The First Romanian conference entirely dedicated to Design Thinking. Witness first-hand the business models of the future!
Official web site and registration: https://designthinkingforum.ro/
Jeanne Liedtka, the author of “Design for Growth” considered to be one of the world’s most influential contemporary business thinkers, Adam Radziszewski – Director of Innovation at Oracle US, Kai Frithjof Brand Jacobsen – Director of the Peace Operationsat Patrir, Lars Lin Villebaek – Chief Delivery Officer at OpenExO and Educatefor.Life founder and Luca Martini – Head of Advisory, South East Europe, PwC are the International speakers invited on September 19th, 2019 to present the most exciting perspectives on Design Thinking concept to the Romanian business community.
Local personalities with remarkable professional journeys will also join the elite speakers club: Nansi Lungu – Behavioral Analyst at BitDefender, Diana Stafie – Future Strategist & Partner at FutureStation and Magda Ropotan – Innovation Coach & Partner, Design Thinking Society and cofounder of the Design Thinking Forum.
More than 500 attendees in the last two editions give us the proof we are on the right track. We have evolved as community and we see now Design Thinking on the agenda of more and more Romanian organizations, solving real problems and building better futures for us, all.
When and where?
DAY 1 – Design Thinking Workshops: 18th September 2019 | Bucharest; Maastricht School of Management Romania; More »
DAY 2 – Design Thinking Conference: 19th September 2019 | Bucharest; Pentagon Events; More »
More details?
While September 19th is dedicated to the conference content, September 18th will focus on HR, social, empathy, Customer Experience or AI workshops, carefully tailored for those interested in the design thinking’s practical approach.
Catalina Banuleasa, expert in UX, will coordinate a working group on the empathy and artificial intelligence. The empathy theme will also be addressed by Randy Salzman, professor, journalist, co-author of the book “Design Thinking for the Greater Good”. Because, beyond the concept, Design Thinking is a process, Dragos Gavrilescu and Alina Balan, from Design Thinking Society, will guide their audience through a “learning by doing” experience. Ana Krasovschi, HR Director at Carrefour Romania will address, in her workshop, the topic of human relations.
People interested in the HR topic and the associated innovative processes will also be able to access Corina Ghiatau‘s workshop. CX is an intense subject for those who want to grow in business, so Tudor Juravlea – Design Thinking Society and Madalina Vilau – CEO of Marketing Insiders Group will focus on mapping customer experiences and resetting them from the Design Thinking perspective.
Divided in two sections – the workshop day on September, 18th and the conference day on September, 19th, the event is designed to answer articulate and up-to-date questions about Design Thinking, addressing both general topics and very specific ones, upon delegate’s request.
The speakers and workshops list will be constantly updated with new names and topics.
In the last decade, the Design Thinking process has become equivalent to innovation, performance and creativity.
In Romania, Design Thinking Forum has an elitist approach on the topic, bringing together, annually, top experts, hundreds of interested participants and visionary companies.
For the third year in a row, Carrefour joins the event as it’s the Platinum Partner.
Also see: Magda Ropotan on Design Thinking, beyond the hype – AdHugger.
Official web site and registration: https://designthinkingforum.ro/

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