Mai jos, resursele SEO și PPC cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna aprilie 2021.
How to turn your agency into the “McKinsey of SEO” – The SEO MBA
So, if you’re running an agency that’s trying to do that, here’s what I’d do. I’ve broken the ideas down into three distinct categories: people, delivery & marketing.
Reputation attack sites have plummeted in Google, but can still harm
Sites like Ripoff Report, Pissed Consumer and Complaints Board are still a danger for businesses and people with a low online presence. Here’s what you can do to decrease the threat.
How to bypass CloudFlare bot protection ? | by jychp | Mar, 2021 | Medium
Cloudflare offers a system of JavaScript workers that can be used to execute code on the server side (at Cloudfalre therefore).
The 5 latest Google Ads features and how to make the most of them
A guide to testing the latest Google Ads features and let them work for you.
7 Masters of Graphic Design Share Their Industry-insider Secrets | Domestika
Get to know these legendary international graphic designers and discover their industry-insider secrets
2021 Color Trends: The Year’s Top Colors – Shutterstock
In our annual Color Trends report, we look for colors that have seen increased activity in the last year, popping up in more image downloads than ever before.
Infographic: Tech’s Bizarre Beginnings & Lucrative Pivots
When you’re building something great, things are bound to get messy.
Incepand de ieri, 5 aprilie, am dat startul Gomag Blog Challenge – o noua provocare in urma careia vei afla care este potentialul maxim al blogului tau.
Vrei articole care sa atraga trafic si vanzari? Stii ca poti mai mult? In fiecare zi din aceasta saptamana (5-9 aprilie) facem o sesiune live gratuita pe contul de Facebook si YouTube Gomag, de la ora 14:00. Participa live si inregistreaza-te pentru resurse surpriza!
Joburi în Digital (84) – Sabina Cornovac Online
Pentru că articolele din această categorie de „Joburi in Social Media” au fost bine primite, iată că revin cu ediția 84. Wow, vă dați seama că postez aceste joburi de aproape 8 ani? Vă doresc să vă ajute și să vă găsiți locul de muncă potrivit.
Improved data filtering and comparison on Performance reports
Today, we’re introducing a new way to filter your data: regular expressions, or regex. This will help you create more complex query and page based filters and answer more questions that interest them. For instance, let’s say your company is called ‘cats and dogs’ but is sometimes also abbreviated as ‘cats & dogs’ or even ‘c&d’. You can use a regex filter to capture all of your branded queries by defining the regex filter: cats and dogs|cats & dogs|c&d
Customer Value Optimization Academy
Learn everything you need to know to make any eCommerce more profitable and sustainable using the power of customers.
25.5% of ecommerce in Europe is cross-border
The online cross-border market in Europe was worth 146 billion euros in 2020.
Beginner Guide To Regex For SEO – JC Chouinard
In this guide, I will show you how to use Regex for SEO, even if you have no programming knowledge.
Idee de business:
Our main activity is to assist valuable initiatives to be approved for Google Ad Grants.
It’s an in-kind advertising every month from Google Ads, an online advertising solution.
Home – Be Known
Facebook tests Hotline, a Q&A product that’s a mashup of Clubhouse and Instagram Live | TechCrunch
Facebook’s internal R&D group, NPE Team, has today launched its latest experiment, Hotline, into public beta testing.
Google announces product reviews algorithm update
Google has released a new quality algorithm update that promotes outstanding product reviews.
50 Questions You Must Ask to Evaluate the Quality of Your Website
Does your website follow SEO best practices? Here are 50 questions to ask yourself to evaluate the quality of your site and improve rankings and traffic.
Google Ads’ continuous audience sharing is now available from sub-accounts
When enabled, existing and new remarketing lists you create from sub-accounts are automatically shared with your manager account.
”Proiectul Bernanke”, micul secret al Google, care a devenit o mare problemă. Gigantul este acuzat că a operat ani de zile un program secret pentru a domina piața de publicitate
Cu prilejul unui proces antitrust condus de statul american Texas împotriva Google, a ieșit la iveală un mic secret al companiei, care poate fi însă o mare problemă: „Proiectul Bernanke”.
Hai la SocialPedia 25 despre Video Marketing – Sabina Cornovac Online
Speakerii acestei ediții cu tema “Video Marketing în 2021” sunt: Maximilian Ioan – Video Content Creator, Ioana Puiu – Content Creator & Instagrammer, Mugur Pătrașcu – Partener Screen Native și Alexandru Voica – Technology communications manager, EMEA Facebook.
Objectives setting as a process – Institutul de Marketing
Pe 15 aprilie, de la ora 18:30, vă invităm la un eveniment interactiv și valoros din seria Join our marketing knowledge events! – Objectives setting as a process, dedicat stabilirii obiectivelor, un pas crucial în procesul de planificare strategică.
LinkedIn Ads –bune practici care generează rezultate
Joi, 20 mai, de la ora 18:30, Institutul de Marketing organizează o sesiune gratuită de training de tip #practicalinsights care să-i sprijine pe toți cei interesați de o performanță mai bună a campaniilor de promovare pe LinkedIn.
Critical & Common E-commerce SEO Issues that Need to Stop Happening (& How to Fix Them)
In a too high share of the E-commerce targeted SEO processes I work at, and independently of the size, products types or CMS, there’s this list of very common technical and content related search optimization issues shared among them, that harm their capacity to effectively rank for their meaningful relevant queries in a non-trivial way.
17-Step Google Maps Marketing Guide (With Examples & Case Studies)
Today, the top ten organic results aren’t the only way onto the first page of Google.
Mid-Senior SEO Specialist (REMOTE) | Upswing – agentie SEO si Content Marketing | LinkedIn
Dacă poți explica și trezit din somn care e treaba cu canonical, noindex, hreflang și internal linking, atunci ai ajuns unde trebuie.
When Choosing Marketing Channels, Visualize the Curve | SparkToro
This brings us to a visual analogy I’ve been using the last few months to help explain channel selection options: the curve.
Upcoming changes to FeedBurner in July 2021 – FeedBurner Help
Starting in July, we are transitioning FeedBurner onto a more stable, modern infrastructure.
Cum vor funcționa campaniile Google Ads fără cookie-uri? • Blog Digital
Cum vor funcționa campaniile Google Ads fără cookie-uri? În ianuarie 2021, Google și-a făcut publice planurile de a elimina treptat suportul pentru third-party cookies din browser-ul Chrome.
WordPress SEO Guide: Everything You Need to Know [Ebook]
Want your WordPress website to get more traffic and higher organic search rankings? Our new ebook covers all the SEO best practices.
How Do I Get My PPC Campaigns Ready for a Cookieless World?
With the first major migration to FloC beginning in Q2 of 2021, what happens to PPC campaigns?
High quality audio makes you sound smarter – Ariyh
People rated a physicist’s talk as 19.3% better when they listened to it in high (vs low) audio quality. They also thought he was smarter and liked him more.
Good Time Management Seems To Have A Bigger Impact On Wellbeing Than Work Performance – Research Digest
By looking at the effects across all of these studies, the team found that time management has a moderate, positive impact on work performance, both in terms of performance appraisal by managers and factors like motivation and involvement with work.
Perfecting On-Page SEO for Ecommerce Product Pages – A Cheatsheet | Aira
Whilst many of the fundamentals that I covered back then will still apply today, I felt that it was time for an updated cheatsheet which you can find below along with extra context for each element of the page.
Cine sunt utilizatorii de Clubhouse din România
Motivul principal pentru care intră pe Clubhouse este acela de a-și îmbunătăți cunoștințele (86,8%), urmat de faptul că, în contextul actual, noua rețea socială le oferă acces la dezbateri și evenimente cu Key Opinion Leaders (54%).
Google Just Made It A Lot Easier To Jump Back To The Search Box | Ubergizmo
According to a report from 9to5Google, it seems that if you’re viewing on a computer and need to edit your search or go back to the search box, all you need to do is press the “/” key on your keyboard and you’re good to go.
PipedOut – An SEO data warehouse for your site | PipedOut
PipedOut is a data warehouse for your SEO team. It helps teams work with large and segmented data, making it quick and easy to work with.
Getting Started with Google Analytics 4
KS Digital Academy’s Google Analytics 4 courses, specifically covering the brand new GA4 property are taught by former Googler and Analytics Evangelist Krista Seiden. Course 2 covers everything you need to know to setup GA4 and is now live!
Google Lightning Talks: The State of SEO
Google’s latest video in the Lightning Talks series presents data on the state of SEO in 2020 compared to 2019.
Bucharest Tech Week
Every year, Bucharest Tech Week turns Bucharest into the international capital of technology.
What are the Makings of a High-Quality Link? – Moz
What links are considered “high quality”? Find out from link building expert, Paddy Moogan, who talks you through link relevancy, link diversity, link authority, and the sustainability of your link building efforts.
Mavericks Digital Academy
Be a maverick și învață cu noi primele lecții online de performance media.
Google Ads to roll out dynamic exclusion lists in coming weeks
Dynamic exclusion lists can make it easier for your brand to avoid showing near unwanted content while requiring less of the advertiser’s time and attention ongoing.
Când și ce să postezi în Social Media? – Gun Media : Gun Media
Acest articol nu va fi neapărat unul tehnic, însă ne dorim să oferim și informații de bază pentru antreprenorii care își gestionează singuri conturile de social media și nu numai.
Google Page Experience Algorithm Update Launching in Mid-June
Launch of Google’s upcoming Page Experience algorithm update has been rescheduled from May to mid-June 2021.
Social Media Specialist – Canopy
Ești pasionat(ă) de Social Media? Atunci anunțul de mai jos este pentru tine!
The Almost-Complete Guide to Cumulative Layout Shift
Oh, also, I’m going to try and make it understandable no matter what your tech level is, and entertaining. We’re also going to do math and programming.
Download Images from Website with Python in Scale – Holistic SEO
In this article, we will focus on downloading all images from a website in the best possible time-efficient way.
Facebook is making it easier to export text posts – The Verge
Facebook is rolling out a new feature today, allowing users across the globe to have the option to archive their posts and notes created on the social media site and transfer a copy of that data onto Google Docs, WordPress, or Blogger.
Senior SEO Specialist | DWF – Genuine SEO Agency | LinkedIn
Lucrezi în digital marketing de cel puțin 3 ani și simți instinctiv nevoia de a verifica scorul spam al tuturor site-urilor pe care le vizitezi? Ai folosit de atâtea ori Screaming Frog încât nu mai poți să deschizi un site fără să-ți dai seama de erori?
Competitia Magazinelor Online GPeC
Înscrie-ți magazinul online în Competiția GPeC și obții cel mai complex Benchmark E-Commerce al Website-ului tău ca să știi ce trebuie să faci pentru a vinde mai mult. 30 de experți în E-Commerce și Digital Marketing analizează magazinele online înscrise în Competiție prin peste 200 de criterii de evaluare și le oferă recomandări de specialitate pentru a se optimiza și a crește rata de conversie.
GPeC SUMMIT Mai – 100% E-Commerce si Marketing Online Premium
Bilete GPeC SUMMIT | 24-25 Mai 2021
Valentin Radu, CEO & Founder Omniconvert, este invitat luni în emisiunea ‘’ePlan”, realizată de Andrei Radu – CEO GPeC și prezentator ePlan by | Facebook
Valentin are peste 16 ani de experiență în marketing online, în tehnologie, a fost antreprenor într-un business online, iar acum prin intermediul platformei Omniconvert a lucrat cu mii de magazine online.
Retail Growth Academy 2021 – Home
Programul se adresează companiilor care dețin un magazin online pe piața din România și doresc să accelereze dezvoltarea afacerii prin folosirea instrumentelor digitale și a produselor de publicitate online.
36% dintre români declară că apreciază mai mult un brand care are reclame sponsorizate online. Studiu Reveal Marketing Research despre percepția românilor cu privire la publicitatea de pe rețelele de socializare – Reveal Marketing Research | Cercetare de Piață | Studii de Piață | Sondaje de piață | Oferta în 24 de ore
Pe de altă parte, pe 36% dintre români publicitatea online îi determină să aprecieze mai mult brandul sau persoana la care fac referire.
Font Psychology: Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Fonts – Designmodo
There are over half a million fonts in the world. While most of the web is built upon a handful of popular font types, there’s lots of room to pick a unique path.
Webinar gratuit: Promovarea cu articole în Ro și internațional
Află cum poți face promovare cu articole în mod profesionist pentru a crește vizibilitatea companiei tale și pentru a atrage trafic din rezultatele la căutări atât din România cât și de la nivel internațional.
Google’s Product Reviews Update – Analysis and findings from a major algorithm update impacting affiliate marketers, review sites, and more
On April 8, 2021 Google announced a new algorithm update called the Product Reviews Update.
60% of the world is online — 10 big takeaways on the state of the internet in 2021
The adoption and use of connected tech continues to surge around the globe
That’s NOT a Google Search Ranking Factor
Are social signals, accessibility, XML sitemaps, content length and more actually Google Search ranking factors? Here’s what you need to know.
Rețetă: Cum să fierbi ouăle de Paști ca să fie cleioase, fără gălbenuș înverzit – Și Blondele Gândesc
Dacă nici voi nu puteți suporta ouăle de Paști cu gălbenuș verde pe margini, sunteți în locul potrivit.
Getting Started With Google Analytics 4 | White Shark Media
This post reviews a new Google feature that needs no introduction. GA4 is a revamped version of Universal Analytics and App Analytics, merging the best of each tool.
Waze Ads – Canopy
La fel ca un panou publicitar, anunțurile de tip Pins informează și alertează clienții că afacerea ta se află în drumul lor.
GPeC SUMMIT Online 24-25 Mai: 2 zile de Conferință, 17 Cursuri Intensive de E-Commerce & Marketing Online, 30+ speakeri de top, 44+ ore de conținut practic – Lumea SEO PPC
GPeC SUMMIT – cel mai important eveniment de E-Commerce & Digital Marketing din Europa de Est – se va desfășura exclusiv online în zilele de 24 și 25 Mai. Avinash Kaushik, Oli Gardner, Shanelle Mullin sunt doar 3 din speakerii internaționali de top anunțați, iar lor li se alătură unii dintre cei mai buni specialiști în E-Commerce și Digital Marketing din România. Înscrierile au început pe website-ul, iar până pe 30 aprilie biletele pot fi achiziționate cu cel mai mic preț prin intermediul ofertei Very Early Bird.
Why Be Consistent With Your Work and Improve It
Consistency is the critical success that almost nobody likes to talk about.
10 tried and tested Google Chrome extensions for SEO | Re:signal
Here are some of the tried and tested Google Chrome extensions for SEO that we would highly recommend using.
GoFunnel Board Game – Joc de strategie pe subiectul antreprenoriat
GoFunnel este un joc de strategie care recreeaza provocarile vietii de antreprenor in online.
19 Best PPC Tools (Free and Paid) for 2021
Looking for the best PPC tools? Read on.
Why We Need to Stop Quoting the Zero-Click Searches Studies
One industry influencer has twice posted studies claiming that fewer clicks are going to organic webpages. But the math doesn’t add up.
Brands Value Domain Authority Because They Mistakenly Think Google Values It
The truth is, not only is it a mistake to think Google uses or values DA, but it is very harmful to the brand and the publisher to think this way.
The Keywords Mapping Cheatsheet For Different Types of Sites [with a Google Sheets Included]
Because all of this, an effective keyword mapping can be key to set the focus and even the strategy to follow in the SEO process.
Who Will Amplify This? And Why? | SparkToro
You’ve published an exceptional blog post, a compelling research report, a remarkable webinar, a top-notch video, a stunning visual… but the audience just isn’t showing up.
Find The Best SEO Tools | SEO Toolbelt
We help you find your next favorite SEO tool.
Mailchimp moves into e-commerce | TechCrunch
And while the service already offered integrations with a number of e-commerce sites, it is now launching its own online stores for small and medium businesses, as well as a new appointment booking service.
Marketing Hackers Pro – SMARTERS
Fii la curent cu cele mai noi tactici și strategii de promovare online care generează vânzări pentru SMARTERS și cei peste 14,000 de studenți ai noștri…
Amazon Prime Day 2021 is officially happening in June – PhoneArena
On a recent press call (via CNET) Chief Financial Officer Brian Olsavsky confirmed that Amazon Prime Day 2021 is happening in June.
Backlinkuri si Link Building: Ce inseamna, Cum se face, Scheme interzise, Comunicari oficiale Google, Sfaturi » Servicii de Marketing Digital – Agentie Publicitate online – Promovare Site Web
In acest articol vom destructura zona de backlink-uri si Link Building. Aflam ce inseamna, cum se face, scheme interzise si sfaturi de la specialisti.
Google Talks Hypothetically About Speed As A Ranking Factor
Google’s John Mueller, Gary Illyes and Martin Splitt released their latests “search off the record” podcast where they pretend to create a search engine named Steve and discuss how they would build it out.
Piața globală de e-commerce depășește 26,7 trilioane de dolari. Cine e mai tare ca Amazon – Revista Biz
Pandemia a adus un boom al comerțului electronic la nivel global, care și-a crescut ponderea în vânzările totale de retail de la 16% la 19% în 2020.
Hai la SocialPedia 26 despre Influencer Marketing – Sabina Cornovac Online
Speakerii acestei ediții cu tema “Influencer Marketing în 2021” sunt: Alexandra Ion – Digital Manager Golin, Roxana Hurducaș – auditor și consultant marketing & comunicare, Ștefana Teodoroiu – Content Creator și Cristian China Birta – co-founder Kooperativa 2.0
Facebook Retargeting Strategy: Creative Applications : Social Media Examiner
Do you use retargeting on Facebook and Instagram? Wondering how to leverage ad retargeting in light of recent privacy changes?
Digital Marketing will emerge as best career option post Covid-19: 5 job roles in Digital Marketing industry – Education Today News
Digital Marketing is now one of the most sought-after courses online and with good reason. Covid-19 made almost every company move their marketing strategies online. Here are 5 job roles in the Digital Marketing industry.
41 Best Stock Photo Sites to Find High-Quality Free Images
Luckily, free photo websites give you many options to find that perfect image for your content marketing strategy.
Cum stabilești bugetul de SEO pentru magazinul tău online? – DWF
La DWF, însă, încă din prima zi de când am început să oferim acest serviciu în piață (și poate acesta a fost și unul dintre ingredientele care ne-au ajutat să devenim cea mai mare agenție SEO din România) avem o altă abordare. O abordare prin care am învățat individual fiecare proprietar de magazin online să construiască bugetul în funcție de obiectivele sale.
How to Succeed as a Remote Based SEO Consultant, by Aleyda Solis – Lisbon SEO Meetup
Learn how to effectively start working remotely as an SEO consultant: How to find a remote job as an employee or clients as an independent consultant?
Spune povești vizuale cu Google Discovery Ads – Gun Media : Gun Media
Prin intermediul acestora se creează o prezență puternică a brandului pe diferite canale de promovare.
AI Copywriting Tool | Marketing Copy In Seconds | Writesonic
Google’s Map API is Now a Paid Service | Logic Design
Can I get Google Maps for Free?
In short, yes.
Google Maps provide a free embed code that you can copy/paste onto your website totally free of charge – or for now at least!
HTML Tips – Marko Denic – Web Developer
In this article, I will share with you some very useful HTML tips. Enjoy!
The Humble img Element And Core Web Vitals — Smashing Magazine
Images have also been a key part of the web. They communicate ideas instantly, but they are also a lot heavier than text to load. This means that it’s essential to get loading and displaying them right, if you want to give your users a fantastic first impression.
Who has the fastest F1 website in 2021? Part 8 –
This is just a performance review of 10 recently-built/updated sites that have broadly the same goal, but are built by different teams, and have different performance issues.
This AI Can Generate Convincing Text—and Anyone Can Use It | WIRED
Besides releasing powerful language algorithms modeled after GPT-3, he says the Eleuther team has curated and released a high-quality text data set known as the Pile for training NLP algorithms.

Sunt două tipuri de știri - de top (cele mai importante știri, care au fost publicate pe rețelele sociale) și "obișnuite" - cam tot ce citim noi pe tema SEO/PPC (și online marketing, în general).
Dacă doriți să citiți pe viitor astfel de știri, vă puteți abona la newsletter sau la feedul RSS.
Vedeți această resursă (Lucrul cu 100 de taburi pe pentru detalii despre cum să lucrați cu multe taburi în același timp.
Am creat un Grup Google dedicat pentru a citi știri SEO mai rapid.
Notă Olivian Breda: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, inclusiv cele de SEO, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri) - Blog de Olivian Breda.

Pe plan profesional, mă ocup de audituri de site-uri pe partea de SEO și UX (SEO – optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare / UX – uzabilitate – experiența vizitatorilor), și realizez / mă ocup de mentenanță pentru site-uri pe platforma WordPress. Cofondator al și al Blogger pe
Pe plan personal, caut să cresc, și pentru asta merg la evenimente, fac sport și încerc să trăiesc sănătos, fac voluntariat, citesc.
Detalii despre mine pe profilul de LinkedIn: