- #BetterSEOToday – SEOSLY
- @aleyda • Want to win a general in-person ticket to @brightonseo in the UK next Sept? 1) Follow me here in… • Threads
- “And” fatigue | Seth’s Blog
- 1 unread message
- 10 Best Intranets of 2023: What Makes Them Great
- 10 platforme Ecommerce pentru magazinul tău online în 2023 + checklist util – SMARTERS
- 10 things we hate about Google Analytics 4
- 13 of the funniest reactions to GA4: The roast of Google Analytics 4
- 135 Facebook Caption Ideas + Free Caption Generator
- 15 elemente care influențează optimizarea ratei de conversie într-un magazin online – SMARTERS
- 15 Google Analytics 4 alternatives: Free and low-cost options
- 158 Instagram Reels Hashtags to Grow Fast [Hashtag Generator]
- 17 Essential UX Principles Every Developer Needs to Know
- 20 de ani de inovație. | NETOPIA Payments
- 2023 Intranet Design Annual Winners
- 23+ Content Marketing Skills You Need | Content Marketing Institute
- 25 ChatGPT Plugins For Marketing In Expanded Plugin Store
- 278 Social Media Holidays for Your 2023 Content Calendar [+Template]
- 2Performant înregistrează o creștere de 76% a numărului de vânzări intermediate în al doilea trimestru din 2023 – 2Performant Blog
- 2Performant înregistrează o creștere de 76% a numărului de vânzări intermediate în al doilea trimestru din 2023 – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- 2Performant, principalul jucător de pe piaţa de marketing afiliat, vânzări de 31,4 mil. euro în T2/2023, în creştere cu 45% faţă de anul trecut
- 4 CMS Platforms That Have AI Baked In
- 4 design principles I use every day to avoid bad UX and create products that work for everyone – Adam Silver – designer, London, UK
- 4 metode de a mentine atentia clientilor online, post-achizitie – ECOMpedia
- 4 Research Methods to Find Unique Angles For Content
- 43 Instagram Story Ideas for Engagement + Free Story Templates
- 5 formule creative pentru ca reclamele tale PPC sa fie mai bune
- 5 key design system elements to build trust and maximise uptake – Adam Silver – designer, London, UK
- 5 LinkedIn InMail Best Practices to Generate New Business Prospects [Infographic] | Social Media Today
- 5 tips for effective PPC bidding on a budget
- 5 tips for handling client and stakeholder requests for PPC projects
- 5 Ways to Craft Marketing Content That Screams „‘Oh SH*T, That’s GOOD!’ – YouTube
- 6 practical tips to safeguard your identity and money while traveling this summer
- 60 ChatGPT Plugins For Content Marketing Available In Burgeoning Plugin Store
- 62% dintre utilizatorii de internet din mediul urban au auzit de conceptul de Metaverse și sunt interesați să experimenteze experiențe virtuale – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- 7 pe săptămână #288 | Blogul Mavericks
- 7 pe săptămână #289 | Blogul Mavericks
- 8 in 10 Americans confess to gadget snooping
- A Closer Look at Threads: Connect with New Audiences on Meta’s Latest App – Amsive Digital
- A principled approach to evolving choice and control for web content
- Actionable feedback | Seth’s Blog
- AI Web Publisher Controls Mailing List Sign-Up – Google
- AI-Powered Tools for UX Research: Issues and Limitations
- Alessandro Paluzzi on Twitter: „#Instagram is working on bringing AI Agents (Bots 🤖) to your chats for a more fun and engaging experience 👀 ℹ️ AI Agents will be able to answer questions and give advice. You’ll be able to choose from 30 different personalities. https://t.co/4eWLBbvs8w” / Twitter
- Alex Kantrowitz on Twitter: „Public opinion: Zuck just pulled off the most successful consumer social launch in history. Market: Yawn. https://t.co/1OBJeuNtBD” / Twitter
- Aleyda Solis 🇺🇦 on Twitter: „Impactful SEO Recommendations Key Steps: 1. Gathering Data 2. Analyzing Issues / Opportunities 3. Establishing Hypothesis/Solutions 4. Prioritizing 5. Formatting 👀👇 https://t.co/f4YxV3DuKk” / Twitter
- An update on Canada’s Bill C-18 and our Search and News products
- ANALIZĂ Cele trei atitudini de învățare pe care adulții trebuie să le însușească, pentru o pregătire și o adaptare mai bune la viitorul tot mai volatil – Mircea Miclea – Edupedu.ro
- Analiza Swot a unei Firme – Definite, Model, Exemplu – ClickBrainiacs
- ANALIZĂ Topul celor mai puternici retaileri de produse IT&C și electrocasnice de pe piața locală
- Andy Chadwick on Twitter: „How we Increased organic traffic by 1,300% with the SEO „Hub & Spoke” content model 🧵 1/14: I once tweeted about a strategy I used to increase a site’s traffic by 1,300% in less than a year. Here’s the tweet. https://t.co/U2P6TQjjgP” / Twitter
- Anori — Make your new tab truly your
- AQUILA, lider în servicii integrate de distribuție și logistică, devine Membru Asociat al ARIR – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Aqurate Map 2023: Categoria Electronice domină eCommerce-ul analizat, cu 45 milioane vizite lunare, urmată de Fashion, cu 12,5 milioane; doar eMag aduce 31,3 milioane vizite lunare – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Are we cannibals? | Seth’s Blog
- Așteptările consumatorilor online: prezent și viitor – studiu European – Blog-ul GPeC
- Audiences Don’t Care If AI Created Your Content | Content Marketing Institute
- Australia says law making Facebook and Google pay for news has worked | Reuters
- Average ecommerce conversion rate benchmarks | Adobe
- Banking Trojan Operation Busted in Singapore, 13 People Arrested
- Barry Adams 📰 on Twitter: „“Now that we’ve already trained our LLMs on all your proprietary and copyrighted content, we will finally start thinking about giving you a way to opt out of any of your future content for being used to make us rich.”” / Twitter
- Barry Schwartz on Twitter: „Google dropped over 50% of the indexed URLs it has from Twitter since Friday, after Twitter blocked signed-out users from seeing tweets (I know, this is a site command and not that accurate…) https://t.co/gVY8m41wcg https://t.co/AoyfbBI0YU” / Twitter
- Best SEO Newsletters In 2023 To Master Google SEO (40+)
- Between-Subjects vs. Within-Subjects Study Design
- Bing Chat Improves Efficiency & Reduces Latency Issues
- Bing Chat To Add Feature To Not Search The Web
- binnno anunță cȃștigătorii competiției virtuale de pitching pentru startup-uri high-tech, cu premii de peste 20.000 EUR și burse de incubare ȋn Silicon Valley – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Bluesky temporarily halts sign-ups because so many people are joining from Twitter – The Verge
- Brand Reputation Management: 10 Strategies to Avoid Damage
- Buffer vs. Sprout Social: Compare the Two Tools
- Buffer vs. Tailwind: A Comprehensive Comparison
- Buget de marketing: cât ar trebui să investesc în promovarea afacerii? – SMARTERS
- Business League Update: Ultima săptămână din runda a 3-a s-a încheiat cu vânzări în valoare de 2.39 Milioane de Euro – 2Performant Blog
- California bill to make tech platforms pay for journalism delayed to 2024 – capradio.org
- Canadian Court Rules a Thumbs-Up Emoji Counts as a Contract Agreement – The New York Times
- Canale de marketing: Ce canal de promovare online să aleg pentru afacerea mea? – SMARTERS
- Canale Promovare Online pentru Afaceri – Ghid Complet – ClickBrainiacs
- Career Essentials in Generative AI by Microsoft and LinkedIn
- Ce este Growth Hacking Marketing? – SMARTERS
- Ce este un specialist SEO? Iata ce trebuie sa stiti
- Ce faci dacă ești o firmă neplătitoare de TVA dar vrei să te promovezi pe Facebook sau Google? – SMARTERS
- Cea mai bună strategie de marketing Business to Business (B2B) – SMARTERS
- Cele mai multe companii își răscumpără datele după ce suferă atacuri ransomware. Cum pot fi ele gestionate? – Mindcraft Stories
- ChatGPT Disables ‘Browse With Bing’ Amid Legal Challenges
- ChatGPT for B2B SEO: A 2-star review | Adriana Stein | Wix SEO Hub
- Comparing UA vs. GA4 metrics: Key differences you need to know
- Competențe de management de marketing și pregătirea pentru schimbare – Institutul de Marketing
- Consultanta in Marketing – Rolul si Beneficiile Aduse – ClickBrainiacs
- Content Marketing: Cum să-ți crești afacerea oferind valoare oamenilor – SMARTERS
- Conturile sparte de Instagram: de ce au hackerii succes? – Mindcraft Stories
- Core Web Vitals, Generative AI, and more! – Google Search News (July ‘23) – YouTube
- CrUX-from-Google-SERP.ipynb – Colaboratory
- Cum a aratat comertul online in UE, in 2022 (sondaj) – ECOMpedia
- Cum economisești timp când faci shopping online – The Idealist
- Cum obții mai multe recenzii și dovezi sociale pentru afacerea ta – SMARTERS
- Cum Reduci Cheltuielile cu Agentii de Vanzari, cu magazinul online
- Cum să crești viteza de încărcare a site-ului pentru SEO și experiența utilizatorilor – SMARTERS
- Cum să optimizezi link-urile interne și externe pentru SEO – SMARTERS
- Cum sa va transferati Google Authenticator pe un telefon nou
- Customer Service Metrics: 2023 Guide + Free Template
- Customer traction is the hard part | Seth’s Blog
- Dark Net Sounds Mysterious; Let’s See What’s Really Available for Sale
- Data breach hits Nickelodeon’s animation department; 500 GB of data allegedly shared online
- De ce retail media este esențială în era digitală – easySales Blog
- Demystifying Google Analytics 4 Event Tracking: A Comprehensive Tutorial
- Descopera Ce Este un Motor de Cautare: Ghid Complet
- Did Google mislead advertisers about TrueView skippable in-stream ads for the past three years?
- Digital Craft Agency a ajuns la peste 200 de proiecte implementate în cadrul programului StartUP Nation – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Digital Debrief – Goodbye, Universal Analytics
- Discernment in creativity | Seth’s Blog
- Does semantic HTML help Search identify and evaluate content? – YouTube
- DynamoDB vs MongoDB: Choose One and Say No to SQL – Kinsta®
- Earth Virtualization Engines are the future of climate research
- E-commerce statistics for individuals – Statistics Explained
- Economica.net – Viteza internetului din România a crescut cu peste 25% în 2022. Topul județelor cu cea mai mare viteză de download – Economica.net
- ElonJet, the banned Twitter bot that tracked Elon Musk’s jet, is now on Threads | Mashable
- Email Marketing: The Ultimate Guide (+ Expert Tips)
- Emergency Update Patches 10th Zero-Day Flaw this Year in iOS and macOS
- Este inca importanta cercetarea de cuvinte cheie in 2023?
- European companies slam the EU’s incoming AI regulations in open letter – The Verge
- Facebook Login for Business
- First Look – Using Threads for Marketing | Smart Insights
- Free AI Writing Tools
- Futurepedia – The Largest AI Tools Directory | Home
- GA4 Classic Mode
- GA4 Conversions: How to Set Up and Track Them
- Gen Z And Millennials More Likely To Fall For Fake News Than Older People, Test Finds
- Generative AI and Customer-Centricity: How Three Companies Use Generative AI to Connect with Their Customers [And How You Can, Too]
- Generative AI Integration SERPs And PPC Advertisers
- Ghid Esential: Cum Sa Scrieti un Advertorial Eficace
- Ghidul părinților: sfaturi pentru securitatea digitală a copiilor în vacanța de vară
- Giving Teens and Parents More Ways to Manage Their Time on Our Apps | Meta
- Gmail brings in Calendly-style availability sharing from Google Calendar | TechCrunch
- Google Addresses 46 Vulnerabilities with July’s Android Security Update
- Google Ads launches new tool to help marketers reach Gen Z
- Google Ads: Cum să atragi clienți începând de mâine (actualizat) – SMARTERS
- Google AI-powered Demand Gen campaigns multiply creativity and generate demand.
- Google Analytics 4 has replaced Universal Analytics – Analytics Help
- Google Analytics 4 în Microsoft Power BI
- Google Analytics 4 pe pagini AMP
- Google Analytics Violates GDPR, Says Swedish Watchdog
- Google Drops 50% Of Twitter URLs From Google Search After Blocking Unregistered Users
- Google introduces new AI virtual try-on feature
- Google Invites More Users To Try Search Generative Experience
- Google Lens can search for skin conditions – Geeky Gadgets
- Google Merchant Center Next: Walkthrough and Comparison | ZATO Marketing
- Google news and updates: Search Generative Experience
- Google pulls news in Canada, generative AI updates and more
- Google Reduces Search Options (And Organic Results) – SISTRIX
- Google Removes Canada News Links In Response To Bill C-18
- Google Rolling Out Dedicated Perspectives Feature
- Google Says It Doesn’t Matter If You Use Blog Folders For URLs
- Google Says No Ranking Factor Compensates For Missing Relevance
- Google Search Console: Înscrie site-ul în motoarele de căutare – SMARTERS
- Google Search Generative Experience Gets Quality Updates & Massive Speed Boost
- Google Search Generative Experience With Local Store Inventory
- Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update & Volatility Heated
- Google Search Ranking Volatility Heated Again
- Google Shopping now uses AI to model clothing on different body types – The Verge
- Google to explore alternatives to robots.txt in wake of generative AI and other emerging technologies
- Google To Work On Complementary Robots.txt Protocols
- Google Top Stories Testing Author Names
- Google Updates Privacy Policy To Collect Public Data For AI Training
- Google, Meta to block news in Canada – Front Burner | Podcast on Spotify
- Google: AI is most profound technology shift of our lifetimes
- Google’s trying to become a one-stop shopping destination – The Verge
- Google’s AI photo editor lets you use words to describe what to edit
- Google’s Helpful Content & Other AI Systems May Be Impacting Your Site’s Visibility
- Government introduces a bill to ensure fair compensation for news media and the sustainability of local news – Canada.ca
- Growth Strategy: How Content Marketing Propels B2B Brand Growth Today
- Guard Your SEO: Are News Syndication Partners Hijacking Your Traffic? | NewzDash
- ‘Help me write’ comes to Gmail for Android and iOS
- Helping Creators Find Success on Facebook | Meta for Creators
- How AI Perceptions Have Changed in the Last Decade [Comparing New & Old Consumer Data]
- How Can Small Local Service Businesses Use AI To Improve Their Digital Marketing?
- How can you assess the level of threats to your privacy and prevent compromise of your digital identity and data
- How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work? – Giraffe Social Media
- How Does The LinkedIn Algorithm Work in 2023?
- How Long Does It Take Google To Index A New Website? – SEOSLY
- How Long Should a Resume Be? Everything You Need to Know
- How new AI tools like ChatGPT can transform human productivity in the enterprise | VentureBeat
- How SEOs and Developers Can Work Better Together – Moz
- How This Startup Made 4-Figures Withinin 5 Months of Launching
- How Threads Became One of the Fastest Growing Apps Ever | Time
- How Threads’ privacy policy compares to Twitter’s (and its rivals’) | Ars Technica
- How to Build a Full-Funnel Marketing Strategy (w/ Example)
- How To Build A Future-Proofed SEO Strategy When AI Is Changing SEO
- How to Build an Ecommerce Content Calendar
- How To Change Facebook Profile To Digital Creator – YouTube
- How To Check If Google Crawled My Site (& Fix)
- How to Combat SERP Volatility – Moz
- How to Create a Unique, Relatable Brand as a Content Creator
- How To Create a WordPress Site With Kinsta API – Kinsta®
- How to Create an SEO Workflow for Content Success
- How To Create and Use Kinsta API Access Key – Kinsta®
- How to harness DSA wins in Performance Max
- How To Push Code to GitHub: Step-by-Step – Kinsta®
- How to Qualify Leads on LinkedIn : Social Media Examiner
- How to take your Google Docs from, „OMG, I’m going blind!” to a Zen like experience
- How to Transform Your Blog Posts into Infographics [Infographic] | Social Media Today
- How to use customer marketing personas to influence buyers
- How To Use Semrush For Keyword Research (Including Template)
- How to Win Potential Consumers with Customer Journey Mapping on Google – Moz
- I used AI to answer 5000 Google reviews. This is what happened to my Google business rankings. : SEO
- Iată un studiu despre competitivitatea magazinelor online din România pe 7 domenii diferite – nwradu blog
- Illinois High School Changes All Students’ Passwords to ‘Ch@ngeme!, then Tells All Parents
- Importanța VPN-urilor multi-hop pentru confidențialitate
- Inbound marketing: ce este și care sunt cele mai eficiente 8 tactici care să-ți aducă rezultate – SMARTERS
- Influencer Marketing Conference – Homepage
- Inside the race to build an ‘operating system’ for generative AI | VentureBeat
- Instagram is rolling out its Channels feature for broadcasting messages globally | TechCrunch
- Instagram Partnership Ads: 6 Ways to Use More Branded Content on Instagram : Social Media Examiner
- Instagram Ranking Explained | Instagram Blog
- Instagram Updates That Impact Marketers : Social Media Examiner
- Inteligența artificială, drepturile de autor și disputele juridice: Procesele deschid calea unei noi frontiere juridice – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Interaction To Next Paint (INP). How It Works & How To Improve INP.
- Introducing Professional Mode for Profiles | Meta for Creators
- Introducing Threads: A New Way to Share With Text | Meta
- Introducing Voicebox: The first generative AI model for speech to generalize across tasks with state-of-the-art performance
- Introduction to SEO: Concepts + Q&A – The Learning SEO Accelerator [1st Session] – YouTube
- Is it a skill? | Seth’s Blog
- Iulie 2023: Noutăți din Social Media despre care ar trebui să știi – Digital Star
- John Mueller: „@simoncox @nbwpuk It’s a fine …” – Mastodon
- Jumbo a lansat magazinul online și de acum nu trebuie să mai stați cu orele în labirintul lor – nwradu blog
- Kadoa | AI Web Scraper
- Lily Ray 😏 on Twitter: „Good morning to those of you waking up in the U.S. TL;DR: Twitter is no longer blocked for Google crawling/indexing. You can ignore most posts from July 4 😅 Never a dull moment in SEO 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️ h/t @glenngabe @rustybrick” / Twitter
- Lily Ray 😏 on Twitter: „My teammate @GennaCarbone spotted links to Stores in SGE https://t.co/E0dX4GV0Ib” / Twitter
- Lily Ray 😏 on Twitter: „This is bizarre, especially considering how much the stock market was affected by brands just saying “we’re gonna use ChatGPT now” I think Threads might be one of the most significant / interesting developments the tech world has seen in a long time?” / Twitter
- Lindsey Gamble on Twitter: „🚨NEW 🚨 @LinkedIn now separates post engagements and mentions in posts in notifications posts similar to Twitter. I can see LinkedIn adding a tab for creators who are ‘Top Voices’ like the ‘Verified’ tab for users subscribed to Twitter Blue. 🤔 https://t.co/nLawZgOCA7” / Twitter
- LinkedIn Adds New Video Ad Options, Expands Access to Conversation and Thought Leader Ads | Social Media Today
- LinkedIn Launches DMs for Company Pages | Social Media Today
- List of SEOs worth following on Threads
- Logo Design & Brand Identity for Entrepreneurs | Looka
- M-am angajat cu ajutorul ChatGPT și acum aștept ca inteligența artificială să mă lase fără job
- Mem: Your AI knowledge assistant
- Meta Confirms That Its Twitter-Like ‘Threads’ App Will Be Launched This Week | Social Media Today
- Meta Finally Acts to Demystify Facebook and Instagram Recommendation Algorithms
- Meta în 2022: Peste 450.000 de solicitări din partea autorităților guvernamentale privind datele utilizatorilor
- Meta is going to let you make video calls as your avatar – The Verge
- Meta received over 450,000 government requests for user data in 2022
- Meta Shares Video Ad Creative Tips [Infographic] | Social Media Today
- Meta to end access to news on Facebook, Instagram in Canada – National | Globalnews.ca
- Meta va lansa joi o alternativă la Twitter | News.ro
- Microsoft Launches Free AI Training With Professional Certificate
- Microsoft’s cloud ambitions for Windows could kill off desktop PCs – and sooner than we expected | TechRadar
- Miliardarul român Daniel Dines demisionează din funcția de co-CEO al UiPath, compania pe care a fondat-o
- MindOS: Let AI work for you
- MusicGen – a Hugging Face Space by facebook
- News media bargaining code | ACMA
- Nima Owji on Twitter: „BREAKING: #LinkedIn is working on an AI assistant that will answer your questions! They’re also adding a button to the posts and articles that will summarize them for you! https://t.co/tpk9FnTK4Y” / Twitter
- No app for you, EU! – Mindcraft Stories
- Notorious Alleged Cybercrime Mastermind Arrested in Major International Operation
- Noua reglementare GDPR propusă de Comisia Europeană
- Obținerea profitabilității și creșterii susținute: Strategii pentru comercianții din piața de Electro – IT – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Olga Zarr SEO – YouTube
- Olga Zarr SEO (@olgazarr) / Twitter
- Olga Zarr SEO | LinkedIn
- On Achieving Goals | Stay SaaSy
- OpenAI on Twitter: „Code Interpreter will be available to all ChatGPT Plus users over the next week. It lets ChatGPT run code, optionally with access to files you’ve uploaded. You can ask ChatGPT to analyze data, create charts, edit files, perform math, etc. Plus users can opt in via settings. https://t.co/IjH5JBqe5B” / Twitter
- OpenAI on Twitter: „We’ve learned that ChatGPT’s „Browse” beta can occasionally display content in ways we don’t want, e.g. if a user specifically asks for a URL’s full text, it may inadvertently fulfill this request. We are disabling Browse while we fix this—want to do right by content owners.” / Twitter
- Optimizare SEO Off-Page (Link Building) – SMARTERS
- Optimizarea SEO WordPress Eficienta: Ghid Complet
- Optimizarea vitezei site-ului în 2023: Ghid complet
- Optimize your Website Content for Multilingual Markets – YouTube
- Our concerns with Bill C-18, the Online News Act
- Pagina de Contact Eficienta: Ghid Complet si Recomandari
- Perspectiva Saxo T3: Inteligența Artificială – Cea Bună, cea Rea și… Bula – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Pop-up de ieșire din site: Cum să recâștigi atenția vizitatorilor cu o ofertă de ultim moment – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman
- Post | LinkedIn
- PR: Ce Inseamna? – Explorarea Lumii Relatiilor Publice
- Process Failures: What the Raptors Losing Fred VanVleet Teaches About Bill C-18 – Michael Geist
- Product Update easySales Iunie 2023 – dezvoltări noi easySales – easySales Blog
- Promovare Online: Începe de aici – SMARTERS
- Python for SEO Made Easy with ChatGPT: A Beginner’s Guide | Onely
- Quantitative UX: Glossary
- Rails Caching: A Quick Tutorial – Kinsta®
- Raport Aqurate privind comerțul online: informații interesante, unii jucători lipsesc » ComputerBlog.ro
- Relationship-Based Link Building: How to Earn Trust & High-Quality Links
- Resurse #SocialPedia (225) – SocialPedia
- Rezumat digital 2.0 (163) – 06.07.2023 ⋆ Kooperativa 2.0
- Robots say they won’t steal jobs, rebel against humans | Reuters
- Sanding off all the edges | Seth’s Blog
- Scrape and Monitor Data from Any Website with No Code
- Secretive hardware startup Humane’s first product is the Ai Pin | TechCrunch
- Semantic HTML: Not A Ranking Factor But Still Important
- Semnătura electronică – NOUĂ LEGE: Tipuri de semnături, efecte… | PROFIT.ro
- SEO local: Ghidul complet – SMARTERS
- SEO Newsletter #85: The Hottest SEO & AI News Recap #SEOSLY 🔥 – SEOSLY
- SEO Newsletter By #SEOSLY – Olga Zarr SEO Newsletter
- SEO Techniques To Dominate Black Friday & Cyber Monday
- Shalom Goodman on Twitter: „(News SEO) I’m noticing a new layout on mobile SERPs which looks like the “Highly Cited” offering from earlier but here, it’s appearing even without the Highly cited flag. @rustybrick have you seen this? https://t.co/GXQsWtJnkV” / Twitter
- Shelby Blackley (@shelbyblackley) / Twitter
- Should You Accept Cookies?
- Simple Stupid Tools
- Slow Forward: E social media clasică în declin? – Mindcraft Stories
- Small doses | Seth’s Blog
- Speed Value cumpără un producător român de software | PROFIT.ro
- Spotify had 44.4m US subscribers in February, Apple Music had 32.6m, according to new data – Music Business Worldwide
- Starting a Podcast Grew My Business to $85K per Year
- State of Marketing Report | 2023 Marketing Trends
- Strategie de brand. Studiu de caz: Nike
- Structura afacerii tale, de la haos, la planificare controlata
- Structured Data in Top 100 eCommerce sites – SALT.agency®
- Studiu Deloitte: generațiile mai tinere cred că experiențele online le pot substitui semnificativ pe cele offline – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Studiu Reveal Marketing Research: Pentru divertisment și relaxare românii accesează platformele de social media (54%), radio-ul (52%), podcast-ul (44%) și televiziunea (41%) – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Study: TikTok loses popularity as ecommerce search engine
- Sufficient resolution | Seth’s Blog
- Targeting Your Competitors’ Audiences on YouTube: A Strategy for Success : Social Media Examiner
- Telegram: Contact @durov
- Telekom Mobile sărbătorește 4 ani de MyAccount cu reduceri aniversare în aplicație iar abonamentele NELIMITAT au acum prețuri și mai atractive – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- The #1 Factor for Improving Your SEO Conversion Rate
- The battle between tech giants and the government is a turf war, and we’re caught in the middle
- The commonweal | Seth’s Blog
- The Complete Checklist for Creating Compelling Calls-to-Action
- The old, good version of TweetDeck is back
- The Question Every CEO is Asking — What is Our Generative AI Strategy?
- The Story of Blocking 2 High-Ranking Pages With Robots.txt
- The Ultimate Guide to Spotting and Fighting Bots on Social Media
- These Small Changes Grew My Site to 400K Impressions Per Month
- Threads 101: a strategy guide for brands
- Threads and Spill: Can These New Apps Dethrone Twitter?
- Threads App Reaches 100 Million Users In Under A Week, Sets New Record
- Threads: A Honeymoon Phase – by Amanda Natividad – The Menu
- Threads: Instagram owner to launch Twitter rival on Thursday – BBC News
- Threads: Twitter threatens legal action over Meta’s new app – BBC News
- Throwing shade or throwing light? | Seth’s Blog
- Tips and tools: Apple’s advice on writing, Monzo’s disruptive tone, and the reason we (obsessively) study success | Conversion Rate Experts
- Top 30 VS Code Extensions for Enhanced Programming – Kinsta®
- Top Social Brands prezintă campionii social media din 2023 – PRwave – stiri afaceri, stiri marketing, case studies, stiri PR
- Trevor | Your team’s favorite data tool
- Twitter didn’t just block unregistered users, it blocked Google Search
- Twitter down 32% in 24 hours – Crawling Case Study – SISTRIX
- Twitter has started blocking unregistered users from viewing tweets – The Verge
- Twitter Implements Usage Limits for All to Combat Data Scrapers | Social Media Today
- Twitter Now Showing Content To Google, Tweets Returning To Google Search
- Twitter returns to the old version of TweetDeck | Mashable
- Twitter Revenue and Usage Statistics (2023) – Business of Apps
- Twitter silently removes login requirement for viewing tweets | TechCrunch
- Twitter threatens to sue Meta after rival app Threads gains traction | CNN Business
- Twitter thwarts third-party data scraping by rolling out new sign-in feature to view tweets and profiles
- Twitter, Threads, and the Great Social Implosion | Stay SaaSy
- Ultimate Member WordPress Plugin Vulnerability Allows Full Site Takeover
- Universal Analytics is officially replaced by Google Analytics 4
- Unlock your business’s full potential with the new Performance 5 | Meta for Business
- Using Chrome DevTools To Diagnose Site Issues In An Audit
- Using the New “E” in E-E-A-T To Generate Interest in Your Brand
- Valve responds to claims it has banned AI-generated games from Steam | TechCrunch
- Video Chat App Leaks 100 Million User Messages
- Virtual Queues: 13 Best Practices for Managing the Wait
- Voice.ai raises $6M as its real-time voice changer approaches 500K users | TechCrunch
- Volatilitate In Search – Update-Uri Google Neconfirmate – Reacții Și Soluții La Situația Din Ultima Vreme – Happy Advertising
- Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won’t Help Facebook’s Privacy Problems
- What Bill C-18 is trying to save might be too far gone – The Globe and Mail
- What data Chat GPT collects about you, and why is this important for your digital privacy
- What does Gen Z want from brands? | Snapchat for Business
- What Is a Digital Creator? A New Profession on the Rise – Rock Content
- What Is Meta’s MusicGen And How To Use It – Dataconomy
- WhatsApp Business crosses 200M MAUs, introduces personalized messages feature | TechCrunch
- WhatsApp for Android may soon let you switch accounts on the same device | TechRadar
- When the future finds us | Seth’s Blog
- Who is undermining your brand? | Seth’s Blog
- Why Did I Leave Google Or, Why Did I Stay So Long? | LinkedIn
- Why people hate the Google Analytics 4 user interface
- Why Your Website Needs Breadcrumbs | Go Fish Digital
- Winning the Mid-Funnel with YouTube
- Your Digital Marketing News with MarketingFOMO 🔭 [July 10, 2023]
- YouTube disables videos for people with ad blocker enabled
- YouTube is getting AI-powered dubbing – The Verge
- YouTube tests disabling videos for people using ad blockers – The Verge
- Zoom can now give you AI summaries of the meetings you’ve missed – The Verge
- 🚨 Your Week in SEO with SEOFOMO
Sunt două tipuri de știri - de top (cele mai importante știri, care au fost publicate pe rețelele sociale) și "obișnuite" - cam tot ce citim noi pe tema SEO/PPC (și online marketing, în general).
Dacă doriți să citiți pe viitor astfel de știri, vă puteți abona la newsletter sau la feedul RSS.
Vedeți această resursă (Lucrul cu 100 de taburi pe Olivian.ro) pentru detalii despre cum să lucrați cu multe taburi în același timp.
Am creat un Grup Google dedicat pentru a citi știri SEO mai rapid.
Notă Olivian Breda: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, inclusiv cele de SEO, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri) - Blog de Olivian Breda.

Pe plan profesional, mă ocup de audituri de site-uri pe partea de SEO și UX (SEO – optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare / UX – uzabilitate – experiența vizitatorilor), și realizez / mă ocup de mentenanță pentru site-uri pe platforma WordPress. Cofondator al lumeaseoppc.ro și al cetd.ro. Blogger pe olivian.ro.
Pe plan personal, caut să cresc, și pentru asta merg la evenimente, fac sport și încerc să trăiesc sănătos, fac voluntariat, citesc.
Detalii despre mine pe profilul de LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/olivian/