Știrile SEO și PPC importante ale lunii mai 2021

Mai jos, resursele SEO și PPC cele mai importante, pentru noi, din luna mai 2021.

Commerce School of the Future Masterclass – cum înțelegi audiența în https://start-up.ro/commerce-school-of-the-future-masterclass-cum-intelegi-audienta-in-ecommerce/#


Vei putea descoperi date precum valoarea medie a coșului, momentul din zi când ai cei mai mulți clienți sau cum funcționează promoțiile tale. De asemenea, vei putea să iei decizii privind marketing-ul online mai bine.


Gomag: Astazi, 11 mai, de la ora 20:00, te asteptam pe canalul de YouTube Gomag, impreuna cu Raluca Radu. Hai si tu alaturi de noi!


Discutam despre campaniile Facebook si Instagram Ads, o placere – si in acelasi timp, o durere – a proprietarilor de magazine online din Romania.




[Free Tool] Download all your Search Console data | Piped Out https://www.pipedout.com/resources/tools/download-search-console/


This tool will help you download all of your search console data.


Will Older & Outdated Articles Hurt My SEO? https://www.searchenginejournal.com/will-older-outdated-articles-hurt-my-seo/405625/#close


How to treat old articles depends on what type they are and the value they add to users. Learn how to correctly handle them here.


Should You Ungate Your Content in 2021? https://annhandley.com/should-you-ungate-your-content/


Is it possible to grow your list and get better leads by giving away your content without asking for an email address? Without forcing a data shakedown? Without harassing people? Without keeping your content locked up, like the shaving razors behind lock and key at CVS?


Cum să redactezi pagina Despre a companiei tale. 6 tips&tricks https://dozadecomunicare.ro/cum-sa-redactezi-pagina-despre-a-companiei-tale-6-tipstricks/


Cum să redactezi pagina Despre pentru a atrage cititori, potențiali clienți și branduri? Află din articolul de mai jos.


What I learnt roasting 200 landing pages in 12 months 🍗 👀 https://blog.roastmylandingpage.com/landing-page-roasts/


200 roasts, £70,000 in revenue and 642 cans of Diet Coke later.


Joburi în Digital (85) – Sabina Cornovac Online https://www.sabinacornovac.ro/joburi-in-digital-85/


Pentru că articolele din această categorie de „Joburi in Social Media” au fost bine primite, iată că revin cu ediția 85.


The 9 Most Useful Google Chrome Shortcuts You’ll Ever Need https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-chrome-shortcuts/311535/


Get the most out of your Google Chrome experience. Here are the Chrome shortcuts you need to boost productivity when browsing the Internet.


Blog SEO: The Complete Guide https://ahrefs.com/blog/blog-seo/


Since 2015, we’ve grown the Ahrefs Blog from zero to over 600,000 monthly search visits.


Long-tail Keywords: How to Identify and Use Them Effectively https://www.advancedwebranking.com/blog/long-tail-keywords/


When you think of your target keywords, you’re likely to think of a 2-3 word phrase, otherwise known as a short-tail keyword, and you wouldn’t be wrong.


Color Forecasting: How Are Color Trends Created? https://www.shutterstock.com/blog/how-are-color-trends-created


We see the world in color, but the palette is always in flux. Color forecasting dissects the noise surrounding the cultural and social context of color, and presents something that feels relevant and reflective of a moment in time.


SEO Specialist Technical | Vertify | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2550485265/


SEO Specialist (Technical) | Be part of an Award-winning SEO Agency


Say my name – 9GAG https://9gag.com/gag/aO3ZwjR


Google Click Through Rate Stats – Changes Report for Q1 2021 https://www.advancedwebranking.com/blog/ctr-google-2021-q1/


We’ll shed some light on these questions in what comes next by presenting you the most significant changes that occurred when comparing the CTR values retrieved in Q1 2021 against Q4 2020.


The State of Link Building Report 2021 from Aira https://www.aira.net/state-of-link-building


Welcome to the State of Link Building 2021 Report from Aira.


Don’t Miss Out 50 Advice by Founders of WordPress Businesses https://wpfounders.com/news-updates/advice-by-founders-of-wordpress-businesses/


Reading an entire story might take a bit more of your time, so we compiled one piece of advice from each story to showcase in a single post.


Google AMP is dead! AMP pages no longer get preferential treatment in Google search | Plausible Analytics https://plausible.io/blog/google-amp


From this update, you can outrank AMP pages and get more search traffic by creating a faster website with a better user experience.


Should you disavow links in 2021? MHC’s annual report – Marie Haynes https://www.mariehaynes.com/disavow-advice-2021/


Most of the example links that Google gives us today for failed reconsideration requests are links in articles that many SEOs would consider good “white hat” links.


Ad block shouldn’t break your checkout https://ilakovac.com/teespring-ublock-issue/


If your customer has an ad blocker enabled which blocks, well, ads, the whole checkout experience breaks. A friend of mine reported it today to me. He has uBlock Origin installed and when he clicks “Checkout” the site doesn’t do anything. 😢


There Are Four Kinds of Keyword Research; Make Sure You’re Doing the Right One(s) | SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/there-are-four-kinds-of-keyword-research-make-sure-youre-doing-the-right-ones/


Keyword research is broader than you might think, friends.


WordPress Gutenberg 10.1 Boosts Core Web Vitals https://www.searchenginejournal.com/wordpress-gutenberg-10-1-core-web-vitals/397910/


Update to the Gutenberg editor improves WordPress Core Web Vitals


12 Facebook Ad Targeting Tips to Increase Your ROAS https://adespresso.com/blog/facebook-ad-targeting/


Facebook ads is a game where those who know how to target their audience win.


The Decoy Effect: How You Are Influenced to Choose Without Really Knowing It https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-decoy-effect-how-you-are-influenced-to-choose-without-really-knowing-item/the-decoy-effect-how-you-are-influenced-to-choose-without-really-knowing-it


Price is the most delicate element of the marketing mix, and much thought goes into setting prices to nudge us towards spending more.


27 Pictures of Desks – Top Marketers Share Tips for Cameras, Mics, Lights and Hamsters | Orbit Media Studios https://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/marketers-desks/


But like it or not, with this much remote facetime, we’re all working in mini-studios now. Maybe it’s time to upgrade.


How to Conduct, Structure and Communicate Technical SEO Audits – Izzy Wisniewska – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tCCn9iuGNY


Join us for the first in our SEO expert series, where special guest Izzy Wisniewska will be talking us through her process on how to conduct, structure and communicate technical SEO audits.


Podfest 2021 – dorinlazar.ro https://dorinlazar.ro/podfest-2021/


Per total, podfest 2021 a fost o conferință foarte ok, mi se pare că e de învățat de pe urma speakerilor de acolo.


50 Tips To Improve User Interface


These tips are recommendations, not strict rules. Some of them are less opinionated, some of them more. But eventually, the only advice you should follow is: be reasonable.




Reading Level Analysis That Will Change The Way You Write https://contently.com/2015/01/28/this-surprising-reading-level-analysis-will-change-the-way-you-write/


Scholars have formulas for automatically estimating reading level using syllables, sentence length, and other proxies for vocabulary and concept complexity.


Cum cresc traficul spre website cu ajutorul Facebook Ads? • Blog Digital https://blogdigital.ro/cum-cresc-traficul-spre-website-cu-ajutorul-facebook-ads/


În acest scurt ghid vă voi indica cele mai bune strategii Facebook Ads care vă vor ajuta să generați traficul spre site-ul vostru web.


DynaBlogger – Simple, awesome blogging https://www.dynablogger.com/


DynaBlogger is a blogging platform that helps you focus on what matters most ― your content


New Smart Bidding features in Google Ads: Top signals for Target ROAS and max conversions, manager account level seasonality adjustments and more https://searchengineland.com/new-smart-bidding-features-in-google-ads-top-signals-for-target-roas-and-max-conversions-manager-account-level-seasonality-adjustments-and-more-348736


Google hopes to help advertisers manage bid strategies and drive performance


10 Top Data Analysis Mistakes Digital Marketers Make https://www.searchenginejournal.com/top-data-analysis-mistakes-digital-marketing/407040/


Reporting and data analysis inevitably encompass a significant amount of our time as digital marketers.


What is Jobs to be Done (JTBD)?. Upgrade your user, not your product… | by Alan Klement | Jobs to be Done https://jtbd.info/2-what-is-jobs-to-be-done-jtbd-796b82081cca


Upgrade your user, not your product. Don’t build better cameras — build better photographers. — Kathy Sierra


(Free course) Introduction to Customer Value Optimization https://academy.omniconvert.com/courses/introduction-to-customer-value-optimization


In this free mini-course you will learn the basics of Customer Value Optimization (part of the full course)


MASTERCLASS INTERACTIV Ecommerce Growth în FMCG https://institutuldemarketing.ro/curs-ecommerce-growth-for-fmcg/


O sesiune specială de know-how pentru a dezvolta un model îmbunătăţit de creştere a performanţei vânzărilor în e-commerce pentru sectorul FMCG


26 mai, 9:30-15:00


Zelist Blog » Blog Archive » Tendintele in marketing-ul business – to – business sunt anuntate la Marketing B2B Conference https://www.zelist.ro/blog/tendintele-in-marketing-ul-business-to-business-sunt-anuntate-la-marketing-b2b-conference/


Pe 3 iunie, MarketingB2B Conference vine in mijlocul comunitatii de marketing si comunicare business-to-business cu o editie speciala online, gandita sa raspunda marilor provocari cu care companiile si agentiile se confrunta in al doilea an de pandemie.


Podfest Romania 2021 – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPAthjUkrHqtJOeabY0hO468Qg5fRLMpI


GPeC Summit 2021: Rezumat al unor idei utile – Digital Star https://www.digitalstar.ro/gpec-summit-2021-rezumat-al-unor-idei-utile/


În cele ce urmează, voi extrage pentru tine câteva idei din cadrul panelului Formula de Succes pentru Social Media în E-Commerce din cadrul GPeC Summit Online, desfășurat în perioada 24-25 mai 2021 și în cadrul căruia am avut ocazia să particip drept invitat.


Semrush Keyword Difficulty: Now More Accurate Than Any Other Tool https://www.semrush.com/blog/most-accurate-keyword-difficulty/


Especially when it comes to lower volume keywords, lower competition keywords, and local keywords in less-populated countries and regions, Semrush now provides much more consistency and accuracy than any other SEO tool.


How you can get high-quality market research and audience intelligence Webinar Registration – Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QhEORYFeSvO03FR8MBifdA


This live class with SparkToro’s co-founder, Rand Fishkin, will focus specifically on how you can get high-quality market research and audience intelligence without having a huge budget, marketing team, or publicist. We’ll also offer a case study of how to use SparkToro to prepare for a book launch.


Garamond: Why You Don’t Use This Complex Font on the Web https://designforhackers.com/blog/garamond/


But, because of the limitations of current display technologies, it’s not a good font to use in web copy – even with the advent of font embedding methodologies such as TypeKit and Google Font API.


SEO Specialist | Bitdefender | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2567265032/


In this exciting role, you will work to expand the global presence for Bitdefender within the Consumer MarCom department, under the supervision of the Head of Global SEO.


Products – The Powerful GMB Feature You Need to Start Using (NEW! Animated Image Hack) – Whitespark https://whitespark.ca/blog/gmb-products-feature/


In today’s Whitespark Weekly episode, Darren explains why the Products feature is an untapped goldmine and why you need to start using this feature on your GMB listing.


LinkedIn Rolls Out Organic Post Boosting And Event Ads https://wersm.com/linkedin-organic-post-boosting-event-ads/


LinkedIn has announced the rollout of organic post boosting and event ads to help marketers reach new audiences and amplify their brands.


Instagram Rolls Out New Option to Hide Like Counts on Posts, Which is Also Coming to Facebook | Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-rolls-out-new-option-to-hide-like-counts-on-posts-which-is-also/600808/


But today, Instagram has announced the next stage of its experiments in hiding like counts on posts, with all Facebook and Instagram users soon set to be able to choose whether or not they display like counts on each of their updates.


Claudia Drăgulin, Gun Media: Noutăți în Social Media – Schimbări și Gold Mines de exploatat https://www.iqads.ro/articol/54828/claudia-dragulin-gun-media-noutati-in-social-media-schimbari-si-gold-mines-de


În ultimii 2 ani, am fost martorii unor schimbări semnificative asupra modului în care oamenii aleg să-și petreacă timpul liber și, implicit, a platformelor digitale preferate.


Register – BrightonSEO https://www.brightonseo.com/register/


FREE – Access to stream all the talks live on Thursday & Friday 22 & 23 July


Core Web Vitals for News Publishers – SEO for Google News https://www.seoforgooglenews.com/p/core-web-vitals-news-publishers


Google’s upcoming Page Experience update will introduce Core Web Vitals as ranking factors and remove the AMP requirement from mobile Top Stories.


Google Search Advocates Aren’t Suppose To Know About Ranking https://www.seroundtable.com/google-search-advocates-ranking-knowledge-31496.html


Martin Splitt from Google said something I found very interesting in his video hangout from the other day. At the 25 minute mark, Martin said that his team technically now is “not supposed to know much about ranking.” Historically the team did, but not after he joined in 2018.


Doar setezi reclame de Google și Facebook? Jobul tău va dispărea https://calinbiris.ro/doar-setezi-reclame-de-google-si-facebook-jobul-tau-va-disparea/


Cei care știu doar să seteaze reclame folosind Facebook ads și Google ads vor rămâne fără joburi datorită dezvoltării platformelor.


The 3 things that keep people feeling motivated at work | https://ideas.ted.com/3-things-that-keep-people-feeling-motivated-at-work/


Below, I’ll outline the three main drivers of motivation according to self-determination theory — autonomy, competence, and relatedness — and I’ll provide practical ways to leverage the power of each.


SEO and Accessibility: Technical SEO [Series Part 3] – Moz https://moz.com/blog/technical-seo-and-accessibility


In the final installment, Cooper shows you how the technical SEO strategies you implement across your site can help make it more perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust.


Carl Hendy on Twitter: “There have been a lot of digital marketers that have recently built great products and services to make our lives easier. Here are a few of them. I’m sure I would have missed some (sorry), just let me know and I will share.” / Twitter https://twitter.com/carlhendy/status/1398278163281633283


There have been a lot of digital marketers that have recently built great products and services to make our lives easier.


How the Facebook Algorithm Works in 2021 and How to Work With It https://blog.hootsuite.com/facebook-algorithm/


In 2021, the Facebook algorithm is made up of four main ranking signals: recency, popularity, content type, and relationship.


La GPeC-ul de acum câteva zile am auzit despre ideea de mai jos.


Ideal ar fi să treceți conturile la GA4, pentru că probabil la un moment dat trecerea va deveni obligatorie și e bine să aveți date istorice în conturi.


Why Now is the Time to Move to Google Analytics 4 – Business 2 Community https://www.business2community.com/seo/why-now-is-the-time-to-move-to-google-analytics-4-02392903


The problem is, Google Analytics 4 doesn’t migrate your data over when you switch, which means you don’t have any historical data available when you move to the new version. If you move over to Google Analytics 4 now, you can run both your new and old accounts alongside each other and start collecting data in GA4 before the old version is phased out. We don’t know for sure as yet what will happen with data on GA3 so this is a wise precaution to take.


Let’s never talk about SEO audits again – The SEO MBA https://seomba.substack.com/p/lets-never-talk-about-seo-audits


Why did we ever do SEO audits? The definition of an audit is “an official inspection of an individual’s or organization’s accounts, typically by an independent body.”


Annielytics Site Audit Checklist – Annielytics.com https://www.annielytics.com/resources/annielytics-site-audit-checklist/


My goal with this resource is to reduce that feeling of overwhelm by providing a framework for audits.


2021 Virtual MnSearch Summit – Jun 08 | Hopin https://hopin.com/events/mnsearch-summit-2021


Jun 8, 7:00PM to Jun 10, 10:00PM EEST


Google Explains How to Target a Specific Country https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-explains-how-to-target-a-specific-country/408973/


John Mueller shares two ways to geotarget a specific country for ranking purposes.


Google’s New Popup Will Further Weaken Facebook’s Advertisement Business – Big Tech https://thebigtech.substack.com/p/googles-new-popup-will-further-weaken


Android 12’s privacy-focused permission deepens the woes of Facebook by vowing to end invasive location-targeted marketing.


Beware the Cut ‘n’ Paste Persona – A List Apart https://alistapart.com/article/beware-the-cut-n-paste-persona/


We recently scrolled past a LinkedIn post stating that this website could be useful “if you are developing a persona and looking for a photo.”

byronv2 - Phones and Paper
byronv2 – Phones and Paper, https://flic.kr/p/2ftJdTf
Partajează pe WhatsApp

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Am creat un Grup Google dedicat pentru a citi știri SEO mai rapid.

Notă Olivian Breda: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, inclusiv cele de SEO, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri) - Blog de Olivian Breda.