Știrile de top săptămânale #17 #stiriseoppc

Curs online live de SEO Specialist | Skillab https://skillab.ro/lecture/197-seo-specialist




11 cursuri, 6 săptămâni

Marți și Joi, 18:30 – 20:00

I (24M) Sell Over $2,000,000 a Year on Amazon via Online Arbitrage, AMA : Entrepreneur https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/16adys9/i_24m_sell_over_2000000_a_year_on_amazon_via/

I sell brand name products on Amazon via Online Arbitrage (no private labeling, no wholesale, no in-store buying). I have sold over $4.5 million dollars of products over the last few years, and currently do $2-2.5M per year in revenue.

Amazon Germania livrează gratuit în România comenzi de minim 49 euro (și asta va schimba piața românească) – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2023/09/amazon-germania-livrare-gratuita-romania-minim-49-euro/

Nu știu când au făcut cei de la Amazon această schimbare, dar este una importantă pentru piața noastră.

Livrarea este gratuită pentru comenzi de minim 49 de euro.

Mid-Senior Customer Success Specialist (SEO & Content Marketing) – LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3710775525/

It’s been 16 years since we started to create the most efficient and sustainable SEO & Content Marketing tools and strategies for brands that matter.

As a Customer Success Specialist at Upswing, you will have the opportunity to be a game changer along with the SEO industry’s pioneers and become the professional you dreamed of, while working for some of the most known brands on the Romanian market.

How new Twitter X logo fails – Pimp my Type https://pimpmytype.com/twitter-x/?ref=refind

Is the new logo only a Unicode symbol, or probably just taken from an actual font? In this post, and video, I’ll dive into the details, while showing you what you should pay attention to, when choosing a font for your next logo.

ZF Live. Doina Vîlceanu, director de marketing în cadrul ContentSpeed: Piaţa naţională de e-commerce a avut o creştere de 10-12% în 2022, până la 6,2 mld. euro. Anul acesta ne aşteptăm la o creştere similară, şi e posibil ca e-commerce-ul să ajungă la 6,4 mld. euro https://www.zf.ro/zf-live/zf-live-doina-vilceanu-director-marketing-cadrul-contentspeed-piata-22024615

♦ „În prezent, vânzările offline reprezintă spre 90% din total vânzări în majoritatea companiilor de retail. Cred că în momentul în care va fi suficientă ofertă pentru consumatorul final, dar şi motivare de a cumpăra din online, atunci o să reuşim să creştem acest grad ca în celelalte ţări, unde vorbim despre 40-50% comerţ digital din total vânzări.“

O pagină de Facebook interesantă, cu foto și video „de pe vremuri” ⋆ revoblog.ro https://www.revoblog.ro/pagina-facebook-cineclic/

De mult nu cred că am mai găsit o pagină de Facebook care să îmi trezească interesul. Iar pagina despre care vorbesc acum este pagina Cineclic, care adună tot felul de materiale foto-video din vremurile apuse.

Google to begin deleting Gmail accounts in December – here’s how to save yours – Dublin Live https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/google-begin-deleting-gmail-accounts-26929767

Google is all warning users that their Gmail accounts could be scrapped but there’s are ways to avoid it

Google launches BigQuery Studio, a new way to work with data | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2023/08/29/google-launches-bigquery-studio-a-new-way-to-work-with-data/

Google’s proposed solution is BigQuery Studio, a new service within BigQuery, its fully managed serverless data warehouse, that provides a single experience to edit programming languages including SQL, Python and Spark to run analytics and machine learning workloads at “petabyte scale.”

BigQuery Studio is available in preview as of this week.

Eric Enge on X: „The Art of SEO, 4th Edition is now available on Amazon! This brand new edition has been completely revamped and updated with all of the latest developments in SEO. This also includes a brand new chapter on Generative AI and SEO. You can find it here: https://t.co/gcSH2FYQvr https://t.co/jzHhHvinef” / X https://twitter.com/stonetemple/status/1697718864409231854

We Analyzed Millions of ChatGPT User Sessions: Visits are Down 29% since May, Programming Assistance is 30% of Use – SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/we-analyzed-millions-of-chatgpt-user-sessions-visits-are-down-29-since-may-programming-assistance-is-30-of-use/

Generative AI, and ChatGPT in particular have been catnip to the tech press, the mainstream media, and the conversations of professionals in nearly every field. How is it going to disrupt your work?! Will AI replace you? Are Hollywood writers, real estate agents, dog walkers, and anesthesiologists even useful anymore?

Entities In SEO: What Are They And Why Do They Matter? https://www.searchenginejournal.com/entity-seo/492947/

From learning the history of search to distinguishing entities vs. keywords, truly understand what entities are so you can achieve more targeted search traffic.

15 Podcasts to Boost Your SEO Game https://ahrefs.com/blog/best-seo-podcasts/

This isn’t another run-of-the-mill roundup of the “best” SEO podcasts out there. I polled Twitter, then trawled through the recommendations to find quality ones that are still producing regular episodes.

WhatsApp has a new “HD” photo sending option – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/17/23835641/whatsapp-hd-photo-video-compression

/ A new WhatsApp feature allows users to send higher-quality images, and soon, it will do the same thing for videos.

Where Are My Meta Pixels? – Jon Loomer Digital https://www.jonloomer.com/where-are-my-meta-pixels/

Meta made a change recently that is leaving advertisers confused. Meta pixels are disappearing from Business Settings, which will freak you out the first time you see it.

Survey: 51% of Gen Z women prefer TikTok, not Google, for search https://searchengineland.com/gen-z-tiktok-google-search-survey-431345?mc_cid=1e1ff1f9cd

New survey finds Gen Z prefers TikTok due to the video format of the results and more relatable and personalized answers.

SEO Forecasting — Whiteboard Friday – Moz https://moz.com/blog/seo-forecasting-whiteboard-friday

Learn how to forecast and demonstrate the value of your SEO efforts in this week’s Whiteboard Friday with Tom Mansell. Quantify predicted SEO value, close performance gaps, and calculate ROI.

The newsletter for B2B creators https://theb2bcreator.com/

Welcome to The B2B Creator newsletter, where you’ll unlock your content creator potential and master B2B marketing!

Curs Google Analytics 4 – Liviu Taloi https://dwf.ro/resources/curs-google-analytics/

Durata: 8 ore

Nivelul: începător – intermediar

Brasov, 20 septembrie 2023

Email marketing în 2023: trenduri și relevanța newsletter-ului în mixul de marketing digital – SocialPedia https://socialpedia.ro/email-marketing-in-2023-trenduri-si-relevanta-newsletter-ului-in-mixul-de-marketing-digital/

Îți propunem să stabilim de la început un benchmark important: newsletter-ele aduc, și în 2023, cel mai relevant trafic, cu cea mai bună rată de conversie în cazul majorității magazinelor online.

Timisoara – IQ Digital by U100 & George https://iqdigital.ro/timisoara/#bilete

Oct 05, 2023, at 10:00 Opera Națională Română din Timișoara, Strada Mărășești, Timișoara, Romania

Webinar Gratuit – AI Marketing – Dincolo de Hype https://www.cristianmezei.ro/?sc=1685184448d8369a521efa710c32edbeaacabc0f5

DINCOLO DE HYPE – Marketing de 10x mai eficient cu ajutorul AI

Webinar Gratuit – 21 Septembrie, Ora 20:00

Pentru antreprenorii, soloprenorii, freelancerii și oamenii de marketing care vor să-și crească exponențial leadurile, vânzările și eficiența echipei folosind Inteligența Artificială.

🧠Psychology of Design: 106 Cognitive Biases & Principles That Affect Your UX https://growth.design/psychology

106 Cognitive Biases & Principles That Affect Your UX

Cum să Creezi Newslettere Atractive pentru Cumpărătorii Isteți în 9 Pași – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman https://www.newsman.ro/blog/creare-newslettere-atractive-cumparatori-isteti/

Vrei să înveți rapid cum să creezi newslettere atractive, care să cucerească mintea și inima cumpărătorilor isteți? Dacă da, acest articol este pentru tine. Am alcătuit un checklist din 9 Pași simpli, care să te ajute în crearea de emailuri interesante pentru acea categorie de abonați smart, selectivi și informați.

AI Lie: Machines Don’t Learn Like Humans (And Don’t Have the Right To) | Tom’s Hardware https://www.tomshardware.com/news/ai-doesnt-learn-like-people-do

Some argue that bots should be entitled to ingest any content they see, because people can.

Google’s new Incognito Mode trick: Chrome will now hide what you’ve been watching | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/computing/browsers/googles-new-incognito-mode-trick-chrome-will-now-hide-what-youve-been-watching

Chrome Incognito Mode’s new media shield

Cu algoritmul la vedere. Ce înseamnă pentru noi, utilizatorii, noua lege UE care trage la răspundere platformele digitale https://panorama.ro/algoritmi-platforme-online-dsa-ue-facebook-instagram/

De acum înainte, utilizatorii vor putea să oprească feed-urile care aduc recomandări bazate pe preferințele personale, de la conturi pe care ei nu le urmăresc. Astfel, platformele sunt obligate să le ofere utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a avea un feed format doar din postările conturilor pe care le urmăresc, în ordine cronologică.

8 micro tips for remarkably better typography | Better Web Type https://betterwebtype.com/8-tips-for-remarkably-better-typography/?ref=refind

Typography is so much more than picking a font and deciding what sizes to use for headings and body text. It could be regarded as its own branch of science. And it’s not just science either, it’s a mix between science and art.

Legea europeană privind serviciile digitale (DSA) a intrat în vigoare, cea românească nu există – Mindcraft Stories https://mindcraftstories.ro/tehnologie/legea-europeana-privind-serviciile-digitale-dsa-a-intrat-in-vigoare-cea-romaneasca-nu-exista/

Un nou set de reguli vrea să creeze un internet mai sigur pentru utilizatorii europeni, care să aibă mai mult control asupra datelor lor. Cum va proceda România, însă, este încă neclar.

Webinar StartAI.ro – tot ce ai nevoie pentru a integra AI în afacerea ta https://solutii.termene.ro/webinar-ai

Conceptele teoretice esențiale ale principalelor tehnologii de inteligență artificială, astfel încât antreprenorii, angajații, echipa de management, dar și furnizorii sau colaboratorii să beneficieze de un limbaj comun.

Vorbitori de pe trei continente la SERP Conf. 2023 – ARMO https://www.armo.org.ro/evenimente-ecommerce-europa/vorbitori-de-pe-trei-continente-la-serp-conf-2023/

SERP Conf. 2023 – cea mai importantă conferință SEO din Europa de Est, va avea loc pe 12 octombrie la Sofia. Evenimentul va reuni peste 500 de participanți din Europa de Est, reprezentând întregul ecosistem regional de comerț electronic. Tema din acest an este: „Practici SEO fără limite” și se va concentra asupra schimbărilor viitoare ale algoritmilor Google și a noilor tehnologii care apar rapid, cum ar fi inteligența artificială (AI), care schimbă fundamental SEO.

Raport al americanilor de la Ookla: „Capitala 5G” din Europa centrală şi de Est este Skopje. Bucureştiul are reţele 5G cu viteze mai mici decât în Sofia. Cea mai rapidă reţea 5G din regiune este A1 din Bulgaria https://www.zf.ro/business-hi-tech/raport-americanilor-ookla-capitala-5g-europa-centrala-est-skopje-22130113

În Bucureşti vitezele medii calculate de Ookla penru reţelele 5G sunt: 147,71 Mbps pentru download de date şi 27,72 pentru upload.

Hell freezes over, MS Paint adds support for layers and PNG transparency | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/09/hell-freezes-over-ms-paint-adds-support-for-layers-and-png-transparency/

Automated background removal was also added recently.

Google’s Bard chatbot can now find answers in your Gmail, Docs, Drive – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/19/23878999/google-bard-ai-chatbot-gmail-docs-drive-extensions

/ Google’s AI chatbot can now answer questions based on the information it finds in your Gmail inbox and Drive storage.

Facebook now lets you have multiple profiles with a single account https://www.androidauthority.com/facebook-multiple-profiles-3366935/

Facebook now allows you to make up to four additional profiles on the platform.

Each profile can have a different name, its own messages, independent privacy settings, and separate notifications.

Microsoft 365 Chat is the new Clippy. 5 ways the new AI assistant will make your life easier | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/microsoft-365-chat-new-clippy

Microsoft 365 Copilot is the Clippy we always wanted back when we were typing away on Word, but digital assistants were too primitive and underdeveloped. It’s been over 25 years since Clippy debuted in Microsoft Office 97, and now we have a brand spankin’ new, far more sophisticated assistant in town.

The next Alexa will probably blow your mind | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/home/smart-home/i-heard-alexa-speak-like-a-trusted-friend-and-i-dont-know-how-to-feel

We saw and heard the next big Alexa update

Cash sau card? Câți români se tem de plățile electronice https://panorama.ro/plati-cash-economia-din-umbra-romania/

Potrivit datelor furnizate de Banca Mondială pentru anul 2021, 24% dintre beneficiarii de salarii din România continuă să primească banii exclusiv în numerar. În plus, aceleași date arată că 31% dintre români nu au deschis un cont la o instituție bancară.

Google Says Links No Longer A Top Three Ranking Factor https://www.seroundtable.com/google-links-no-longer-a-top-three-ranking-factor-36094.html

Google has been downplaying the importance of links in its ranking algorithm for the past couple of years now. But last Thursday, at PubCon, Gary Illyes from the Google Search team said he wouldn’t even put links into the top three ranking signals Google Search uses.

The Top UX Design Books You Need to Read in 2023: Beginner to Expert | IxDF https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/ux-design-books-guide

UX design is constantly evolving  and demands constant learning. One of the most efficient ways to acquire this knowledge is through reading.

Google September 2023 helpful content system update rolling out https://searchengineland.com/google-september-2023-helpful-content-system-update-rolling-out-431978

The update should take two weeks to roll out, Google said. This is the first helpful content system update since December 2022.

What’s new with the Google helpful content update https://searchengineland.com/whats-new-with-the-google-helpful-content-update-431994

Now that Google has released the September 2023 helpful content update, let’s dig in to see what is new.

Google uses Click Data for Rankings – SISTRIX https://www.sistrix.com/blog/google-uses-click-data-for-rankings/

Eric Lehman, who worked for Google for 17 years on search quality and ranking, testified in court that Google uses click data for ranking.

AMA with Google’s Gary Illyes: 15 quick SEO takeaways https://searchengineland.com/ama-google-gary-illyes-seo-takeaways-432325

Google’s Gary Illyes on ranking signals, AI content, voice data in GSC, Core Web Vitals, the importance of links and much more.

Google August 2023 Core Update: Winners, Losers & Analysis | Amsive https://www.amsive.com/insights/seo/google-august-2023-core-update-winners-losers-analysis/

Five months after its most recent core update, the March 2023 Core Update, Google announced the long-awaited August 2023 Core Update on August 22, 2023.

BrightonSEO UK Fall 2023 Presentation Decks – Google Sheets https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1513Cc8I6R07VnXrY9atgVZ53VPbaHZxmRmMbJtPQ5IU/edit#gid=0

Publish a Guest Post on Moz Blog https://moz.typeform.com/to/CluyjXhv?typeform-source=t.co

Publish a Guest Post on Moz Blog

Marketing Management Masterclass cu Călin Biriș https://onlinemastery.ro/marketing-management-masterclass/

Masterclass online pentru antreprenori și manageri

9 săptămâni, 1 sesiune în fiecare zi de joi, 2h/zi

(28 Septembrie – 23 Noiembrie)

Google launches new report that flags checkout issues https://searchengineland.com/google-checkout-journey-report-issues-ecommerce-432203

The Checkout Journey report helps brands resolve checkout issues promptly for an improved user experience.

Top 50 B2B Content Marketing Influencers and Experts To Follow #CMWorld 2023 https://www.toprankblog.com/2023/09/50-b2b-content-marketing-influencers-2023/

List Methodology: For this list we utilized the Traackr influencer marketing platform to measure resonance surrounding the topic of content marketing.

The Written Word · Collab Fund https://collabfund.com/blog/the-written-word/

A few thoughts I have about writing.

Big Data Week Bucharest https://bucharest.bigdataweek.com/



Big Data Week Bucharest proposes a holistic approach of big data projects, showcasing innovative strategies, tools, and techniques to revolutionize your business strategy.

Apple profits more from Bing existing than Bing does, claims Microsoft exec – 9to5Mac https://9to5mac.com/2023/09/27/apple-bing-profit/

“Apple is making more money on Bing existing than Bing does,” Mikhail Parakhin, the head of Microsoft’s advertising and web services, testified during the US government’s antitrust trial against Google in Washington. “We are always trying to convince Apple to use our search engine.”

SocialPedia 53 – SocialPedia https://socialpedia.ro/socialpedia-53/

Te așteptăm pe 10 septembrie 2023, de la ora 18:30, la Restaurant Monarh din București (Calea Plevnei 44-46), pentru o ediție SocialPedia despre Antreprenoriat în 2023, sponsored by BCR. Discutăm despre provocările antreprenorilor în România, despre cum își pot organiza mai bine banii și timpul, cum își pot „vinde” mai ușor serviciile/produsele și ce provocări apar pe parcursul drumului.

Burning money on paid ads for a dev tool – what we’ve learned – PostHog https://posthog.com/blog/dev-marketing-paid-ads

This article shares specific, actionable advice for early-stage startups building dev tools in particular. I’m assuming that you’ve already decided that running paid ads is something that makes sense for your company.

Norway wants Europe-wide ban on Facebook behavioral ads • The Register https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/29/norway_facebook_behavioral_ads/

But Meta was just about to start asking people for their permission!

The Secret to Consistent Content Creation – Jon Loomer Digital https://www.jonloomer.com/the-secret-to-consistent-content-creation/

Look, I hate titles that include words like “Secret.” It feels like click bait. My titles are normally boring as a result. But, since I’ve seen so many people fail at consistent content creation, I absolutely feel like I have some secret knowledge that others do not.

GPT Excel – AI Powered Excel formula Generator https://gptexcel.uk/

The most powerful AI assistant for Excel & Google Sheets.

My solopreneur story: zero to $45K/mo in 2 years https://news.tonydinh.com/p/my-solopreneur-story-zero-to-45kmo

Today is exactly 2 years since I quit my job and become a full-time indie hacker.

The Frustration Loop | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman’s blog https://herman.bearblog.dev/the-frustration-loop/

To combat this, I have a few mechanisms in place. If a piece of spam is posted on Bear, it is by default not visible to the wider internet until reviewed. All unreviewed blogs have „no-index” and „no-follow” tags and do not show up on the sitemap or discovery feed. This is easily resolved by opting into a review. However, I’d still prefer the spam content weren’t on the platform at all, regardless of its discoverability.

The invisible problem – Scott Jenson https://jenson.org/text/

Whenever I explain my research at Google into mobile text editing, I’m usually met with blank stares or a slightly hostile “Everyone can edit text on their phones, right? What’s the problem?”

TikTok is changing the way books are recommended and sold https://www.economist.com/culture/2023/09/21/tiktok-is-changing-the-way-books-are-recommended-and-sold

First the camera pans across eight books arrayed with hundreds of sticky tabs, flaunting that they have been closely read and meticulously annotated. Next a description runs across the screen: “Books I would sell my soul to read again for the first time”.

ChatGPT prinde glas – HotNews.ro https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-companii-26560484-chatgpt-prinde-glas.htm

ChatGPT poate acum să răspundă cu voce la întrebări şi poate fi chestionat pe baza imaginilor de utilizatorii care plătesc abonamentul lunar, scrie news.ro

EXPO RETAIL 2023 – 25-26 octombrie 2022 , București https://expo-retail.com/

Digital, Green & Tech: 25 – 26 octombrie 2023

Combinatul Fondului Plastic – Sala Senat – București, Strada Băiculești, Nr 29

Expoziția internațională dedicată tehnologiei, echipamentelor și serviciilor pentru retail & eCommerce & FMCG

SEO Audit Course – A Masterclass for 2023 and Beyond | Udemy https://www.udemy.com/course/seo-audit-course-a-masterclass-for-years-to-come/

Complete Ultimate Guide on How to Perform a Good SEO Audit

Rito Kids: aplicația care îi învață pe copii să scrie asistați de inteligența artificială – Mindcraft Stories https://mindcraftstories.ro/tehnologie/rito-kids-aplicatia-care-ii-invata-pe-copii-sa-scrie-asistati-de-inteligenta-artificiala/

Șase tineri olimpici cu experiențe în diferite companii globale sprijină copiii să învețe fundamentele educaționale cu ajutorul tehnologiei. Aplicația Rito Kids este folosită și în afara României.

MAI va bloca site-urile de referate, lucrări de diplomă, doctorat | PROFIT.ro https://www.profit.ro/perspective/schimbari-legislative-pentru-firme/mai-va-putea-bloca-site-urile-de-internet-care-vand-referate-lucrari-de-diploma-sau-de-doctorat-21327270

Ministerul Afacerilor Interne (MAI) va putea dispune blocarea paginilor de internet prin care se pun la dispoziția elevilor sau studenților, contra cost, inclusiv prin rețele de socializare sau alte servicii de comunicare electronică, lucrări științifice, referate, lucrări pentru examene sau de finalizare a studiilor universitare de licență, masterat și/sau de doctorat, conform unui proiect legislativ adoptat de către deputați.

Niche Site Summit – Fat Stacks Blog https://fatstacksblog.com/niche-site-summit/

FREE EVENT: 25 successful niche site owners share their traffic & income boosting strategies

Studiu de Caz SEO Vegis.ro – 4867.51% ROI, Cost / Venit 2.01% • Limitless Agency https://limitless.ro/blog/studiu-de-caz-seo-vegis-ro-4867-roi/

În articolul de astăzi vă prezentăm în detaliu strategia de succes pe care am aplicat-o pentru clientul nostru Vegis. Colaborarea cu agenţia noastră, pe partea de SEO, i-a adus rezultate cu mult peste aşteptările setate iniţial.

26% of the top 100 websites are now blocking GPTBot https://searchengineland.com/more-popular-websites-blocking-gptbot-432531

The number of popular websites blocking ChatGPT has increased 250% in the past month. Pinterest, Indeed and more big brands now block GPTBot.

3 common examples of button text that degrades UX and how to rewrite them so they’re clear – Adam Silver – designer, London, UK https://adamsilver.io/blog/3-common-examples-of-button-text-that-degrades-ux-and-how-to-rewrite-them-so-theyre-clear/

Button text is a perfect example of this.

Once you design your buttons, it’s time to focus on the text.

Now on the one hand it’s so subtle that it’s barely worth discussing.

LLMs are surprisingly great at compressing images and audio | VentureBeat https://venturebeat.com/ai/llms-are-surprisingly-great-at-compressing-images-and-audio-deepmind-researchers-find/

A recent research paper by Google’s AI subsidiary DeepMind suggests that LLMs can be seen as strong data compressors. The authors “advocate for viewing the prediction problem through the lens of compression,” offering a fresh take on the capabilities of these models.

The Simple Rule for Achieving Ambitious Goals – Scott H Young https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2023/09/26/10x-rule-ambitious-goals/?ref=refind

The trick for most ambitious pursuits, I’m afraid, is simply doing the obvious thing much, much more than most other people are willing to do—and not minding that it’s hard at times.

How are you making over 10k a month? : Entrepreneur https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/15qjbnj/how_are_you_making_over_10k_a_month/

Basically title, could be your buisness or side hustle.

5 Google Analytics Reports Every PPC Marketer Needs To Know https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-analytics-reports-every-ppc-marketer-needs-to-know-about/492024/

Supercharge your PPC campaign performance with GA4 reports that provide meaningful trends over time.

Curs de antreprenoriat – Ana Nicolescu, Business Coach Acreditat https://ananicolescu.ro/curs-de-antreprenoriat-plan-gandire-strategie/

Cursul Plan de business, mindset de antreprenor și strategie de comunicare

După doi ani de lucru intensiv cu soloprenoarele în programe online de antreprenoriat, am pregătit pentru tine un curs aplicat pe afacerea ta, în contextul în care o crești.

5 useful GA4 dashboards for local SEO https://searchengineland.com/ga4-dashboards-local-seo-432577

Wondering where to go in GA4 to gather local SEO insights? These dashboards are key to developing an effective strategy.

Bing Chat rolling out personalized answers https://searchengineland.com/bing-chat-rolling-out-personalized-answers-432285

Today at the Microsoft AI event Bing Chat showed off some new memory search features.

eMAG: de Paște, clienții păstrează tradiția, dar pentru cumpărături aleg soluții moderne

Partajează pe WhatsApp

Sunt două tipuri de știri - de top (cele mai importante știri, care au fost publicate pe rețelele sociale) și "obișnuite" - cam tot ce citim noi pe tema SEO/PPC (și online marketing, în general).

Dacă doriți să citiți pe viitor astfel de știri, vă puteți abona la newsletter sau la feedul RSS.

Vedeți această resursă (Lucrul cu 100 de taburi pe Olivian.ro) pentru detalii despre cum să lucrați cu multe taburi în același timp.

Am creat un Grup Google dedicat pentru a citi știri SEO mai rapid.

Notă Olivian Breda: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, inclusiv cele de SEO, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri) - Blog de Olivian Breda.