- #MadeByGoogle ‘23: Keynote – YouTube
- (Audio Only) The Google spam update CRUSHED so many sites. Why? Podcast Episode – YouTube
- 14 Content Marketing Examples With Strategy Breakdowns
- 3 key trends reshaping YouTube marketing today
- 3 Questions To Help You Evolve Your Content and Marketing | Content Marketing Institute
- 6 Audience Ads Updates From Microsoft Advertising
- 6 Instagram SEO Tips to Increase Your Reach
- AI Notkilleveryoneism Memes ⏸️ on X: „Anthropic CEO: “people are certainly going to be surprised” by what AI can do in 2024″ “Definitely going to wow people” The “ability to use tools will play a big part” Expect the “reality-bending” phase (inventing new science, curing diseases, making bioweapons) to begin in… https://t.co/KnJzzeZszB” / X
- Anthropic \ Decomposing Language Models Into Understandable Components
- Barry Schwartz on X: „@searchliaison @Edward_Hyatt yea, seems like new content is being indexed but serving is coming in and out depending on when i try various queries – wrote it https://t.co/DCvnlWw0g4 thanks Edward!” / X
- Brand management la Aqua Carpatica – Institutul de Marketing
- Brand Manager at Interbrands Orbico – Institutul de Marketing
- Business League Update: Pregătirile de Black Friday aduc o creștere de 56% față de anul trecut – 2Performant Blog
- Ce impact au noile politici Gmail si Yahoo asupra comertului online? – ECOMpedia
- Cele mai recente tendinte in marketing explicate de un consultant in marketing online
- Comertul online european va creste anual cu 9% (raport) – ECOMpedia
- Could Bard One Day Replace the Google Search Box? – Marie Haynes
- Cum creezi o oferta pe care clientii tai sa o iubeasca
- Deploy a Jekyll Site With Kinsta and GitHub Actions – Kinsta®
- email.h.kajabimail.net/c/eJxskU2P2yAQhn8NvlSJ-DLYBw6J0lTV3lqpWeViYRgSEhtcwJvm31ebuO2he0PPy7zSPKOnqQt6BHXVF937VS4xgUsxlLyaUrSzKT6GyionGlGTChQRrWgpb5q6glH7obMw-DdI985bRYQgssaC1nhJvVWU1ETIhkq-sBFy1ifoyn0C9UR9itoancvyJUGOczLw4XyGnzOEZ7igR9Xn9-f2b9NZCacFa3VjTUt4LQxxwIyzLVhGRE1E5RXFlBFMMG4wpnytCTRccqYbp13Pe8Txef10816-DlCqQZ1LmTJiG0T3iO5vt9s6Q8zDfW2GOFtE94Dofrs5y-0lHo4HctaHX-745UfWr8fBhMHpw7f8cru8bF_fYHPbIFqz3WrVGCGBUS1dzbAh1tkehDWstVZw7rh2mPK-YYjt89VPnRm8uXYlaXP14YTYrqQZqj92MwQLqbNx1D6o_7ZIKhef_DgPBRDHp0dg4lglMH7yEMrDPcOyFVK2rMq-LOfgUpC6laIq6rsv8OnrDlH2D_8OAAD__0cLw7g
- Experiența utilizatorului (UX) și impactul său asupra ratei de conversie
- Fashion ecommerce: How to analyze search demand and forecast trends
- Fast Marketing: How INEVO Increased Demo Signups by 250%
- Franc Agency: 5 sfaturi pentru maximizarea vanzarilor, de Black Friday 2023 – ECOMpedia
- Glenn Gabe on X: „Many people have been asking what a bad UX looks like based on aggressive & disruptive ads. Well, Kasey replied to me last week after reading my post where he shared a blinded example. And it’s a good one. And it’s similar to what I’m seeing when analyzing sites impacted. Beware:” / X
- Google algorithm update list – A history of the known and suspected updates.
- Google announces new generative AI search capabilities for doctors
- Google Assistant with Bard: New generative AI features
- Google Devising Radical Search Changes to Beat Back AI Rivals – The New York Times
- Google Discover E-Commerce Products Section
- Google Is Getting Ready to Kill Passwords. Seriously.
- Google October 2023 Spam Update Starting To Target Spam Sites
- Google Pixel Watch: the Best of Google and Fitbit
- Google Presents: Search On ’22 – YouTube
- Google releases October 2023 broad core update
- Google search antitrust trial updates: Everything we know (so far)
- Google Search Central on X: „On October 5, 2023 we encountered an issue that slowed down indexing of some content from 10:30am to 4:20pm PDT. We believe this issue is now resolved. https://t.co/G13rcWoL2s” / X
- Google SearchLiaison on X: „@blairmacgregor @NigelHooij @rustybrick @googlesearchc You’ll definitely see more refinement of the helpful content system. And no, that’s not because of some „rollback” but instead because as we say on the page about it, we do periodic updates: https://t.co/b1MYLCMGC9 Exactly when, I can’t say. But anyone looking to be successful…” / X
- Google SearchLiaison on X: „@Marie_Haynes To be clear, these would be unrelated. But yes, we’re looking into some indexing issues.” / X
- Google SearchLiaison on X: „@nagula_kiran @googlesearchc @JohnMu @rustybrick Yes, all languages.” / X
- Google unleashes October 2023 spam update
- Google-Extended does not stop Google Search Generative Experience from using your site’s content
- Help Marie Haynes study the September Helpful Content Update
- How Google’s Bard and New Pixel hardware will change your daily life, search habits and health monitoring
- How I Designed a LinkedIn Thought Leadership Content Creation System
- How I think about LLM prompt engineering
- How to Collect & Use Your GA4 Data to Transform Your Content Strategy – Moz
- How To Create A Social Media Marketing Strategy In 11 Steps
- How to survive and thrive in a Google helpful content world
- I Subscribed to 71 SEO Newsletters. Here Are My 10 Favorites
- Input choice is easily taken for granted | Seth’s Blog
- Keith (Niche Twins) 👨💻 on X: „I used to target a lot of MS Teams keywords. High traffic, decent RPMs and felt very much in my niche. With the latest HCU, researching how strong the community/ forum of the ‘brand’ you are targeting is essential. Look at the top 9 positions for ‘Can’t type in Teams’… https://t.co/Tana7y3eaf” / X
- Larry Page Compares Artificial Intelligence to Human DNA – YouTube
- Lily Ray 😏 on X: „Looking at the biggest losers of the HCU is pretty revealing. This site, which lost 70%+ of its traffic, tries to target „all the keywords” with listicle articles that round up Pinterest images (without attribution), plus 2-3 sentences each, as its primary content strategy. https://t.co/ILRjJq60PO” / X
- Lily Ray 😏 on X: „More patterns among websites hit by HCU: – deceptive or confusing download/affiliate links – the main content is sourced from another site, like Pinterest or YouTube. In other words – embed a bunch of pics/videos as „roundup,” with 2-3 generic sentences. 🧵 https://t.co/J9B9x5qw8T” / X
- LinkedIn Announces New AI Tools To Enhance Hiring & Learning
- Marea Britanie: app-ul Blend foloseste AI-ul, pentru sfaturi vestimentare personalizate – ECOMpedia
- Marie Haynes on X: „@usemyhandle Looks like the spam update is working perhaps? https://t.co/p011U3IKdQ” / X
- Marie’s Thoughts Ep. 5: Core updates vs helpful content updates – what’s the difference?
- Meet Kinsta at WordCamp Tokyo 2023 – Kinsta®
- Meta Introduces New AI Tools For Advertisers
- Monday Social Media News Roundup: Oct 2-6
- No thank you | Seth’s Blog
- October 2023 Spam Update | Google Search Central Blog | Google for Developers
- Piata online din China continua sa creasca mai rapid decat cea din SUA – ECOMpedia
- Possibility and opportunity | Seth’s Blog
- Priscilla Chan & Mark Zuckerberg: How AI can help us understand how cells work—and help cure diseases | MIT Technology Review
- Product updates Septembrie 2023 – easySales Blog
- Ranking updates, structured data, and more! – Google Search News (October ‘23) – YouTube
- Reddit expands learning hub with new courses and certifications
- Romanii de la Telerenta.ro au investit 500.000 € in extinderea retelei de automate RentBox – ECOMpedia
- Social Media for Nonprofits: Top Tips From BGCGW’s Director of Donor Relations
- Spam Policies for Google Web Search | Google Search Central | Documentation | Google for Developers
- Studiu: Diversitatea și Incluziunea în România – Perspectiva Angajaților 2023
- Testing Meta’s AI-powered Advantage+ targeting: What we learned and what to expect
- The Creator’s Guide to YouTube Shorts Analytics
- Walmart experimenteaza online, cu AI-ul generativ – ECOMpedia
- Was it Written by AI? How You Can Tell, According to HubSpotters
- What is Business Casual in 2023? Give Your Office Outfit a Gut Check
- Win Report: How future pacing doubled sign-ups for a utility comparison website | Conversion Rate Experts
- X Creator Pay: Is X’s Ad Revenue Pay Worth it for Content Creators?
- Your Digital Marketing News with MarketingFOMO 🔭 [October 9, 2023]
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Pe plan profesional, mă ocup de audituri de site-uri pe partea de SEO și UX (SEO – optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare / UX – uzabilitate – experiența vizitatorilor), și realizez / mă ocup de mentenanță pentru site-uri pe platforma WordPress. Cofondator al lumeaseoppc.ro și al cetd.ro. Blogger pe olivian.ro.
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