Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And while some of these overlap with information revealed during the Google/DOJ case (some of which you can read about on this thread from 2020), many are novel and suggest insider knowledge.
(via ComputerBlog)
Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked:
Learn what you always wish you knew about Google’s algorithms.
What Does the Google Documentation Leak Mean for Digital PR? – Digitaloft:
These findings aren’t comprehensive. There’s a lot to look through and there’s probably more we’ll find in the coming days. But it’s a good start, and safe to say there’s a lot of valuable takeaways.
Google confirms the leaked Search documents are real – The Verge:
/ Until today, the company refused to comment on the authenticity of the trove of documents.
Google responds to leak: Documentation lacks context:
What Google told us. Google told us that a lot of assumptions are being published, out of context, based on incomplete information from the data leak.
There are a lot of attributes referenced within the API documentation, but this is simply information that Google collects and stores data on, it’s not confirmation that they’re ranking factors.
I have one thing to say. – DEJAN:
The anonymous guy who leaked Google’s repo information wiped out the most valuable strategic resource in the history of SEO and rendered it near worthless.
One thing that really stood out, though, is that links from pages with traffic are likely rewarded more than those from pages that get very little. In my opinion, this should be the case and should never have been questioned.
via Link-uri utile marketing afiliat (mai 2024) – Afiliatti.ro.
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Vedeți această resursă (Lucrul cu 100 de taburi pe Olivian.ro) pentru detalii despre cum să lucrați cu multe taburi în același timp.
Am creat un Grup Google dedicat pentru a citi știri SEO mai rapid.
Notă Olivian Breda: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, inclusiv cele de SEO, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri) - Blog de Olivian Breda.

Pe plan profesional, mă ocup de audituri de site-uri pe partea de SEO și UX (SEO – optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare / UX – uzabilitate – experiența vizitatorilor), și realizez / mă ocup de mentenanță pentru site-uri pe platforma WordPress. Cofondator al lumeaseoppc.ro și al cetd.ro. Blogger pe olivian.ro.
Pe plan personal, caut să cresc, și pentru asta merg la evenimente, fac sport și încerc să trăiesc sănătos, fac voluntariat, citesc.
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