Mai jos, resursele SEO și PPC cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna aprilie 2022.
How to Write A Statement of Qualifications
Finding a new job can be a nerve-wracking experience. You pour your heart and soul (not to mention your entire work history) into this document and wait by the phone (or your inbox) for the interview requests to come in.
Writing Google reviews about patients is actually a HIPAA violation – The Verge
A real one that resulted in a $50,000 fine
2022 Shortlist – European Search Awards
Congratulations to our 2022 European Search Awards finalists. Be sure to share your success using the finalist assets below #EUSearchAwards
Amanda Natividad on Twitter: „14 marketing tools and tricks you (probably) haven’t heard of yet:” / Twitter
Gomag: venituri de peste 2 milioane € si o crestere de 45% YoY, in 2021 – ECOMpedia
In 2021, Gomag a avut venituri de peste 2 milioane € si a inregistrat o crestere de 45% fata de 2020, anunta platforma e-commerce autohtona, intr-un comunicat de presa. Anul trecut, Gomag a realizat investitii de peste 250.000 € in dezvoltarea platformei si a serviciilor oferite. Pentru 2022, compania estimeaza investitii de peste 500.000 € si vizeaza extinderea masiva la nivel international.
5 idei pentru email marketing mai eficient – ECOMpedia
Marketingul digital a devenit complex in ultimii ani, cu tot mai multe tool-uri si platforme la dispozitia ta pentru a vinde produsele. Campaniile de email marketing, social media si Google Ads sunt doar cateva dintre elementele ce fac parte din mixul de promovare pentru orice afacere in 2022. Cum iti imparti insa resursele astfel incat sa nu faci compromisuri la nivel de calitate si sa nu ignori canale de comunicare importante?
The GOV.UK Design System is now live – Government Digital Service
At the end of last year, the GOV.UK Design System passed the live assessment and officially became a live service.
Is it cheaper to have a bath or a shower? Your energy questions answered | Energy bills | The Guardian
From boiling pasta to vampire devices, experts explain how you can reduce your bills
How to Have More Successful Conversations – Knowledge@Wharton
Negotiating a salary increase or a job promotion ranks high on the list of hard conversations to have at work, and it doesn’t get any easier without a plan.
Seriously, stop using RSA | Trail of Bits Blog
RSA is an intrinsically fragile cryptosystem containing countless foot-guns which the average software engineer cannot be expected to avoid.
Landing Pages în Google Analytics 4
Paginile de destinație au o importanță majoră pentru cei care fac campanii. Mai jos, voi prezenta câteva moduri diferite în care datele pot fi văzute în Google Analytics 4.
Google Adds New Seller Performance Badges, New Pricing Insights for eCommerce Brands | Social Media Today
Google’s adding some new tools for eCommerce brands, including a new ratings program for online shopping experience and additional insights into key product trends to help inform your pricing and marketing strategies.
Provable Marketing Attribution is a Boondoggle; Trust Your Gut Instead – SparkToro
My counterpoint: don’t bother. Just trust your gut.
40+ Content Marketing Statistics to Power Your 2022 Strategy
It’s fair to say that the past few years have been…unpredictable. If anything, they’ve been downright strange.
Graphic Design: ce înseamnă, cât se câștigă, cum poți deveni designer + 10 calități obligatorii
Poate te întrebi de ce naiba citești un articol scris de un graphic designer. Eiii bine, povestea începe cam așa: Într-o dimineață de luni, Raluca, colegă mea Content Manager, a pus lacătul pe Photoshop și m-a mutat într-un editor de text. Și uite așa, dragilor, se pune un designer pe scris. Să vă țineți! =)))
Jonas Lönborg on Twitter: „1) @Flickr has deleted the Internet Archive Book Images account, effectively removing 5,249,938 searchable @internetarchive book images from every single gallery they were part of, destroying all the added data from comments and tagging done by users over many years.” / Twitter
Senior Technical SEO @Moloso Agency – Aplica pe eJobs
3+ ani experienta pe site-uri mari 10.000+ pagini
Ideal experienta de agentie
Intelegerea platformelor de Ecommerce
How to Calculate Engagement Rate (Calculator Included)
Engagement rates are the bread-and-butter of social media marketing.
GitHub – Lissy93/personal-security-checklist: 🔒 A curated checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy in 2021
A curated checklist of tips to protect your digital security and privacy
SocialPedia 35 – Idei principale – SocialPedia
Așa cum am promis, am revenit cu ideile principale de la evenimentul SocialPedia 35 powered by SAMSUNG România. Nu înainte de a vă anunța că pe 5 aprilie 2022 ne vom revedea la SocialPedia 36. Noi abia așteptăm!
Curs online StartUp in eCommerce – Cum deschizi un magazin online 2022
Inscrie-te la curs chiar acum si primesti exact strategia de care ai nevoie pentru a deveni cea mai buna versiune a ta, ca antreprenor!
15 Website Survey Questions to Ask Your Customers [Examples] | Hotjar Blog
A website survey is a way for businesses to gather feedback from visitors about their experience of a website and find ways it can be improved.
Social Media în procente: 21 statistici Instagram pe care ar trebui să le știi
Nu mai posta la întâmplare. Ți-am pregătit 21 de statistici Instagram relevante pentru afacerea ta, care te pot ghida. Recunoaștem că avem o slăbiciune pentru rapoarte digitale, date statistice și „plăcinte” procentuale.
Mark Copy AI – the best copywriting tool powered by AI
Mark Copy will collaborate with you and your team to write perfect marketing copy. He will give you fresh ideas, angles, and even SEO recommendations so you never run out of ideas.
Agency Help Tool – Chris Simmance
Below you’ll find an awesome embeddable search tool that you can add to your agency website.
AlsoAsked: People Also Ask keyword research tool | AlsoAsked
Find the questions people also ask.
Twitter Edits You
With all the fuss about Twitter’s promised edit button, and how they might design it, we’re missing a disturbing development — Twitter is using its embedded javascript to edit other people‘s sites.
Internal Linking: The SEO Superpower – by Barry Adams
Why are internal links to topic hubs such a powerful SEO tactic for publishers? I explain the details and provide some best practices.
Eugen Predescu vine la DWF pentru a dezvolta și conduce noua divizie de Paid Media a agenției – DWF
Eugen Predescu va dezvolta și conduce, începând cu Aprilie 2022, noua divizie de Paid Media a DWF. El va ocupa poziția de Paid Media Managing Director.
Angajăm 2 Junior PPC Specialists de la începutul lunii mai – Gun Media : Gun Media
Oricare ar fi răspunsul tău, noi îți spunem că am pornit în căutarea a 2 Junior PPC Specialists care să ni se alăture în această aventură frumoasă în digital marketing. Dacă chiar tu ești unul dintre ei, ne-am propus ca de la începutul lunii mai să te avem în echipă!
Promovarea Online: 10 Metode Inedite Pentru Cresterea Afacerii Tale – Moloso
Daca ai o afacere online si nu stii care sunt metodele optime prin care o poti promova, te afli in locul potrivit. In cele ce urmeaza, iti vom prezenta cateva dintre acestea.
Responsive Search Ad Template – 5 Steps to Great Ad Copy
In just two months, responsive search ads (RSAs) will be the only standard Search campaign type you can create in Google Ads. With this ad format, you provide up to 15 headlines and four descriptions and Google will mix and match those into ads that best fit each search.
GPeC SUMMIT Mai – 100% E-Commerce si Marketing Online Premium
Biletele sunt disponibile cu discount prin oferta Early Bird valabilă până pe 22 Aprilie. Prețurile încep de la 149€ + TVA / persoană.
Email Segmentation 101: A beginner’s guide to sending better emails
Email segmentation is the practice of dividing your email subscribers into segments based on common traits and then sending tailored emails to those segments.
ePlan. Ce este social commerce și cât de mult s-a dezvoltat social media în România –
Cristian Manafu, managing partner Evensys, a fost invitatul lui Andrei Radu în emisiunea ePlan.
Google now lets you search for things you can’t describe — by starting with a picture – The Verge
Starting with a US beta
Ce este Google Analytics 4? – Canopy
În 2019, Google a anunțat noua versiune Google Analytics 4. Anul acesta s-a anunțat că aceasta va rămâne singura versiune funcțională începând cu vara lui 2023.
Uniting Organic and Paid LinkedIn Strategies
What You’ll Learn
How to build brand awareness and generate leads for your business on LinkedIn
Tactics to maximize the reach of your best content by integrating your organic and paid strategy
How to understand the real ROI of your advertising and campaigns
10 Things Beginners Must Know About SEO Image Optimization for Infographics
With infographics, you can emphasize or illustrate points in your blog posts while also making a greater impact on your readers. Although people might not necessarily be too apt to read a wall of text, they will look at an image.
[PUBLIC] BrightonSEO – SearchPilot – Will Critchlow – Lessons from 100s of SEO tests – Google Slides
The Next Google | DKB
For this new generation, privacy is necessary, and invasive ads are not an option. But that’s where the commonalities end. Beyond that, they’ve all taken the idea of a search engine in very different directions.
How to Share Your Strengths and Weaknesses During A Job Interview
You’re sitting across from a hiring manager, or even worse, a group of people interviewing you for a role, and the dreaded question comes up…
What are your weaknesses?
Twitter Accessibility on Twitter: „We’ve gotten a lot of feedback about how to improve the image description (or alt text) experience on Twitter. Today, we’re launching 2 features to 3% of Twitter across Android, iOS, and Web: the public ALT badge and exposed image descriptions. 🧵 (1 of 6)” / Twitter
It’s Easy to Blame Mental Health Issues on Tech. But Is It Fair? | WIRED
“Are we vulnerable [to anxiety and depression disorders],” he asked in his 2021 book, Exercised, “because we now face environmental factors, requiring less physical activity, that we never evolved to handle?”
Facebook a schimbat modul cum afișează linkurile la siteurile de știri, inclusiv în România –
Rețeaua de socializare Facebook a început să schimbe modul cum afișează linkurile către site-urile de știri, motivând schimbarea cu un articol al directivei europene pe tema drepturilor de autor.
The Evolution of Automakers’ Logos
Can you picture Ford’s blue oval, or Mercedes’ three-pointed star? These are some of the most recognizable logos in the world, thanks to a number of reasons.
Why Are YouTube Views Tanking?. Creators are complaining about YouTube… | by Michael Beausoleil | Apr, 2022 | OneZero
Creators are complaining about YouTube views going down, yet more people are joining the platform. What’s going on?
Brighton SEO April 2022 – Automate the technical SEO stuff
In this talk, Michael will show you how to automate technical SEO tasks. You will learn how to schedule and compare crawls to spot technical errors faster, how to use RPA to speed up technical SEO audits and how to automatically optimize images. You will get inspired to execute technical SEO better and faster.
BrightonSEO abr2022 – Google Drive
Google Says AI Generated Content Is Against Guidelines
Content generated automatically using AI writing tools is against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, says Search Advocate John Mueller.
🔥Conceptual Blending ✅ – by Creator Rebel Society
Blending disparate items, concepts, or methodologies to create something new is the basis for many creative strategies that solve problems, disrupt markets, and, well, change the world.
Most Paid Newsletters Fail Because They Offer More Instead Of Different
My first paid newsletter flopped because I made the same mistake most writers make.
I tried to sell my audience more.
16 Google Docs tips and hacks for freelance writers
Spending most of your client writing time in Google Docs? You’ll love these tips, shortcuts, and hacks to become more efficient in Google Docs.
47 Lessons I’ve Learned About Being A Creative Entrepreneur
Here are some lessons about being a creative entrepreneur I’ve learned that may help you if you’re on a similar journey…or want to be.
35 Lessons from 35 Years of Newsletter Publishing — CJ Chilvers
My first newsletter was about ninjas in 1987. I was 12.
Since then, I’ve been obsessed. I’ve created small newsletters for my own projects, and big newsletters for corporations. What ties them all together?
How to make your slow writing go faster | Publication Coach
Are you a person who thinks slow writing is inevitable? It needn’t be. If you want to bump up your speed, question the assumptions you’re making….
Google now lets you search by combining images and words – CNN
Google wants to make it easier to search for things that are hard to describe with just a few words or an image.
Information Architecture: Study Guide
Summary: Unsure where to start? Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn about what information architecture (IA) is, how to run an IA research study, and how to design navigation effectively.
Google Analytics 4 gains autosuggest for faster report access
Autosuggest helps you locate the report you are looking for in less time within GA4.
#24 – Mini-workshop: SEO – dincolo de alegerea cuvintelor cheie – YouTube
Simple SEO Tactics for Short-Term Wins in Survival Mode
Is it possible to get quick results in SEO? Expert opinions
Webinar Registration – Zoom
Joi, 14 Aprilie, vă așteptăm de la ora 11:00 pe Zoom alături de Ciprian Cazacu (Co-fondator easySales) și Andrei Radu ca să discutăm despre cum se scalează o afacere E-Commerce.
Cum ne stă în fire la GPeC, vorbim de la antreprenor la antreprenor, de la specialist la specialist și de la om la om.
Worldwide spend on marketing to hit $4.7 trillion by 2025
Annual worldwide spending on marketing continues to increase and will reach $4.7 trillion by 2025, according to a Forrester report. This is an increase of $1.1 trillion from 2021 to 2025, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% — substantially above the 5% CAGR from 2015 to 2019.
What is a leading question? How to avoid bias in research.
A leading question contains an opinion or viewpoint that pushes the interviewee to respond in a particular way.
ASE x Canopy – partenerii studenților – Canopy
Toți oamenii de marketing spun povești, iar astăzi este rândul meu.
Un fel de pledoarie pentru neobligatul angajaților să vină la birou – Cristian China-Birta
Ia hai să trecem direct la treabă. Că era să zic ”la ceartă” la cum se discută acuma pe interneți, jur… Ideea este că eu mai jos o să îmi exprim un punct de vedere. Legat de programul de lucru al unei companii. Și de locul în care lucrul se prestează. Sau ceva.
SEO tools firm Ahrefs raises $1.3m for Ukraine
Ahrefs also extended the subscriptions of Ukrainian accounts in its platform by six months.
Senior SEO & Analytics Specialist (Remote) | ◯ accelerate agency | LinkedIn
Do you want to work for a fast-growing company offering excellent pay and an opportunity to grow your career working with some massive clients? If yes, then hit apply now!
Search Engine Optimization Specialist | Jobrack | LinkedIn
looking for an SEO Specialist to own the entire SEO function and help the company step into the new phase of inbound traffic growth.
Post | Feed | LinkedIn
I am looking for SEO expert who can provide a consultation pro bono to Operation Sunflower, a non-profit that is focusing to provide direct life-saving aid to people in Ukraine with zero overhead.
Does anyone have a recommendation?
P.S. your location obviously could be anywhere in the world. #SearchEngineOptimization #findapro #helpukrainenow
How To Lower E-Commerce Cart Abandonment With ‚Cartalytics’ | E-Commerce Times
Ever go to the grocery store, fill up your shopping cart with delicious items, and then decide to just … walk away? How about scanning items in the checkout line only to say “nah” and simply ditch the whole enterprise?
7 idei de e-commerce lead magnets, pentru e-mail marketing – ECOMpedia
Lead magnet este un termen care descrie ceva ce oferi gratuit, in schimbul datelor de contact ale clientilor potentiali. Cu siguranta ai descarcat un e-book cu informatii utile sau ai primit o mostra gratuita, in schimbul carora a trebuit sa-ti completezi datele de contact. Pe baza datelor oferite, ai fost inclus/a in campanii de e-mail marketing, cu informatii din domeniul care te intereseaza si poate chiar oferte.
YouTube and TikTok Add New Options for Automated Captions, Improving Accessibility | Social Media Today
YouTube has taken a new step in advancing the use of subtitles in its app, while TikTok is also looking to expand its accessibility features by making auto-subtitles available on all clips.
Google Update Says Automatically Generated Content Against Guidelines When Intended To Manipulate Search Rankings
Google has updated the webmaster guidelines document to add that automatically generated content is against the guidelines only when it is „intended to manipulate search rankings.” This was added to the main webmaster guidelines here the other day.
40+ Content Marketing Statistics to Power Your 2022 Strategy
It’s fair to say that the past few years have been…unpredictable. If anything, they’ve been downright strange.
Aleyda Solis 🇺🇦 on Twitter: „The #SEOFOMO20K giveaway is here 🤩 Participate and get the chance to win 🔥 prizes from @awebranking @semrush @mrketingsignals @wix @OnCrawl @sitebulb @SpeetalsTool @littlewardenapp @keywordinsights @seo_testing @MarketMuseCo @bluearrayseo and more:” / Twitter
Google Search is Falling Behind
Three areas where Google Search lags behind its competitors.
Rolul articolelor în SEO – Darius Mureșan, Whitepress
WhitePress este o platformă de content marketing și SEO care facilitează publicarea de articole în peste 41.000 de website-uri în 21 de limbi (peste 2.000 de website-uri din România).
SocialPedia 36 – Idei principale – SocialPedia
Pe 05 aprilie 2022 am organizat ediția 36 a SocialPedia, online. Cei 3 super speakeri au oferit o mulțime de informații și sfaturi utile pentru participanți.
SEO Tool Overload😱… Google Data Studio to the rescue
SEO Report Planner [V1] – Google Sheets
Children’s Privacy: Kid’s Apps That Collect the Most Data
In the good old days, of course, we only had television to rot the brain. When our folks warned us it would do so, the idea seemed either abstract or cool and gory, depending on how hard we were listening.
Mobile SEO: A Complete Guide
But how exactly should you optimize your website for mobile?
How do you ensure your site visitors are having a great, positive user experience?
This guide will help you to do just that.
What Impact Do Tracking Pixels Have on Site Speed?
In this edition of Ask The PPC, Navah Hopkins addresses a reader’s questions about the impact of Meta’s tracking pixel on site performance.
24 Unconventional (& Brilliant) Call to Action Examples
So here are 24 unique, smart, and memorable call to action examples to give you the creative kick you need.
4 Easy Ways to Remove the TikTok Watermark
There are many ways to remove a TikTok watermark. And we promise that no fancy TikTok video editing skills are required.
European Digital Commerce
Fashion, electroIT, DIY, FMCG & Grocery, are just some of the trade segments we will cover on May 5th. In addition, the event will bring together SEO specialists, PPC, and experts in ecommerce platforms.
Register for FREE and take advantage of all the Ic Events features: participants will be able to visit the Networking and Expo areas, interact with all other participants, and exchange virtual business cards that will be received by e-mail.
SEO Specialist | IKEA | LinkedIn
Formal qualifications in Marketing or equivalent.
Minimum 5 years of experience in SEO.
Ce este algoritmul Link de la MOCAPP
Platforma de Influencer Marketing MOCAPP, condusă de antreprenorul Florin Grozea, a lansat o nouă soluţie tech adresată jucătorilor din eCommerce din piaţa internaţională.
Best Font for Online Reading: No Single Answer
Summary: Among high-legibility fonts, a study found 35% difference in reading speeds between the best and the worst. People read 11% slower for every 20 years they age.
10 recomandări pentru o pagină de contact eficientă
Pagina de contact poate fi și remarcabilă și eficientă, nu doar standard sau… plictisitoare. Avem 10 recomandări.
How does quitting social media actually help your mental health? | Metro News
Social media can also be a fantastic tool for keeping people connected, learning new things and creating spaces for creativity and free expression – but it also has a dark side.
Google Analytics 4 for eCommerce: Everything You Need to Know – Re:signal
On 1st July 2023 Universal Analytics (the standard Google Analytics platform) will stop processing hits. On 1st October 2023, Universal Analytics 360 (the paid platform) will follow suit.
30 Google Sheets Shortcuts Marketers Need to Know
As a marketer, you already know you love Google Sheets for storing data, tracking performance metrics, and creating collaborative reports. But are using the full arsenal of Google Sheets shortcuts available to streamline your workflow and save valuable time?
Pentru colegii cu retenția și CRM: pre-checked boxes, even on a cookie bar settings page, are not allowed – Andreiu
Știu că e enervant și că bătălia pentru utilizatori este o luptă grea și la baionetă, dar unele practici trebuie evitate. Cum ar fi practicile de mislead și/sau practica de pre-checked boxes.
10 Best Daily Rank Tracking Software for SEO [2022 Edition]
Looking for the best daily rank tracker? Read on.
Shifting to Google Responsive Search Ads: 3 must-know tips
Responsive Search Ads are a huge shift from the ETA format. Learn how RSAs work and get tips on how to get more out of them.
Learn GA4: 17 Top Guides & Educational Resources
Note: This article focuses on resources for lead generating websites.
Webinar #1:The Google Analytics 20’s Checklist Marea curățenie de primăvară în contul tău de Google Analytics – DWF
Liviu Taloi, cu o experiență de peste 15 ani în Data Insights & Analytics și Data Managing Director la DWF a demarat seria de webinarii despre setarea contului de Google Analytics. Veți descoperi un checklist cu 20 de pași esențiali în configurarea corectă contului de Google Analytics pentru o strategie eficientă de marketing digital.
40 Clever 404 Error Pages From Real Websites
While there’s nothing you can do about the latter, you can make things a little less of a pain by having a creative error 404 message. This can do wonders to make your website visitors crack a smile in an otherwise frustrating situation.
Should You Use Google Ads Performance Max? Pros & Cons
Google’s latest venture into this realm of automation, Performance Max Campaigns, were released in November of last year and have been built up to be the next evolutionary step in digital advertising on the platform, but is it everything that it was hyped up to be?
How To Automate Google Ads – No Coding Required
Gain the tools and knowledge to use automation to your advantage in PPC campaigns even with zero coding experience.
Get Answers to your SEO Questions with MuellerBot
The inimitable, John Mueller is Google’s Search Advocate and the host of Google’s SEO Office Hours webinar.
Web color is still broken
7 years after Computer Color is Broken, the web is still doing color wrong.
Webinar #2: Erori pe numere importante – comenzi, goals Marea curățenie de primăvară în contul tău de Google Analytics – DWF
Seria de webinarii DWF despre setarea contului de Google Analytics a continuat cu o prezentare a celor mai importante erori ce apar în activitatea de e-commerce și în administrarea site-urilor de afaceri. Cum identificați aceste erori și care este modalitatea de a alege indicatorii utili în luarea deciziilor?
eMAG devine cel mai valoros brand românesc. Proiecte în… |
eMAG, cel mai mare retailer local online, a detronat Dacia și a devenit cel mai valoros brand românesc, depășind 1 miliard de euro. Vezi mai jos declarații ale conducerii eMAG pentru
Measure Camp Bucharest 2022 Tickets, Sat 14 May 2022 at 09:00 | Eventbrite
April 28th 2022
11.00 AM (GMT + 3.00)
Don’t forget to set an alarm!
Vin vremuri interesante pentru publicitatea online – Andreiu
Google a introdus un buton de „Reject All” pentru cookies. Îl vedeți în screenshotul de mai jos.
Business Summits | Bucharest Tech Week
This year’s edition is based on shifting the way we think and the way we live our lives, the symbiosis between the way we used to be and the way we are now. Technology is halfway between.
Bucharest Tech Expo
În fiecare an, Bucharest Tech Week transformă Bucureștiul în capitala internațională a tehnologiei.
Pentru o săptămână întreagă, cel mai mare festival de tehnologie din România aduce laolaltă toți pasionații de tech, de la antreprenori, oameni de business, studenți și orice iubitor de inovare și tehnologie.
Facebook (FB) Is Pulling Back From Its Foray Into Podcasting – Bloomberg
Social network explored a program to train podcasters
Priority change comes one year after a flurry of audio news
The Boneyard Principle: Why the Next Big Thing will Emerge from a Failed Idea – Every
How subtle UX improvements can make a half-a-trillion dollar difference
GPeC SUMMIT Mai – 100% E-Commerce si Marketing Online Premium
Până pe 20 Mai puteți beneficia de prețuri cu discount la biletele pentru GPeC SUMMIT 30-31 Mai, în funcție de pachetul ales. Grăbiți-vă, locurile sunt limitate!
22 Latest Social Media Trends That You Should You Follow in 2022
Social media has managed to become an integral part of our lives in a short time. What started as a medium to stay in touch with friends and family soon became a channel for brands and businesses to connect with their target audience through well-crafted social media strategies.
Content Marketing PRO 2022 – Idei principale – SocialPedia
Content Marketing PRO, conferință full day dedicată specialiștilor în comunicare digitală aflați la orice nivel de pregătire, s-a întâmplat pe 31 martie, online, începând cu ora 09:30, pe site-ul Toată informația a fost 100% practică, putând fi pusă în aplicare imediat pentru business sau brand.
Modul 4 Workshops | GPeC
Agendă Modul 4 Workshops | 31 Mai | Hotel Sheraton, București
Here Are the 2022 LinkedIn Top Companies
For employees and employers alike, the future of work is being designed and assembled right now, so we are thrilled to be able to share the 2022 LinkedIn Top Companies, which identifies the best places for professionals to grow their careers and develop skills.
Netflix says it will eventually charge more if you share your account | TechCrunch
In light of Netflix’s concerning subscriber losses, the company announced today during its first-quarter earnings call that it will expand its test that charges members a higher price if they’re engaged in account sharing with people outside their household.
Google’s crackdown on third-party Android call recorders may finally be complete – The Verge
It’s removing one of the last loopholes used by developers
Social Media Usage by Age | FlowingData
Social media apps are on a lot of phones these days, but some tend towards a younger audience and others an older. Some are common across the population. Here’s the breakdown by age for American adults in 2021, based on data from Pew Research Center.
Critical flaw in Elementor WordPress plugin may affect 500k sites
The authors of the Elementor Website Builder plugin for WordPress have just released version 3.6.3 to address a critical remote code execution flaw that may impact as many as 500,000 websites.
PPC Specialist (Facebook Ads & Google Ads) ⋆ Kooperativa 2.0
Căutăm un coleg pasionat de PPC (Facebook Ads & Google Ads) care să se alăture departamentului nostru de Performance. Ne vei ajuta în realizarea strategiilor de promovare, te vei ocupa de implementarea și optimizarea reclamelor și vei menține legătura cu partenerii noștri.
UE: Platformele Google, Facebook sau Instagram riscă amenzi de 6% din cifra de afaceri dacă nu limitează răspândirea informațiilor false sau a propagandei
Marile companii de tehnologie (cum ar fi Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) vor trebui să îndeplinească noile cerințe UE pentru a reduce conținutul ilegal și dezinformarea pe platformele lor, scrie Politico.
5 Unexpected Color Palettes for Fall 2022
Thinking of launching a brand this fall? Maybe a new campaign? Want something that will be seasonal but timeless?
Workshop caritabil: Instagram carusel în Canva Pro
Toate vânzările acestui workshop merg către Asociația Fabrica de Fapte Bune pentru susținerea refugiaților ucraineni. #continuăm
Interviu cu Denis Bâtiescu – Digital Manager @Henkel România – Gun Media : Gun Media
După interviul cu Andrei, primul angajat Gun Media, am decis că nu puteam trece peste prezentarea colegilor actuali sau foști, fără să vorbim despre, și cu Denis Bâtiescu.
Google will let you request fewer ads about weight loss and dating – The Verge
The company is adding to its sensitive ad categories
Append Reddit – Chrome Web Store
Redoes a Google search with appended when pressing shift+R
Experiment #1 – Site de nișă marketing afiliat, ziua 90 –
În luna 3 pot spune că am un site complet funcțional care are nevoie doar de conținut.
Certificate de rezidență fiscală 2022 de la Google, Facebook, LinkedIn și alții – Netlogiq
Ca și în anii anteriori, am obținut o parte dintre certificatele de rezidență fiscală valabile pentru anul 2022. Această listă este work in progress – vom mai adăuga certificate la ea pe măsură ce le obținem.
Top Social Brands 2022 | Facebook
🔛Află care sunt cele mai puternice branduri în social media în 2022!
După doi ani care au întărit poziția brandurilor pe rețelele de socializare, a celor care s-au mobilizat în contexte care puteau părea nefavorabile, conferinţa Top Social Brands prezintă și în 2022 cele mai eficiente strategii de promovare în social media şi identifică tendinţele industriei digitale.
Cum să înțelegem TikTok-ul. Trenduri, campanii virale și sfaturi pentru creșterea comunităților – Gun Media : Gun Media
TikTok-ul este copilul vedetă al universului Social Media. Cu o creștere extraordinară, nu pot să nu fac analogia cu Făt Frumos care creștea într-un an cât alții în zece.
SparkToro’s Year 2 Retrospective: Can Chill Work, Alternative Funding, and an Indie Approach Scale? – SparkToro
Two years ago today, at the nerve-wracking start of a global pandemic, we launched SparkToro. Since then, we’ve learned a lot, and uncovered plenty of unanswered questions, too.
At Least 66.5% of Links to Sites in the Last 9 Years Are Dead (Ahrefs Study on Link Rot)
Since January 2013, 66.5% of the links pointing to the 2,062,173 websites we sampled have rotted. We found another 6.45% with temporary errors. We don’t know if they’re still there or not.
13 Social Media Calendars, Tools, & Templates to Plan Your Content
What do cross-country road trips, wedding speeches, and social media marketing have in common? Planning.
4 Smart Tactics For Advanced Google Ads Audience Targeting
Check out these four advanced audience targeting tactics for refining your Google Ads Display targeting for better efficiency and ROAS.
Google Ads Performance Max Gains Customer Acquisition Goals, New Insights & Upgrade Tool
Google announced three new features to Performance Max campaigns in Google Ads. These including New customer acquisition goals, new Performance Max insights reports, a one click upgrade tool for Smart Shopping.
Harta digitalizării și a limitelor sale în România. 13 milioane de români folosesc internetul/ Peste 10 milioane de români nu au competențe digitale de bază
În anul 2021, 80,8% dintre gospodăriile din România au avut acces la reţeaua de internet de acasă, în creṣtere faṭă de anul 2020 cu 2,6 puncte procentuale, 60,2% dintre acestea concentrându-se în mediul urban, potrivit unui raport al Institului Național de Statistică privind accesul populației la tehnologii IT&C în 2021.
You Can Now Ask Google to Remove Your Phone Number, Email or Address from Search Results – Krebs on Security
Google said this week it is expanding the types of data people can ask to have removed from search results, to include personal contact information like your phone number, email address or physical address. The move comes just months after Google rolled out a new policy enabling people under the age of 18 (or a parent/guardian) to request removal of their images from Google search results.
Why your content strategy isn’t working and how to actually break through
Join Crowd Content and SparkToro for the webinar ‘How to win at content marketing’ to transform your content and drive real brand awareness.
Cool Things People Do With Their Blogs | Brain Baking
I randomly selected blogs for each thing. There are ample other sites that use that particular feature, but I had to start somewhere.
Drag & Drop Playlist Creator
The Drag & Drop Playlist Creator Website makes playlist links. To save them in your browser add folders and click the save button beside it.
Google Analytics 4 FAQs: Stay Calm & Keep Tracking
Analytics experts including former Googler Krista Seiden answer your burning GA4 questions. Why is this happening? What do I need to do now?
Amazon results and outlook fall short as warehouse, fuel costs soar | Reuters
April 28 (Reuters) – Inc (AMZN.O) delivered a disappointing quarter and outlook on Thursday as the e-commerce giant was swamped by higher costs to run its warehouses and deliver packages to customers.
People who include emoji in their work emails are seen as less powerful, study reveals – Tel Avivi
Whether it’s a friendly smiley face or a cheeky wink, many of us regularly include emoji in our work emails.
cap sau pajură google – Google Search
Iată conferința anului pentru middle și top managerii interesați de tehnologiile IT moderne – nwradu blog
Pentru astfel de manageri, Microsoft organizează anual conferința Microsoft Envision Romania, care-i evenimentul flagship pentru mediul de business. Anul acesta are loc online pe 17 mai, iar participarea este gratuită după o înscriere prin linkul anterior.
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Events Demystified – David Vallejo
This post will try to explain Google Analytics 4 Events from the technical perspective, trying to explain how to current event model works, where can the events come from, the limitations, etc.
Glimpse – Google Trends Supercharged – Chrome Web Store
Enhance Google Trends data for better insights
Bing vs. Google: Which Search Engine Indexes More Content? – Onely Blog
Search engines cannot discover and index every page on the web – they need to make choices in that regard. And, though all search engines serve the same purpose, they use different criteria for which pages to index.
Lily Ray 😏 on Twitter: „It’s always a good idea to have dedicated landing pages for the people that work at your company. ⭐️ they usually rank pg. 1 for that person’s name ⭐️ you can control the content ⭐️ link to social profiles = entity optimization ⭐️ good for company EAT ⭐️ use as author bio page” / Twitter
Ahrefs has raised $1.5 million for Ukraine
Donations from members of the SEO community have gone to help Ukrainian charities. Most of these provide humanitarian help for civilians.
Steve Morgan on Twitter: „I’ve been freelancing for 9 years. I don’t earn £100k+ per year. I keep seeing tweets from people saying they earn £100k/$100k+, & it’d started making me feel like a failure in comparison. But then I realised something… (Wanted to get this off my chest for a while…) (1/21)” / Twitter
Curs gratuit despre cum să faci o strategie de tip episodic content
Urmărește cursul de content strategy
Insanely Useful Websites | Revue
Sheet2Site: Website Builder Using Google Sheets
Build a fully functional website with pictures, text, filters and links without writing code.
Ted French on Twitter: „how do you break down big niches like travel? this is how I do it – there’s unlimited travel keywords – 10,000s about travel in Europe – 1,000s about France – 100s about Paris – 10 abt the Eiffel Tower start with 10 articles on Eiffel Twr, then the Louvre, l’arc de triomphe etc” / Twitter
Magic Eraser – Remove unwanted things from images in seconds
Upload an image, mark the bit you need removed, download the fixed up image.
Cum am fost ales vicepreședintele Asociației Române de Relații Publice (ARRP) – Cristian China-Birta
Am fost ales vicepreședintele Asociației Române de Relații Publice (ARRP). Din partea Kooperativa 2.0. Să îți explic de ce cred eu că s-a întâmplat asta. Că doar nu de frumos ce sunt!
Google Offering Certification In SEO Taught By Google Employees
Historically Google has said they won’t be offering any SEO certification like they do for Google Ads, Google Analytics, and a whole slew of certification they offer. But that seems to have changed when Google announced the new Google Career Certificate scholarships for U.S. businesses.
Cronologia plăților cu mobilul
Infograficul de jos prezintă punctele cheie în dezvoltarea mecanismelor de plată cu mobilul în ultimele trei decenii.
Microsoft Edges Now Beats Apple Safari on Desktop Users
Google’s Chrome still holds a dominant lead, with Firefox in fourth place.
Marketing Management Masterclass cu Călin Biriș
Masterclass online pentru antreprenori și manageri
(18 Mai – 13 Iulie)
Fii în controlul acțiunilor de marketing! Obține claritate despre ce trebuie să faci pe marketing și în promovare pentru a crește notorietatea și profitabilitatea companiei. În cele 9 săptămâni de masterclass online, afli cum să planifici și să delegi marketingul încât să ai rezultate mai bune.
Webinar #3: Schema de Enhanced Ecommerce (Enhanced Ecommerce) Marea curățenie de primăvară în contul tău de Google Analytics – DWF
Cel de-al treilea webinar are în prim plan Schema de Enhanced Ecommerce (EE), caracteristicile și avantajele utilizării aceste scheme, alături de modalitățile de evaluare a implementărilor de Enhanced Ecommerce pentru diferite conturi, atât din punct de vedere tehnic, cât și al calității informațiilor colectate.
Sunt două tipuri de știri - de top (cele mai importante știri, care au fost publicate pe rețelele sociale) și "obișnuite" - cam tot ce citim noi pe tema SEO/PPC (și online marketing, în general).
Dacă doriți să citiți pe viitor astfel de știri, vă puteți abona la newsletter sau la feedul RSS.
Vedeți această resursă (Lucrul cu 100 de taburi pe pentru detalii despre cum să lucrați cu multe taburi în același timp.
Am creat un Grup Google dedicat pentru a citi știri SEO mai rapid.
Notă Olivian Breda: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, inclusiv cele de SEO, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri) - Blog de Olivian Breda.

Pe plan profesional, mă ocup de audituri de site-uri pe partea de SEO și UX (SEO – optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare / UX – uzabilitate – experiența vizitatorilor), și realizez / mă ocup de mentenanță pentru site-uri pe platforma WordPress. Cofondator al și al Blogger pe
Pe plan personal, caut să cresc, și pentru asta merg la evenimente, fac sport și încerc să trăiesc sănătos, fac voluntariat, citesc.
Detalii despre mine pe profilul de LinkedIn: