of the result in the SERP matches the title of the URL · GitHub https://gist.github.com/fedegomez/7b4601e2cc9491e004189e9a23dd35b1#file-checktitles-js


Checks if the title of the result in the SERP matches the title of the URL


BowTiedWookie on Twitter: “I’ve run this script on 10 sites for the same 500 keywords. Quick #seo 🧵on what I’ve learned 👇” / Twitter https://twitter.com/BowTiedWookie/status/1430966739228106756


Notiuni generale despre balanta – cont de profit si pierderi 📊 – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNzNYULbYzA


Azi, de la ora 14:00, facem o noua sesiune live pe canalul de YouTube Gomag. Alaturi de noi e Mihaela Udrea, de la Contabilitate Creativa.


Google’s New AI Photo Upscaling Tech is Jaw-Dropping | PetaPixel https://petapixel.com/2021/08/30/googles-new-ai-photo-upscaling-tech-is-jaw-dropping/


Photo enhancing in movies and TV shows is often ridiculed for being unbelievable, but research in real photo enhancing is actually creeping more and more into the realm of science fiction. Just take a look at Google’s latest AI photo upscaling tech.


Ghid complet de Black Friday: Cum sa castigi clienti pe viata https://www.gomag.ro/blog/ghid-black-friday/


Cauti un ghid complet de Black Friday pentru magazinul tau online?


The $300 Million Button — UX Articles by UIE




It’s hard to imagine a form that could be simpler: two fields, two buttons, and one link. Yet, it turns out this form was preventing customers from purchasing products from a major e-commerce site, to the tune of $300,000,000 a year.


58% of Hacker News, Reddit and tech-savvy audiences block Google Analytics | Plausible Analytics https://plausible.io/blog/google-analytics-adblockers-missing-data


Here’s a look at the overall traffic numbers and the difference between Plausible and Google Analytics. Google Analytics is not showing all traffic. It is missing data from 58.67% of all visitors and 58.38% of all page views. Google Analytics is underreporting the tech-savvy audiences by almost 60%.


PR Hunters – We Connect Journalists With Sources https://www.prhunters.com/


Amazon.com: Entity SEO: Moving from Strings to Things eBook : Jones, Dixon: Kindle Store https://www.amazon.com/Entity-SEO-Moving-Strings-Things-ebook/dp/B09BFZNJHS


Entity SEO is the new approach to Search Engine Optimization. It has proved very effective in helping modern search engines better understand, index and return your content.


The Digital PR Summit (Online) – Digitaloft https://digitaloft.co.uk/the-digital-pr-summit/


September 29th 2021, 10.00am BST


A FREE one-day virtual event that brings together some of the brightest minds in digital PR to share tips, tricks and insights to help you to launch successful campaigns.

Sparrow* - Fun with firefox
Sparrow* – Fun with firefox, https://flic.kr/p/ds8Ej
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