Federated SEOs – Coywolf https://coywolf.com/federated-seos/
This is a list of SEOs on social platforms like Mastodon that use the ActivityPub protocol.
Stai 8 ore pe scaun la birou? Ce poți face pentru a evita pericolele la care te expui. O discuție cu un fizioterapeut VIDEO – HotNews.ro https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-finante_banci-25885170-stai-8-ore-scaun-birou-poti-face-evita-pericolele-expui-discutie-fizioterapeut-video.htm
În cadrul discuției „La cafea” am abordat diverse subiecte și exerciții foarte simple (unele chiar pe scaun) pentru a combate hernia de disc, cifoza, sindromul tunelului carpian (mai ales pentru cei care stau mult în fața calculatorului, ca IT-știi ori contabilii).
Designing The Perfect Mobile Navigation UX — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/11/navigation-design-mobile-ux/?ref=refind
When designing navigation on mobile, we don’t have to rely on slide-in-menus or nested accordions. We can also use the curtain and billboard design patterns, and show multiple levels of navigation at once.
600K Journalists Analyzed: What You Need To Know To Pitch | BuzzSumo.com https://buzzsumo.com/blog/everything-about-journalist-pitching/
We don’t know what journalists want, and it’s a problem.
Google Says Links Will Be Less Of A Ranking Factor In The Future https://www.seroundtable.com/google-links-less-important-ranking-34357.html
John then added „But my guess is over time, it won’t be such a big factor as sometimes it is today. I think already, that’s something that’s been changing quite a bit.”
Studiu MKOR: Ce-și doresc românii de Black Friday – Lumea SEO PPC https://lumeaseoppc.ro/dorinte-black-friday/
6 din 10 români intenționează să facă achiziții de Black Friday 2022
Aproape 6 din 10 consumatori (58%) intenționează să cumpere electronice și electrocasnice
38% intenționează să achiziționeze articole de Fashion, iar 34% intenționează să cumpere produse IT&C
Majoritatea respondenților (86%) vor cumpăra de Black Friday din magazinele online din România
Faceți click în caseta unde apasă pisica, și ulterior faceți click pe ecran:
Inscrie-te si primesti ofertele Black Friday in exclusivitate! https://academia.gomag.ro/oferta-black-friday
Profita acum de oferta noastra!
Business Name Generator – free AI-powered naming tool – Namelix https://namelix.com/
generate a short, brandable business name using artificial intelligence
Inscrie-te si primesti ofertele Black Friday in exclusivitate! https://academia.gomag.ro/oferta-black-friday
Profita acum de oferta noastra!
Secretele rețelelor sociale prin ochii unei hackerițe de 15 ani cu origini românești: „Facebook și Twitter te cunosc mai bine decât te cunoști tu” https://www.startupcafe.ro/idei-antreprenori/secrete-retele-sociale-hacker-facebook-twitter.htm
La doar 15 ani, Bianca Lewis, o româncă din SUA, are deja propria ei afacere prin care dă fetelor lecții de hacking și de ceva timp ține discursuri la conferințe de securitate cibernetică.
devfest2022 GDG Bucharest – Digital Stack https://digitalstack.ro/devfest2022-gdg-bucharest/
TICKET PRICE – 50 Euro – We’re excited to announce DevFest Bucharest 2022! This is a community-run, one-day, in-person conference aimed to bring developers, students, tech-companies and awesome speakers together in one location, so they can learn about established or emerging technologies on topics such as Cloud, Kubernetes, Android, Flutter, Firebase, Mobile, Google Assistant, Machine Learning, Kotlin, Big Data and more.
L’Oreal for Youth Masterclass: Digital Trends and E-Commerce Deep Dive https://career.loreal.com/EventsRegistrationNew/JobDetail?jobId=138060
Te așteptăm pe data de 21 noiembrie, de la ora 16:00 la un nou L’Oréal for Youth Masterclass.
Eli Lilly latest high-profile casualty of Elon Musk’s Twitter verification mess | Fortune https://fortune.com/2022/11/11/no-free-insulin-eli-lilly-casualty-of-elon-musk-twitter-blue-verification-mess/
Hours after the fake post, Eli Lilly’s stock fell sharply. How much the drop was related to the post isn’t entirely clear. But similarly, Lockheed Martin shares fell after a fake account—again using Twitter Blue—said the company was stopping weapons sales in some countries.
SEOmonitor Academy https://academy.seomonitor.com/
Learn how SEOmonitor’s products work. Understand how to turn them into your competitive advantage.
Descopera Made for Business, singurul planner de care ai nevoie https://academia.gomag.ro/made-for-business
singurul planner de care ai nevoie pentru business & viata
Doar 67 lei
The Authoritative Content Funnel — Whiteboard Friday – Moz https://moz.com/blog/authoritative-content-funnel-whiteboard-friday?ref=refind
In today’s episode of Whiteboard Friday, digital marketing expert Amanda Milligan walks you through the three parts that make up a content funnel for building authority, as well as the types of content that fit into each one.
Do you want to write for the Ahrefs Blog? https://ahrefs.com/blog/write-for-us/
If you’re an experienced SEO or digital marketing professional with a unique perspective to share with the community, we want to hear from you.
Senior Facebook PPC Advertising Specialist (remote) | Digital Atelier Studio | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3360406266/
Află rapid, din 3 întrebări dacă ești potrivit(ă):
Ai experiență în campanii platite pe Facebook si/sau Google PPC de minim 1 an iar discuțiile cu clienții nu reprezintă o provocare?
inveti foarte repede, sa fii auto-didact/a, sa iti placa sa citesti si sa te documentezi constant
Te pricepi la planificarea campaniilor iar a face o prezentare pentru un plan de tactici online nu e ceva străin?
The Best Firefox Extensions Everyone Should Use https://lifehacker.com/the-best-firefox-extensions-everyone-should-use-1849784170
Improve your privacy and add essential features to Firefox with these add-ons (yeah, that’s what they call them).
75% lifetime discount on SEOlium rank tracker https://www.seolium.com/
75%-off SEOlium lifetime discount sale starts today!
Fired Twitter Employee Applies For First Real Job – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-voQsFY6SE
Informațiile care vor fi eliminate din profilurile de Facebook de la 1 decembrie. Anunțul Meta – HotNews.ro https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-it-25910463-informatiile-care-vor-eliminate-din-profilurile-facebook-1-decembrie-anuntul-meta.htm
Profilurile utilizatorilor Facebook nu vor mai include adrese, orientări religioase şi opinii politice. Dispare, de asemenea, câmpul „Interesat de” care era folosit pentru a exprima orientarea sexuală. Modificarea anunţată de Meta îşi va face efectul începând cu 1 decembrie.
What is a Cookieless World? – Knowledge – CookiePro https://www.cookiepro.com/knowledge/what-is-cookieless-world/
The term ‘Cookieless World’ illustrates the future of cookies per Google’s announcement that it will stop supporting third-party cookies on its Chrome browser by the end of 2023. As the most widely used browser, Google’s decision will have implications that will affect most websites and marketing campaigns.
ePlan – Despre campania de Black Friday 2022 pentru curieri și pentru cei mai mari jucători din retail – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/eplan-despre-campania-de-black-friday-2022-pentru-curieri-si-pentru-cei-mai-mari-jucatori-din-retail
Invitați în aceasta emisiune ePlan prezentată de Andrei Radu sunt Andreea Radu, director de marketing în cadrul Cargus și Raul Filip, director de achiziții la Altex într-o discutie despre e-commerce, omnichannel, Black Friday și campaniile de sărbători.
La ce cheltuieli sa te astepti pentru un magazin online https://www.gomag.ro/blog/cheltuieli-magazin-online/
Asa ca, pentru articolul de astazi, am facut o lista cu cheltuielile la care sa te astepti pentru magazinul tau online.
Studii de caz în eCommerce pentru creșterea vânzărilor – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/studii-de-caz-in-ecommerce-pentru-cresterea-vanzarilor
Studiile de caz dezvăluie o varietate de modalități de creștere. Unele strategii au durat ani, altele au durat luni. Dar, într-un fel sau altul, au accesat o piață, o nevoie, cu un produs sau serviciu care le-a rezolvat problemele.
Jess Wade is creating inclusion in STEM, one Wikipedia page at a time | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/small-talk-jessica-wade
Jess Wade is creating inclusion in STEM, one page at a time.
Marketing Hackers Business Club – Abonament SMARTERS https://edu.smarters.ro/abonament/
S-a dat startul la BLACK FRIDAY
Intră în clubul marketerilor eficienți, cu cea mai bună ofertă de până acum!
Mastodon – Decentralized social media https://joinmastodon.org/
Your home feed should be filled with what matters to you most, not what a corporation thinks you should see. Radically different social media, back in the hands of the people.
eMAG Genius: Livrarea gratuită la easybox este valabilă pentru comenzi de minim 30 lei : Gadget.ro – Hi-Tech Lifestyle https://gadget.ro/emag-genius-livrarea-gratuita-la-easybox-este-valabila-pentru-comenzi-de-minim-30-lei/
Genius a primit o actualizare, iar acum nu mai oferă livrare gratuită la easybox indiferent de valoarea produsului. Comanda trebuie să fie de minim 30 lei spre a avea transport fără cost suplimentar la easybox, poștă sau showroom.
Study: Automation drives income inequality | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology https://news.mit.edu/2022/automation-drives-income-inequality-1121
New data suggest most of the growth in the wage gap since 1980 comes from automation displacing less-educated workers.
Precomanda The Master Plan – Ghid pentru antreprenori, 128 pagini https://academia.gomag.ro/oferte/the-master-plan-ghid-pentru-antreprenori.html
Precomanda The Master Plan: ghid pentru oamenii care vor sa descopere calea spre succes in antreprenoriat! Realizat in Romania, The Master Plan cuprinde modele, sabloane si harti necesare pentru dezvoltarea oricarei afaceri. Livrarile incep din 29 noiembrie 2022!
5 Free Tools to Check If Your Browser Is Safe and Private https://www.makeuseof.com/free-tools-test-browser-security/
Your browser is your first line of defense against hackers and trackers, but how do you know it’s doing its job? Here are some free tools you can use.
eBook gratuit: 99 întrebări de marketing pentru planificarea afacerii
Se apropie finalul de an și probabil te gândești deja la planul de acțiuni pentru 2023. Pentru o planificare mai bună de marketing, îți recomand să răspunzi celor 99 de întrebări din acest eBook pe care îl poți descărca gratuit, fără să mai fie nevoie să-ți mai lași încă o dată datele.
Cărți de community building pe care să ți le faci cadou https://oanafilip.substack.com/p/carti-community-building
Câteva recomandări de lectură pe care să le ai aproape, indiferent că abia ai intrat în jocul ăsta sau ai deja experiență.
(Black Friday)
Professional Google Rank Tracker – SEOlium https://www.seolium.com/
The State of Search Engine Optimization in 2022: Stats and Trends You Need to Know [Infographic] | Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/The-State-of-Search-Engine-Optimization-2022-Infographic/637449/
Are you concerned about the ROI of your SEO strategy? Want to learn the key issues that will affect SEO in the year ahead?
Down the wrong path: the disaster of the latest Duolingo UI update | by Tina Golub | Nov, 2022 | UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/down-the-wrong-path-the-disaster-of-the-latest-duolingo-ui-update-a4cdd1e6ea1c
The new “path UI” aims to simplify the learning experience, but it comes with some major usability flaws.
How secure a Twitter replacement is Mastodon? Let us count the ways | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/11/how-secure-a-twitter-replacement-is-mastodon-let-us-count-the-ways/
The demise of Twitter’s security and privacy teams has people looking for alternatives.
Cum a fost Black Friday 2022 – Dragos Bunea https://dragosbunea.ro/cum-a-fost-black-friday-2022/
Luni nu e vineri!
Asa a inceput Black Friday 2022 in Romania.
20 Years of Romanian PR: Sorana Savu (Premium Communication) – Business Review https://business-review.eu/profiles1/interviews-interviews/20-years-of-romanian-pr-sorana-savu-premium-communication-238740
One of the most acclaimed PR personalities in Romania, Sorana Savu, has been running her own agency alongside her husband – Andrei Savu – since 2001. She opened up to BR about her beginning in the communication industry, the most interesting and most challenging years so far, goals, inspiration and many more.
Google Says They Have Algorithms To Detect & Demote AI Plagiarized Content https://www.seroundtable.com/google-ai-plagiarized-content-34495.html
Duy Nguyen from Google’s search quality team said in the Google office hours video that Google has „algorithms to go after” those who post AI plagiarized content, then the algorithms can „demote site scraping content from other sites.”
22 Books For Creatives To Read In 2022 https://blog.craftsmancreative.co/22-books-every-creator-must-read-in-2022/
Here are 22 books that deserve a place on any creative’s bookshelf, along with why to read it and a favorite quote or principle, organized by the authors’ last names.
Ranked: The Top 100 Most Valuable Brands in 2022 https://www.visualcapitalist.com/top-100-most-valuable-brands-in-2022/
Given the elusive nature of brands, determining a brand’s financial value is a difficult task.
Study assesses the quality of AI literary translations by comparing them with human translations https://techxplore.com/news/2022-11-quality-ai-literary-human.html
Recent advancements in the field of machine learning (ML) have greatly improved the quality of automatic translation tools. At present, these tools are primarily used to translate basic sentences, as well as short texts or unofficial documents.
Nu există o alternativă la Twitter, dar acum se schițează internetul viitorului – Mindcraft Stories https://mindcraftstories.ro/tehnologie/nu-exista-o-alternativa-la-twitter-dar-acum-se-schiteaza-internetul-viitorului/
Elon Musk și-a început stagiul de CEO la Twitter cu o gestiune atât de dezastruoasă încât mulți utilizatori își caută deja o nouă casă internautică.
Arc from The Browser Company https://arc.net/
Arc is a browser…
But more importantly,
it’s everything you care about,
all in one place.
Consider Disabling Browser Push Notifications on Family and Friends Devices – Lloyd Atkinson https://www.lloydatkinson.net/posts/2022/consider-disabling-browser-push-notifications-on-family-and-friends-devices/
TLDR: A vector for phishing attacks and malware. Your non-technical family members and friends will likely fall for these at some point. For their sake, disable them.
Rendering Queue: Google Needs 9X More Time To Crawl JS Than HTML | Onely https://www.onely.com/blog/google-needs-9x-more-time-to-crawl-js-than-html/
I just ran an experiment that demonstrates it.
The result: Google needed 9x more time to crawl JavaScript pages vs plain HTML pages.
Building a Modern Day E-commerce SEO Strategy – Speaker Deck https://speakerdeck.com/aleyda/building-a-modern-day-e-commerce-seo-strategy
Brodie Clark on Twitter: „Sitelinks are an important feature for SEO. They can make your result stand out + help with navigation. But did you know there’s 4 different types? Each is distinct from the other & is important for your strategy. Here’s how to identify each Google Sitelink type🧵👇” / Twitter https://twitter.com/brodieseo/status/1589490334442328065
Google Search Shopping Labels For Pre-Owned https://www.seroundtable.com/google-search-shopping-labels-for-pre-owned-34375.html
Google is showing a green leaf label that says „pre-owned” on Google Shopping results, which I guess are pre-owned. This shows both in the desktop and mobile Google Search shopping results.
Antoine Eripret on Twitter: „[Quick SEO tip] If you are having issue with indexing, make sure your robots.txt file is returning either 200 or 404. If your file returns 500, Google will eventually deindex your website, as I’ve seen with this project. https://t.co/8KiYLgDVRo” / Twitter https://twitter.com/antoineripret/status/1592132455523581954
SEO in 2023 – Majestic https://majestic.com/seo-in-2023
This year, we asked ONE HUNDRED AND ONE! of the world’s leading SEOs to share their number one actionable tip for 2023. Check out our SEO in 2023 guide to learn from the best in the business, helping you stay one-step ahead of your competitors as we head into a new year.
WordPress SEO: The Ultimate Guide in 28 Actionable Steps https://www.semrush.com/blog/wordpress-seo/
WordPress is by far the most popular CMS (content management system) in the world.
Below, we give you 28 steps that will make your WordPress SEO on point.
#2: Geeking Out About SEO Crawling With David Kaufmann From SEOcrawl – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8hkp0V6WQA
Apple Four Years Away From Building Its Own Search Engine https://www.seroundtable.com/apple-search-four-years-34402.html
The Information wrote a piece that says Apple is at least four years or more away from building its own search engine – Apple Search. We have been talking about Apple’s quiet efforts in building its own search engine for many years now and to see they are reportedly this far away, is a bit sad.
How to make a Google Analytics 4 custom report in ~30 seconds https://searchengineland.com/google-analytics-4-make-custom-report-388925
With Google Analytics 4 custom reports, you can build out exactly the views of data you need. Learn how to create one in less than a minute.
40% dintre consumatori vor livrarea comenzilor online in 1-2 zile (sondaj) – ECOMpedia https://ecompedia.ro/40-dintre-consumatori-vor-livrarea-comenzilor-online-1-2-zile-sondaj/
Un studiu recent, realizat de Oracle Retail („Retail Shopper Outlook: Consumer Research 2022”), despre obiceiurile de consum la nivel mondial, post-pandemie, noteaza ca 40% dintre consumatori vor sa primeasca produsele comandate online in 1-2 zile. 35% sunt dispusi sa astepte 3-5 zile, iar 11% le vor in aceeasi zi, transmite Oracle Retail, intr-un comunicat de presa. In plus, 43% dintre respondenti au declarat ca livrarea rapida determina adesea de la ce magazin vor cumpara.
12 Graphic Design Trends for 2023 [Infographic] | Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/12-Visual-Trends-for-2023-Infographic/637104/
Looking to give your branding a visual refresh in 2023?
De sărbători, trimite campanii de email care aduc bucurii și plusvaloare abonaților! – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman https://blog.newsman.ro/campanii-de-email-marketing-de-sarbatori/
Am văzut în articolul anterior de pe blog, 5 idei de newsletter de sărbători. În acest articol, definim care sunt pașii de parcurs pentru a crea campanii de sărbători valoroase pentru clienți. De la structură la follow-up sunt 6 pași principali. După care, îți prezentăm 8 idei de emailuri pe care le poți trimite abonaților în sezonul festiv. Încheiem cu sumar idei de reținut, plus ceva sfaturi bonus.
Rezultate Black Friday 2022. | Blogul Mavericks https://mavericks.ro/blog/black-friday-2022-rezultate-analiza-si-concluzii/
Răspunsul cel mai simplu la întrebarea cum a fost Black Friday 2022 este… depinde. Depinde din ce perspectivă te uiți la lucruri. Și anul acesta mai mult ca oricând rezultatul s-a învârtit în jurul dualității organic-paid. Este anul în care sursele paid au adus un volum mai mare de trafic, tranzacții și revenue ca anii trecuți însă sursele organice, fie ele google organic sau facebook organic au înregistrat scăderi foarte mari.
Statistici Black Friday 2022: Peste 20.000.000 de Euro Vânzări & Peste 150.000 Tranzacții • Limitless Agency https://limitless.ro/blog/statistici-black-friday-2022/
Analiza este făcută pe 568 de conturi din industrii multiple, care includ de la start-ups până la leaderi de industrie la care Limitless Agency are acces.
Mai jos sunt cifrele din ultimii ani:
2022: 7 miliarde EUR piața de Ecommerce, se estimează o creștere de 13%
2021: 6.2 miliarde EUR, creștere 11% față de 2020
2020: 5.6 miliarde EUR, creștere 30% față de 2019
2019: 4.3 miliarde EUR, creștere 20% față de 2018
Facebook Learning Phase: do’s & don’ts – Canopy https://canopy.ro/blog/facebook-ads/facebook-learning-phase-dos-donts/
Pentru a face acest lucru în mod eficient, platforma trebuie să experimenteze din timp și să afișeze reclamele diferitelor tipuri de persoane din publicul țintă. În acest fel, ei pot afla cine este cel mai probabil să ia acțiunile dorite.
Cum sa iti amplifici vanzarile cand perioada sarbatorilor e slaba https://www.gomag.ro/blog/vanzarile-perioada-sarbatorilor-slaba/
Iti arat cateva metode pe care merita sa le testezi in magazinul tau, pentru a-ti amplifica vanzarile chiar si atunci cand perioada sarbatorilor e slaba.
Black Friday 2022, prin lentila DWF: 56,000+ comenzi într-o zi, în valoare de 40,000,000 lei – DWF https://dwf.ro/blog/black-friday-2022-prin-lentila-dwf/
40% din traficul total pe magazinele online monitorizate de noi a venit din Ads (în special Google), în timp ce restul de 60% a fost atras din SEO, în cea mai mare măsură.
Către Google Ads, observăm alocarea unui buget total de 622,630 ron în ziua de vineri, de către magazinele online analizate. Deși echivalează cu un buget de aprox. 5,160 euro pe oră, acest nivel este cu -17%▼ mai mic vs. cel alocat de aceleași magazine online, în Black Friday 2021.
Bune practici în eCommerce SEO – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/bune-practici-in-ecommerce-seo
Aici intervine SEO pentru comerțul electronic. Vă oferă o modalitate de a ajunge la publicul țintă fără a plăti pentru anunțuri.
5 Books to Supercharge Your Creativity [Part 2 of 5] https://www.jeffbullas.com/books-creativity/
Creating covers many media types and video is just one layer. Writing, audio, painting, and photography are all part of the creative tapestry too.
It’s also about creating products and services that make a difference in the world. And that is the art of the entrepreneur.
10 Tricks to Get the Click: How to Write Exceptional PPC Ads | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2022/10/03/how-to-write-exceptional-ppc-ad-copy
PPC is a great way to drive qualified traffic to your site—but not if nobody clicks on your ads. Even worse, a low click-through rate can bog down your Quality Score which will hike up your ad costs.
The Best Writing Advice I’ve Ever Read Comes From Robert Frost. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-best-writing-advice-i-ve-ever-read-comes-from-robert-frost
It has been a useful framework for me as a writer, but even more so as a reader.
Why is content marketing important? 9 reasons to use content https://searchengineland.com/why-content-marketing-is-important-389290
Learn the top reasons why content marketing should be part of every business’s growth strategy in today’s digital landscape.
Calendar UI design – Date picker best practices & inspiration https://setproduct.com/blog/calendar-ui-design
Either it’s aimed to get you into the states and use cases of calendars UI design and inspire you to design better data picker.
Is SEO good career investment for the future? : SEO https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/zc4o0g/is_seo_good_career_investment_for_the_future/
Capcanele PPC-ului în marketing afiliat – Afiliatti.ro https://afiliatti.ro/capcanele-ppc-ului-in-marketing-afiliat/
3 capcane în care cad majoritatea atunci când vor să facă marketing afiliat prin PPC.
Bookmarklet generare link-uri Profitshare – Afiliatti.ro https://afiliatti.ro/bookmarklet-generare-link-uri-profitshare/
Profitând de faptul că am găsit o portiță tehnică în interfața Profitshare (nu e vreun hack, e o opțiune pe care o folosesc chiar ei în anumite secțiuni ale site-ului), am făcut un bookmarklet compatibil cu orice browser și care se activează doar la click.
How to make an About page (7 Best Practices plus 10 Examples) | Orbit Media Studios https://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/about-page-best-practices-examples/
Look at the pages report. They’ll all be there at the top. And there’s one page that’s sure to be in the mix:
It’s your About page.
Black Friday 2022 în afiliere (pentru mine) – Afiliatti.ro https://afiliatti.ro/black-friday-2022-in-afiliere-pentru-mine/
Experiența mea de Black Friday 2022.
ePlan – Oana Dumitrescu, Google România: „Studiul de anul acesta arată o intenție de a păstra obiceiurile de cumpărare” – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/eplan-oana-dumitrescu-google-romania-studiul-de-anul-acesta-arata-o-intentie-de-a-pastra-obiceiurile-de-cumparare
Episodul acesta din ePlan conține multe informații despre cele mai recente cifre și statistici despre achizițiile online, conform ediției de anul acesta a studiului Google Smart Shopper.
Zelist Blog » Blog Archive » Vino sa te bucuri de continutul Radio/Tv impreuna cu noi https://www.zelist.ro/blog/vino-sa-te-bucuri-de-continutul-radio-tv-impreuna-cu-noi/
Zelist Monitor Radio/TV parseaza cele mai importante 62 de canale TV si Radio din Romania, iar pentru fiecare expresie monitorizata iti ofera statistici despre vizibiltate in aceste canale. Daca vrei sa parcurgi mai rapid continutul TV/ Radio, ai la dispozitie un snippet video downloadabil ce contine o captura si transcriptul aferent.
Link Building for SEO: The Beginner’s Guide https://ahrefs.com/blog/link-building/
Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to pages on your website. Its purpose is to boost the “authority” of your pages in the eyes of Google so that these pages rank higher and bring more search traffic.
Statistici Digital Marketing 2022 – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/statistici-digital-marketing-2022
Cunoașteți adevăratele motive pentru care implementați o strategie de marketing față de alta? Strategia aleasă este cea mai potrivită în contextul actual? Iată câteva repere care pot susține cu încredere fiecare decizie de marketing pe care o luați în prezent și în viitorul apropiat.
Ahrefs: 78 SEO Statistics for 2023 https://ahrefs.com/blog/seo-statistics/
Are you curious about the state of SEO in 2023? Then look no further.
How to Use HARO (And Alternatives) to Get Killer Backlinks https://ahrefs.com/blog/haro-link-building/
HARO link building has taken the SEO industry by storm over the last few years. But today, actually getting results is hard work. HARO is oversaturated, and results are not guaranteed.
loa.avature.net/LOrealMasterclassMetaverse https://loa.avature.net/LOrealMasterclassMetaverse
LIVE – Friday December 09 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am GMT*
*If you cannot watch the live event at 9:00 am GMT, register to receive the link to the recording, which will be available throughout the day.
What it’s in it for you?
️You will understand the Web 3 transformation
️What AR, VR, XR, and AI really mean for Brands and consumer engagement
️ How it will boost creativity and innovative ideas
Ce-au căutat nou românii pe Google în 2022 – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2022/12/cautat-romanii-nou-google-2022/
Per total, însă, aș zice că au fost căutări normale, fără nimic uimitor și memorabil pentru anii viitori.
Google Search’s Helpful Content System | Google Search Central | What’s new | Google Developers https://developers.google.com/search/updates/helpful-content-update
Google Search’s helpful content system generates a signal used by our automated ranking systems to better ensure people see original, helpful content written by people, for people, in search results.
Oferta de Sărbători GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/oferta-de-sarbatori-gpec/
Sărbătorile vin cu oferte speciale la primele evenimente GPeC anunțate pentru 2023!
Săptămâna viitoare vă invităm la 3 noi ediții de GPeC Live. Ele pot fi urmărite atât pe zoom cât și în Comunitatea GPeC.
13 decembrie, ora 11:00 AM – GPeC Live: Provocări, soluții și oportunități pentru antreprenorii digitali
Invitat: Dragoș Matei, Business Manager – Goods, OLX
Host: Andrei Radu, CEO & Founder GPe
14 decembrie, ora 14:00 – GPeC Live: Metode de plată alternative (BNPL) – un trend pe care nu trebuie să îl neglijezi
Invitat: Ionuț Sabadac, VP Merchant Solution tbi bank
Host: Andrei Radu, CEO & Founder GPeC
15 decembrie, ora 14:30 – GPeC Live: Creșterea afacerilor online prin servicii logistice și soluții adaptate clienților
Invitat: Alexandr Jeleascov, Managing Director Packeta România
Host: Andrei Radu, CEO & Founder GPeC
SocialPedia Christmas Party – SocialPedia https://socialpedia.ro/socialpedia-christmas-party/
Se încheie încă un an. Intens, cu multă muncă și multe evenimente, dar pe care l-am trăit diferit, după o pandemie care ne-a ținut departe de comunitatea noastră.
De aceea, la final de 2022, te invităm să sărbătorești alături de noi momentele bune și pe cele mai puțin bune, toate micile succese, clipele în care ți-a fost greu, dar pe care le-ai dus până la capăt.
Amazon will give your overworked delivery driver $5 if you ask Alexa to say thank you | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2022/12/07/amazon-will-give-your-overworked-delivery-driver-5-if-you-ask-alexa-to-say-thank-you/
Last year, an Amazon delivery driver said that the high volume of orders during holiday season “makes life hell.” This year, these contracted workers can get a $5 tip if their customer says, “Alexa, thank my driver.”
The 50 best and funniest tweets of 2022 | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/best-tweets-of-the-year-2022
This year has had some surprisingly good posts.
Personal Data Training – By Tudor Galos https://arhiblog.ro/personal-data-training-tudor-galos/
Astăzi, Tudor Galos Consulting lansează noul proiect Personal Data Training by Tudor Galoș Consulting, un centru de training și excelență pentru cei ce doresc să își îmbunătățească cunoștințele în domeniul protecției datelor personale.
3 SEO tools to build for your clients in Looker Studio https://searchengineland.com/looker-studio-build-seo-tools-382637
Creating technical SEO auditing, keyword research, and link building tracking tools is easy with Google Data Studio. Learn how here.
600K Journalists Analyzed: What You Need To Know To Pitch | BuzzSumo.com https://buzzsumo.com/blog/everything-about-journalist-pitching/
In the first half of this report we’re going to unpick the power of the journalist, and in the second half, we’ll get to grips with what it takes to become pitch perfect.
Content, Curated. – Issue #36 – Search Valley https://searchvalley.co.uk/content-curated-36/
NOTE: For the intro to this issue, I thought I’d use an AI copywriter to generate it. For science, not because I’m lazy.
How To Combine SEO & PPC Keyword Strategies For Higher ROI https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-ppc-keyword-strategies-seomonitor-spcs/470714/
There’s a common challenge that both agencies and clients face when it comes to SEO and PPC departments: cross-functional collaboration.
Google Ads Cost Per Lead Has Increased for 91% of Industries YoY | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2022/11/10/search-advertising-benchmarks
With an average 200% return on investment, it’s not surprising that Google Ads is one of the most popular—and most competitive—paid advertising channels for businesses large and small.
LinkedIn just released 3 new features for pages https://searchengineland.com/linkedin-just-released-3-new-features-for-pages-389867
The newsletter feature will help brands leverage first-party data while many platforms are becoming privacy-aware.
Forecasting is fundamental to everything we do – SEOmonitor https://www.seomonitor.com/forecasting-is-fundamental-to-everything-we-do/
James Finlayson is Head of SEO at the UK’s largest independent media agency, the7stars, where he applies a mix of technical and creative skills in order to put the right content, at the right time, in front of the right consumer.
De la visul de a vinde bomboane în piață la antreprenor. | Cristian Ignat https://www.cristianignat.ro/de-la-visul-de-a-vinde-bomboane-in-piata-la-antreprenor
Aceasta este una dintre cele 52 de povești din cartea Eșecuri de Succes, de Vlad Mocanu. Este o colecție de eșecuri scrise de antreprenori din România.
TRUDA – primul start-up românesc care analizează performanța produselor magazinelor online prin machine learning – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/truda-primul-start-up-romanesc-care-analizeaza-performanta-produselor-magazinelor-online-prin-machine-learning
TRUDA, primul startup românesc de machine learning capabil să analizeze în timp real performanța în online pentru a promova produsele care se vând cel mai bine în industria de ecommerce, se lansează pe piață în urma unei investiții de 82.000 de euro.
YouTube year in review: The top 10 ads of 2022 https://searchengineland.com/youtube-year-in-review-the-top-10-ads-of-2022-389966
YouTube has been a major player in marketing for a while, and this year was no exception.
These 6 Books Reveal How to Get Free Traffic on Social Media https://www.jeffbullas.com/books-free-traffic-social-media/
In 2008 there were only 5 million people on Twitter and 50 million people on Facebook, but today there are nearly 4.6 billion social media users.
Iulian Stanciu, eMAG: Sistemul logistic implementat de noi este peste ce are Amazon https://www.wall-street.ro/articol/eCommerce/291282/iulian-stanciu-emag-sistemul-logistic-implementat-de-noi-este-peste-ce-are-amazon.html
”Am studiat toate soluțiile logistice disponibile în piață, iar sistemul implementat de noi aș spune că e peste ce are Amazon”, a declarat Iulian Stanciu, preşedintele executiv al eMAG.
Get SEO PowerSuite software at 82% off https://www.link-assistant.com/sale.html
Today, December 13, you can get the most effective SEO software at a crazy 75% discount. Grab the best deal for SEO PowerSuite now, before the discount lowers tomorrow.
Călin Biriș:
Dacă vrei să-ți încânți furnizorii, partenerii sau clienții, pe lângă vinul și ciocolata cadou de final de an, oferă-le drept cadou o recenzie de 5 stele pe Google sau Facebook, lasă-le o recomandare bună pe Linkedin, plătește-le facturile mai repede decât termenul scadent și adu-le alți clienți sau parteneri pentru afacerea lor. Sunt sigur că vor fi mai impresionați decât de alte cadouri pe care le primesc.
Iar pentru că teoria fără acțiune nu duce la rezultate, începe chiar acum: oferă azi trei recenzii la trei furnizori, parteneri sau clienți. Continuă să faci zilnic acest lucru până la final de an. Dacă vrei să impresionezi cel mai mult, trimite-le testimoniale video pe care să le poată folosi în comunicarea lor.
SEO Portfolio – Google Docs – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PyynDAtJGUAp3jwnkZwvbU0EGjWBGuZB6wNAFEa2Loc/edit#heading=h.xovkkgm0vu9p
Google Says If Your Most Important Page Is Terrible, Then That Is A Big Deal For SEO https://www.seroundtable.com/google-most-important-page-34498.html
Google’s John Mueller said it is a big deal if your most important page or pages are terrible but not such a big deal if your less important pages are terrible. So if your home page is terrible, that is really not good. But if your archived orphaned pages are not good, that is not such a big deal for Google SEO or ranking purposes.
Futurepedia – The Largest AI Tools Directory | Home https://www.futurepedia.io/
The largest AI tools directory, updated daily.
Webinar Gratuit Strategia ta de crestere pentru 2023 https://www.gomag.ro/blog/webinar-aniversar/
Strategia ta de crestere pentru 2023
[Webinar] Joi, 15 decembrie, de la ora 19:00.
Google Says HTML Sitemaps Should Never Be Needed https://www.seroundtable.com/google-html-sitemaps-not-needed-34537.html
He wrote, „I changed my mind on HTML sitemaps over the years, they should never be needed. Sites small & large should always have a clear navigational structure. If you feel the need for a HTML sitemap, spend the time improving your site’s architecture instead. HTML sitemaps fit into the same bin with HTML loading spinners.”
Olga Zarr (seosly.com) on Twitter: „❓Want to become an independent #SEO consultant? Read this thread! I hope it inspires you to follow your dreams too. ⬇️Here is precisely what I did to make my biggest dream come true:” / Twitter https://twitter.com/olgazarr/status/1596427414049263616
Future of AI Content Marketing – Aira https://aira.net/future-of-ai-content-marketing/
Welcome to the Future of AI in Content Marketing report, brought to you by Aira and Verblio
Despre AI și job-uri • zoso blog https://zoso.ro/despre/
Cine va pierde? Freelancerul de rând, vloggerul, creatorul de conținut, fotograful cu PFA. Vor câștiga firmele mici cu bugete reduse care își vor putea genera un site în două minute și conținut relevant produselor și serviciilor lor în cam tot atâta timp.
Marketing Max on Twitter: „Here’s how I turned $7k into $1.2m with a Google Ads hack:” / Twitter https://twitter.com/MarketingMax/status/1506982972855136258
& this campaign won my ad agency “Best Search Campaign” at the 2020 Drum Ad Awards 🥇
Introducing the Google Search Status Dashboard | Google Search Central Blog | Google Developers https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2022/12/status-dashboard
This dashboard reports widespread issues occurring in the last 7 days, with some details and the current status of the incident.
Survey Of 755 Link Builders Shows What Works In 2022 https://www.authorityhacker.com/link-building-survey
Google recently came on record saying that links may be less important in the future than they are today.
Google Search Central on Twitter: „Today, with our December 2022 link spam update, we’re leveraging the power of SpamBrain to neutralize the impact of unnatural links on search results. The update launches today & will take about two weeks to rollout. Learn more: https://t.co/ACO2Ut8wmi” / Twitter https://twitter.com/googlesearchc/status/1603074725256781824
2023 visual design trends guide. The rise of motion design, parallax… | by Diana Malewicz | Dec, 2022 | UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/2023-visual-design-trends-guide-82e84f09cbdf
The rise of motion design, parallax, immersion, contrasting UI styles, imitations and more
ChatGPT Is a Tipping Point for AI https://hbr.org/2022/12/chatgpt-is-a-tipping-point-for-ai
We’re hitting a tipping point for artificial intelligence: With ChatGPT and other AI models that can communicate in plain English, write and revise text, and write code, the technology is suddenly becoming more useful to a broader population of people. This has huge implications.
Google’s Content Quality [E-EAT] & Helpfulness Questions – To Share – Google Sheets https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12-F9Z4NzDADOFRQtOiN-CtjY2aaqj-R5CcrJNCuTha4/edit#gid=0
Google Adds “Add a Map to Your Website” Feature to Google Business Profiles – Local University https://localu.org/google-adds-add-a-map-to-your-website-feature-to-google-business-profiles/
It appears that Google has added a new feature to the New Merchant Experience (NMX), which is the new in-search editing interface, that allows a business to create a custom map to add to their website.
Why Marketers, Creators, and Brands Should Start Using Mastodon ASAP – SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/why-marketers-creators-and-brands-should-start-using-mastodon-asap/
I joined Twitter in June, 2007. It turned out to be a very smart move; over the next decade, that network had a massive impact on my professional success. Some of that is because I did interesting or valuable things, but a lot of it was a combination of timing and serendipity.
Lifehacker’s 22 Favorite Apps of 2022 https://lifehacker.com/lifehackers-22-favorite-apps-of-2022-1849898715
From BeReal to Transparent Note, from Zest to Dized, these were our favorite apps of the year.
Cum iti cresti afacerea cu doar 20 de minute pe zi https://www.youtube.com/c/Gomagro
Ai inceput sa iti planifici actiunile pentru succes in 2023? Te ajutam cu un program unic, format din 12 provocari lunare care iti ocupa doar 20 de minute, in fiecare zi!
Afla cum sa iti cresti afacerea in mod controlat pe baza programului. Ne vedem marti, 20 decembrie, de la ora 14:00. Vino pregatit(a) sa iei notite, pentru ca sigur vrei sa tii minte ce vom discuta.
What’s next for news SEO? 2023 predictions – WTF is SEO? https://wtfseo.substack.com/p/whats-next-for-news-seo-2023-predictions
What will Top Stories look like in 2023? What’s after AMP? We crowdsourced predictions for news SEO in 2023 (and have some thoughts of our own). Plus! A special announcement.
2023 predictions for SEO, Growth and Tech https://www.kevin-indig.com/2023-predictions-for-seo-growth-and-tech/
Welcome to my annual predictions
Digital Lead: GDPR pentru ecommerce, ce trebuie să știe magazinele online pentru a respecta securitatea și confidențialitatea datelor https://www.startupcafe.ro/afaceri/gdpr-ecommerce-magazin-online-securitate-date-digital-lead.htm
Invitat la Digital Lead, Bogdan Manolea, fondator Trusted.ro, a explicat elementele care trebuie respectate de către magazinele online pentru respectarea politicii GDPR.
Converting Your Twitter Archive to Markdown · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer https://matthiasott.com/notes/converting-your-twitter-archive-to-markdown
This script does the following: It converts the tweets in your archive to markdown with embedded images, videos and links. …
Definitions of Emarketing vs Internet vs Digital marketing https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/online-marketing-mix/definitions-of-emarketing-vs-internet-vs-digital-marketing/
Before Digital marketing became the de-facto term, I’ve been asked this question a lot across the years… does the difference in scope between these terms matter? So, as we enter 2023, I thought it was time for another quick look. Here is the latest comparison from Google Trends between 2004 and present
Google’s management has reportedly issued a ‚code red’ amid the rising popularity of the ChatGPT AI https://news.yahoo.com/googles-management-reportedly-issued-code-190131705.html
Google’s management has issued a „code red” amid the launch of ChatGPT — a buzzy conversational-artificial-intelligence chatbot created by OpenAI — as it’s sparked concerns over the future of Google’s search engine, The New York Times reported Wednesday.
Slow fade for Google and Meta’s ad dominance https://www.axios.com/2022/12/20/google-meta-duopoly-online-advertising
Google and Meta, known together in the ad industry as the „duopoly,” are expected to bring in less than half of all U.S. digital advertising this year for the first time since 2014.
LastPass users: Your info and password vault data are now in hackers’ hands | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/12/lastpass-says-hackers-have-obtained-vault-data-and-a-wealth-of-customer-info/
Password manager says breach it disclosed in August was much worse than thought.
Betting on Things That Never Change · Collab Fund https://collabfund.com/blog/betting-on-things-that-never-change/
You can make big, long-term bets on these things, because there’s no chance people will stop caring about them in the future.
vectormaker | Convert PNG-to-SVG Vectors https://vectormaker.co/
Convert images to SVG vectors, PNG-to-SVG Vectors. Vectormaker outlines your pixel based images and turns them into colored SVG vector files.
Color Generator | Nord Design System https://nordhealth.design/color-generator/?theme=nord
Generate color palettes programmatically for use with Nord Themes.
Avoid Unnecessarily Complex Password-Creation Requirements (82% Don’t) – Articles – Baymard Institute https://baymard.com/blog/password-requirements-and-password-reset
Requiring users to use overly complex passwords will result in fewer users creating accounts, and more users being unable to immediately access their existing accounts
PANTONE® USA | Pantone Color of the Year 2023 / Introduction https://www.pantone.com/color-of-the-year/2023
Pantone’s Color of the Year, Viva Magenta 18-1750, vibrates with vim and vigor. It is a shade rooted in nature descending from the red family and expressive of a new signal of strength. Viva Magenta is brave and fearless, and a pulsating color whose exuberance promotes a joyous and optimistic celebration, writing a new narrative.
How to Answer UX Job Interview Questions https://www.nngroup.com/articles/answer-ux-job-interview-questions/
Summary: Shine brightly in your UX job interviews by demonstrating stellar communication skills to common types of interview questions using STAR and METEOR.
Design Principles https://principles.design/
An open source collection of Design Principles and methods.
Which fonts to use for your charts and tables – Datawrapper Blog https://blog.datawrapper.de/fonts-for-data-visualization/
…and how to customize them.
Despre uzabilitate și design:
“Piața Unirii” – Pasajul Ucigaș | Contributors https://www.contributors.ro/piata-unirii-pasajul-ucigas/
Faptul că nu mai puțin de șapte șoferi profesioniști, din trei țări diferite (România, Turcia și Grecia) au comis aceeași greșeală, în același loc, în decurs de doar trei luni, spune clar că problema nu sunt șoferii. Problema principală este clar alta. Dar care?
LosslessCut https://mifi.no/losslesscut/
The Swiss Army Knife of Lossless Video/Audio Editing
GitHub – wong2/chat-gpt-google-extension: A browser extension to display ChatGPT response alongside search engine results https://github.com/wong2/chat-gpt-google-extension
A browser extension to display ChatGPT response alongside Google (and other search engines) results, supports Chrome/Edge/Firefox
Huge win for privacy: Facebook tracking is illegal in Europe! https://tutanota.com/blog/posts/facebook-tracking-business-model-illegal-europe/
EU privacy regulators say Facebook and Instagram must not force users to agree to tracking by putting this requirement into their terms. This business model is illegal according to the GDPR.
Remark – send more humane emails, using AI https://remarkai.in/
The best email templates suggested by AI to help you ace your email marketing and increase conversions.
WebStickies https://lawrencehook.com/ws/
Sticky notes are saved locally and reappear on subsequent visits.
The clever reason scammers can’t spell – IT Services blog https://itservices.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/2019/06/06/the-clever-reason-scammers-cant-spell/
By sending an initial email that’s obvious in its shortcomings, the scammers are isolating the most gullible targets. If you trash their email, that’s fine. They don’t want you, someone from whom there’s virtually no chance of receiving any money. They want people who, faced with a ridiculous email, still don’t recognize its illegitimacy.
Ask HN: Anyone tired of everything being a subscription now? | Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34041962
Not newspapers or media services (though those can be annoying too), but products in general? It feels like it’s getting harder and harder to just buy something in the tech world, especially when it comes to running programs on my home computer. Want a password manager? It’s a SaaS now. Note taking app? SaaS. Image editor or office suite? SaaS (thanks Adobe…)
Unclutter — Reader Mode for Chrome & Firefox https://unclutter.it/
Unlike all other reader modes, Unclutter modifies a website’s CSS styles to remove ads and popups.
HandleFinder https://www.handlefinder.com/
HandleFinder is a powerful tool that can be used to find usernames across many social networks. This project is a wrapper around the Sherlock Project.
AI Music Generator – SOUNDRAW https://soundraw.io/
Simply choose the mood, the genre and the length. Our AI will generate beautiful songs for you.
An Interactive Guide to Flexbox in CSS https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/interactive-guide-to-flexbox/
Flexbox is a remarkably powerful layout mode. When we truly understand how it works, we can build dynamic layouts that respond automatically, rearranging themselves as-needed.
Is Dark Mode Good For Your Eyes? | Kev Quirk https://kevquirk.com/is-dark-mode-such-a-good-idea/
According to the reading I’ve done, dark mode isn’t easier to read and it doesn’t prevent eye strain. However, in very specific __circumstances it can improve battery life.
Password requirements: myths and madness https://www.franzoni.eu/password-requirements-myths-madness/
Password requirements are weird. It seems impossible to set a new password in many websites. Why?
Hello: Search engine for developers https://beta.sayhello.so/
For best results, use natural language. How to…? Why is…?
PPC 2022 in review: Performance Max, Apple Search, chaos at Twitter, and more https://searchengineland.com/ppc-2022-in-review-performance-max-apple-search-chaos-at-twitter-and-more-390608
If you thought it was going to be a dull year, you were wrong. Here’s a look at the most significant changes and most important PPC updates that happened in 2022.
Digitale pe Legale https://www.curteaveche.ro/p/digitale-pe-legale
După impactul pe care Avocatoo.ro l-a avut în rândul publicului explicând limbajul legal și teme conexe de larg interes, Ana-Maria Udriște și Marian Hurducaș le propun un ghid juridic util celor care activează în industria de marketing și comunicare și nu numai. Dacă vrei să stăpânești modul în care funcționează promovarea afacerii tale în social media și instrumentele legale care o guvernează, Digitale pe Legale este ceea ce ai nevoie.
Planul de marketing 2023 – Calendar 365 de zile de vanzari si profit https://www.gomag.ro/blog/planul-de-marketing-calendar-postari-continut-idei-de-promovare/?vgo_ee=5EoLGaGIO2GJwGRfUnm4pA%3D%3D
Asa cum te-ai obisnuit deja, la fiecare inceput de an pregatim un articol cuprinzator cu principalele evenimente ale anului.
What’s in a PR statement: LastPass breach explained | Almost Secure https://palant.info/2022/12/26/whats-in-a-pr-statement-lastpass-breach-explained/
Their statement is also full of omissions, half-truths and outright lies. As I know that not everyone can see through all of it, I thought that I would pick out a bunch of sentences from this statement and give some context that LastPass didn’t want to mention.
Safari’s date-picker is the cause of 1/3 of our customer support issues · GitHub https://gist.github.com/RobertAKARobin/850a408e04d5414e67d308a2b5847378
I’m the developer for a startup that sells a genetic test to recommend medications for high blood pressure. For medical reasons we need to know our customers’ birth date. Most of our customers are in their 60s or older. We have found that many of them are using iPads or iPhones. And they’re the ones complaining to our customer support line about our site being unusable.
Creează un email cu urări de Anul Nou, pe care abonații îl vor aprecia – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman https://blog.newsman.ro/creeaza-un-email-cu-urari-de-anul-nou-pe-care-abonatii-il-vor-aprecia/
Creează un email cu urări festive, cu mesaj autentic
10 Strategii folosite pentru retenția clienților https://easy-sales.com/blog/ro/10-strategii-folosite-pentru-retentia-clientilor/
Fidelizarea sau retenția clienților este esențială pentru orice afacere, dar mai ales pentru cele care activează în eCommerce. Totuși, foarte mulți comercianți se axează, în strategiile lor de marketing și comunicare, pe atragerea de noi clienți, ceea ce nu este greșit, însă costurile de marketing cu fidelizarea clienților sunt mult mai mici și nu trebuie neglijate.
Death by AI https://deathbyai.com/
Death by AI is a RIP-off of Killed by Google, an open-source list of discontinued Google products and services. Go check their page! It’s literally the same.
SmartyNames.com : Search Domain Names with Artificial Intelligence https://smartynames.com/
Describe your company or project.
Your organization should run its own Mastodon server https://martinfowler.com/articles/your-org-run-mastodon.html
Whether you are a large company, a political party, an international news agency, an NGO or a government institution, you should seriously consider running your own Mastodon server, or anything else that suits your business on the Fediverse.
Topically | Entity SEO tool for human beings https://topically.io/
The 10 Biggest Changes to Google Ads You Need to Know for 2023 | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2022/12/05/top-google-ads-updates
It’s never a dull day in PPC, and 2022 proved that at every opportunity. Small and medium businesses were pushed above and beyond this year by supply chain disruptions, shifting consumer behaviors, and skyrocketing inflation—and along the way, Google, of course, made some moves of its own.
The Top 50 Most Influential PPC Experts in 2022 | 2022 Top PPC List – Marketing O’Clock https://marketingoclock.com/top-PPC/2022/
This is the list of the 50 most influential PPCers that we’ve encountered in 2022.
Cheerful Chatbots Don’t Necessarily Improve Customer Service | Research https://research.gatech.edu/cheerful-chatbots-dont-necessarily-improve-customer-service
“It is commonly believed and repeatedly shown that human employees can express positive emotion to improve customers’ service evaluations,” said Han Zhang, the Steven A. Denning Professor in Technology & Management. “Our findings suggest that the likelihood of AI’s expression of positive emotion to benefit or hurt service evaluations depends on the type of relationship that customers expect from the service agent.”
ChatGPT Writer – Free email writer for Gmail https://chatgptwriter.ai/
Free Chrome extension that uses ChatGPT AI to generate entire emails or replies based on a few keywords that you input. Currently supported for Gmail. LinkedIn and Outlook coming soon.
ChatGPT for SEO: 20 Ways to Leverage ChatGPT in your SEO Activities https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/chatgpt-for-seo/
Taking all of this into consideration, as many of you, I’ve been playing with ChatGPT in the latest weeks to identify ways to leverage in SEO tasks. Here are 20 of them that you can use as a reference too.
Trenduri in eCommerce si marketing 2023 https://www.youtube.com/c/Gomagro
Hai sa vedem impreuna ce ne asteapta in noul an ca antreprenori si oameni de business, intr-o sesiune traditionala deja pentru noi. Marti, 3 ianuarie, de la ora 14:00, ne vedem live si povestim despre trendurile lui 2023 in eCommerce si marketing.
Chiar daca mediul economic si contextul macro pare instabil, inca putem lua decizii in mod corect, analizand comportamentul clientilor. Hai cu noi, sa vezi despre ce e vorba!
User-Experience Quiz https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ux-quiz/
Summary: Test your usability knowledge by taking our quiz. All questions and answers are based on articles that we published last year.
Retrospectiva anului 2022 în eCommerce – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/retrospectiva-anului-2022-in-ecommerce
Înainte de încheierea oficială a anului și de startul Sărbătorilor, enumerăm aici câteva dintre cele mai importante momente ale anului 2022 pentru eCommerce-ul românesc.
Adelina Bogdan – Portret de Maverick | Blogul Mavericks https://mavericks.ro/blog/povesti-cu-suflet-despre-oamenii-din-mavericks-adelina-bogdan/
Scoatem la lumină un nou portret de Maverick, cel al Adelinei Bogdan, colega noastră de aproape 2 ani în rolul de Performance Media Specialist.
De ce CTR-ul din trafic organic a scăzut cu până la 40% în 2022? – Upswing SEO Agency https://upswing.ro/de-ce-ctr-ul-din-trafic-organic-a-scazut-cu-pana-la-40-in-2022/
Ați luat și voi la puricat rapoartele din Google Analytics, încercând să vă dați seama ce se întâmplă totuși cu traficul organic? A plecat într-o vacanță prelungită, ne-a părăsit pentru o versiune mai tânără, sau s-a dat pur și simplu bătut?
Google is Sunsetting Similar Audiences in 2023: What You Need to Know | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2022/12/13/google-sunsetting-similar-audiences
Google recently announced that starting next year, it will be phasing out similar audiences. So what are they, what’s replacing them, and what do you need to know? Read on to find out, with expert input from PPC pro Jyll Saskin Gales!
How to drive 10x more conversions with magnetic paid search offers https://searchengineland.com/drive-10x-more-conversions-magnetic-paid-search-offers-390140
The best PPC optimization you can make is one you won’t find in the Google Ads interface, and it starts with a magnetic offer.
YouTube Adds Video Processing Time Indicators, More Info Panels for Data Stories | Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/youtube-adds-video-processing-time-indicators-more-info-panels-for-data-st/638700/
YouTube’s adding a new element in YouTube Studio to help you track how long it’ll take to process your uploaded videos in the app, while it’s also rolling out new Data Stories cards to provide more context on channel performance.
Google Ads updates in 2022: The good, the bad, the jury’s still out https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-updates-2022-good-bad-jury-still-out-390323
Here’s a rundown of Google Ads announcements, updates and releases in 2022 and how they impact paid search marketers today and beyond.
German online sales shrink 16.8% around Christmas https://ecommercenews.eu/german-online-sales-shrink-16-8-around-christmas/
In the period from October 1st to November 30th, which includes Black Friday, German sales of online retailers decreased 16.8 percent when compared to the same period in 2021.
Cum răspunde TikTok îngrijorărilor legate de protecția utilizatorilor și a datelor acestora – Mindcraft Stories https://mindcraftstories.ro/tehnologie/cum-raspunde-tiktok-ingrijorarilor-legate-de-protectia-utilizatorilor-si-a-datelor-acestora/
Iată ce spune un reprezentant al TikTok despre dilemele și controversele din jurul rețelei sociale cu cea mai mare creștere din ultimii ani.
Amazon.com: Is marketing a good career? eBook : Trappe, Christoph: Kindle Store https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BRHCNKB9?dplnkId=fffe7758-c249-4087-948e-0932b48653e0
Making the right career choice can be hard enough as it is. What do we like to do, what are we good at, and what career is fulfilling and pays the bills?
My Youtube earnings | Brick Experiment Channel https://brickexperimentchannel.wordpress.com/2022/11/19/my-youtube-earnings/
How much money I have made with my Lego YouTube channel? Let’s go through the YouTube Analytics. Whether you’re a colleague or an aspiring Youtuber, you may find this information valuable.
Cum să conduci o afacere profitabilă în eCommerce în 2023 https://easy-sales.com/blog/ro/cum-sa-conduci-o-afacere-profitabila-in-ecommerce-in-2023/
Deschiderea unei afaceri în eCommerce poate fi o experiență provocatoare și plină de satisfacții. Online-ul este deja cea mai utilizată modalitate pentru companiile mici care doresc să ajungă la clienți și să-și extindă operațiunile.
How To Use Cookie-Free Domains: A Complete Guide https://kinsta.com/blog/use-cookie-free-domains/
Does your website suffer from sluggish performance and high network traffic? Where cookies are often the culprit, one effective solution is to use cookie-free domains.
Top 100 of #SEOFOMO in 2022 – Google Sheets https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U5sEo38S6LwN1jJfrRNcnglRE2PNDEZnV_H80PeaAD0/edit#gid=0
Cumulative Layout Shift Explained: How to Fix Your Score – Kinsta® https://kinsta.com/blog/cumulative-layout-shift/
Struggling with Cumulative Layout Shift issues on your website? Or not sure what Cumulative Layout Shift even means?
Hundreds of WordPress sites infected by recently discovered backdoor | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/01/hundreds-of-wordpress-sites-infected-by-recently-discovered-backdoor/
Malware that exploits unpatched vulnerabilities in 30 different WordPress plugins has infected hundreds if not thousands of sites and may have been in active use for years, according to a writeup published last week.
Google Chrome halting updates for Windows 7, 8.1 users | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/google-chrome-end-updates-old-windows-versions
It’ll work. Not great. But it’ll work.
SEO Specialist – Join an Award-Winning SEO Agency! | Vertify | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3425220238/
👋 Salut! Ne mărim echipa și căutăm specialiști SEO cu experiență în zona tehnică / on-page, familiarizați cu obiectivele campaniilor SEO și gata să facă parte dintr-o agenție în care nu ne rezumăm la a fi doar creativi sau doar tehnici, și în care we truly love SEO.
GoatCounter – open source web analytics https://www.goatcounter.com/
GoatCounter is an open source web analytics platform available as a hosted service (free for non-commercial use) or self-hosted app. It aims to offer easy to use and meaningful privacy-friendly web analytics as an alternative to Google Analytics or Matomo.
SEO Trends 2023, According To 24 Experts [Ebook] https://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-trends-2023-ebook/473283/
Are you ready for SEO in 2023? In our new ebook, 24 experts weigh in with the biggest SEO trends you need to know.
Cât am câștigat din afiliere în 2022? – Afiliatti.ro https://afiliatti.ro/cat-am-castigat-din-afiliere-in-2022/
Cum a arătat anul 2022 pentru proiectele mele de marketing afiliat.
Perfmatters – The #1 Web Performance Plugin for WordPress https://perfmatters.io/
Perfmatters is a lightweight web performance plugin, created by two brothers with a love for WordPress. Make sure to check out the changelog and feature requests.
How does Google use a rapping former US vice-president to determine PageRank?
Through the Al Gore rhythm
Content Entrepreneur – Markeero https://markeero.com/content-entrepreneur/
Un email course care te învață cum să îți dezvolți un mindset de antreprenor, cum poți să pornești un brand scalabil prin crearea de conținut și cum să strângi o comunitate loială.
Employer Branding Conference https://www.employerbrandingconference.ro/
In cadrul editiei din 5 aprilie, Employee Engagement, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Talent Management vor fi printre temele principale de discutii, pe langa Proiectele Speciale care au adus rezultate vizibile in indicatorii de Employer Branding.
Copywriting vs. Content Writing: What’s the Difference https://gregbussmann.com/copywriting-vs-content-writing-whats-the-difference/
Knowing the difference between copywriting and content writing is important for businesses interested in optimizing their digital marketing strategies and increasing their ROI.
ChatGPT is enabling script kiddies to write functional malware | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/01/chatgpt-is-enabling-script-kiddies-to-write-functional-malware/
For a beta, ChatGPT isn’t all that bad at writing fairly decent malware.
OpenAI developing software to detect ChatGPT text • The Register https://www.theregister.com/2023/01/09/in_brief_ai/
Plus: Apple using fake AI voices to help indie publishers release audiobooks
Why free stuff makes us irrational – The Hustle https://thehustle.co/why-free-stuff-makes-us-irrational/
When something is free, people feel a positive glow — and standard cost-benefit analyses go out the window.
Curs de antreprenoriat – Ana Nicolescu, Business Coach Acreditat https://ananicolescu.ro/curs-de-antreprenoriat-plan-gandire-strategie-editia-februarie-2023/
După doi ani de lucru intensiv cu soloprenoarele în programe online de antreprenoriat, am pregătit pentru tine un curs aplicat pe afacerea ta, în contextul în care o crești.
Neuromarketing: How brands are getting your brain to buy more stuff – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkDVC_izIV0
How to Repair and Improve Local Business Reputation via Google Star Ratings and Reviews – Moz https://moz.com/blog/how-to-improve-google-business-reputation
Six in ten consumers require a minimum 4+ star rating in order to consider patronizing a local business and over ⅓ say it’s the star rating that is the key differentiator between local brands.
Our top Core Web Vitals recommendations for 2023 https://web.dev/top-cwv-2023/
A collection of the best practices that the Chrome DevRel team believes are the most effective ways to improve Core Web Vitals performance in 2023.
Growth Marketing Tools https://www.demandcurve.com/playbooks/marketing-tools-beginners-guide
A marketing stack is a set of tools that helps startups execute their marketing.
Spanish blog: Register for the Search Central Virtual Unconference en español 2023 | Google Search Central Blog | Google Developers https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2023/01/registrate-para-search-central-unconference-espanol
¡Hola! The Search Central Virtual Unconference en español 2023 is now open for participant registration. All sessions will be conducted in Spanish. If you speak Spanish and are interested, be sure to register before February 1!
Writesonic – Best AI Writer, Copywriting & Paraphrasing Tool https://writesonic.com/
Shopia | SEO & Marketing Content Powered By AI https://www.shopia.ai/
Hello :) http://ryt.me/
Frase | Best SEO Content Optimization Tool & AI Writer https://www.frase.io/
Google’s DeepMind says it’ll launch a more grown-up ChatGPT rival soon | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/news/googles-deepmind-promises-chatgpt-rival-soon-and-it-could-be-better-in-one-key-way
A chatbot with moral boundaries?
Te invităm Joi, 19 Ianuarie, de la ora 19:00 la webinarul Cum să accesăm și să implementăm cu succes proiectele pe digitalizare-PNRR-346 milioane euro disponibili.
Webinarul poate fi urmărit LIVE pe următoarele canale:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/BusinessDays
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/c/businessdaysro
Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/company/business-days
Te invităm ca timp de o ora să dezbatem și să răspundem la întrebările pe care le ai legat de sesiunea de depunere a proiectelor de digitalizare din 1 Februarie-31 Martie 2023 cu expertul nostru in accesarea fondurilor nerambursabile, Roxana Mircea, Managing Partner la REI Grup și cu expertul în digitalizarea companiilor, Dorin Andreica, Managing Partner la Soft Net Consulting
Business Makeover – Drumul tau in eCommerce incepe cu Gomag https://www.gomag.ro/blog/business-makeover/
Inscrierile sunt gratuite.
Preselectie deschisa pana luni, 6 februarie 2023!
Too Few Marketers Grasp the Difference Between Strategy vs. Tactics; We Need to Fix That – SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/too-few-marketers-grasp-the-difference-between-strategy-vs-tactics-we-need-to-fix-that/
Look, I get it. For (at least) the first decade of my career, I, too, foolishly conflated strategy and tactics. I’d say things like: “we need to be strategic with our paid search spend,” or “let’s get tactical with the pricing tiers.”
ChatGPT GPT3 Detector | Draft & Goal https://detector.dng.ai/
Out detector analyzes different fingerprints left by the AI models that allow us to determine if a text has been written by an AI or a human.
Vulnerability with 9.8 severity in Control Web Panel is under active exploit | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/01/vulnerability-with-9-8-severity-in-control-web-panel-is-under-active-exploit/
A patch was released in October, but not all servers have installed it.
Podcast SEO: How to optimize your podcast for Google | Wix SEO Hub https://www.wix.com/seo/learn/resource/podcast-seo-guide
Your podcast appearing prominently on Google’s result pages is powerful for both brand awareness and building a listenership. The problem is, the process to grow your podcast’s organic visibility on Google is somewhat elusive.
How to avoid 7 mistakes that tank retail Performance Max campaigns https://searchengineland.com/retail-performance-max-campaign-mistakes-391772
Learn how you can avoid repeating some serious mistakes that advertisers have made with their Performance Max campaigns.
Tickets – WordCamp Europe 2023 https://europe.wordcamp.org/2023/tickets/
Here you can get your tickets for WordCamp Europe, which will be held on 8-10 June 2023 in Athens, Greece.
Școala de Iarnă de E-Commerce & Digital Marketing GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/scoala-de-iarna-gpec/
Începe anul în forță la Școala de Iarnă GPeC – singura serie de Cursuri Intensive de E-Commerce și Digital Marketing din România – care se va desfășura exclusiv online, pe Zoom, în perioada 15-19 februarie 2023.
WhatsApp now lets you chat with yourself – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/19/23562497/whatsapp-message-yourself-feature
/ The new message yourself feature is super useful for reminders and notes that can sync across devices.
New Performance Max experiments have just rolled out https://searchengineland.com/new-performance-max-experiments-have-just-rolled-out-391891
You can now test Performance Max updates in your account and monitor results before applying the changes.
The State of Technical SEO Report from Women in Tech SEO and Aira https://aira.net/state-of-technical-seo/
Welcome to The State of Technical SEO Report 2023 from Aira.
Emisiune TVR: Facebook Live | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&mibextid=Fsk8u8&v=727732642350853
The State Of Usability In 2023 🎊 — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2023/01/usability-2023/
That’s how people behave on the web in 2023. Some observations from real usability testing on what people do and what they don’t do on the web. From disabled copy-paste to magic link sign-in.
How to ask questions like a UX Researcher | by Robbie Li | Jan, 2023 | UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-ask-questions-like-a-ux-researcher-a4e02041136c
Tips for asking good, engaging, and productive questions
UX Audit Kit https://www.ux.report/l/uxreport
Usability kit that helps professionals inspect websites or products and identify areas for improvement based on proven best practices. Whether you are a UX designer or not this kit has the tools and guidance you need to create user-friendly websites.
Onest font https://onest.md/en
The first typeface designed for Moldova to make communication more open and honest.
Follow These 10 Rising Stars of the Marketing World in 2023 https://www.linkedin.com/business/marketing/blog/trends-tips/follow-these-10-rising-stars-of-the-marketing-world-in-2023
One of the most exciting things about marketing is that it’s a puzzle that will never be completely solved. There’s no one great truth to success at it; just a lot of theories, a lot of experimenting, and a lot of learning.
WhatsApp adds undo button to restore deleted messages – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/20/23518481/whatsapp-message-deletion-undo-feature
/ If you accidentally delete a message just for yourself rather than the whole chat, you now have the option to fix your mistake.
Build Up Authority: Cum să te poziționezi ca o autoritate în industria ta https://markeero.com/build-up-authority/
Cursul care te învață cum să te poziționezi ca un expert în industria ta prin creația de conținut.
The $122Bn SEO Industry: 30 Success Stories (with Revenue Numbers) for 2023 – Detailed.com https://detailed.com/seo-industry/
With the SEO industry expected to generate $122 billion in revenue by 2028, who is actually making that money, and are there opportunities for those of us with the necessary skills to get a slice of the action?
ChatGPT Won’t Replace Google Search (Yet) – Moz https://moz.com/blog/chatgpt-replace-google
Unfortunately, the biggest short-term threat to Google is that people and companies will likely use ChatGPT to churn out mountains of low-quality content, costing Google time and money and likely resulting in major, reactive algorithm updates. This will also be a serious headache for search marketers, who will have to react to those updates.
Cele patru tipuri de noroc pe care le putem avea în viață – Victor Kapra https://www.victorkapra.ro/2023/01/cele-patru-tipuri-noroc-care-putem-avea-viata/
În 1978, un neurolog pe nume Dr. James Austin a publicat o carte intitulată Chase, Chance, & Creativity: The Lucky Art of Novelty.
Publica Instant Advertoriale si Articole SEO – InstaPress https://instapress.ro/?ref=email
De ce să aștepți 48 de ore să publici un articol când o poți face instant? Adaugă articolul și ai linkul pe loc. Atât de simplu!
Training Exclusiv | Strategii eficiente de creștere a vânzărilor online https://businesshub.olx.ro/strategii-eficiente-de-crestere-a-vanzarilor-online
Dacă ai o afacere în eCommerce și cauți mereu oportunități noi de a face profit, dorești să te diferențiezi de competiție și vrei să fii la curent cu cele mai actuale tehnici de promovare, Cosmin Dărăban, CEO & CO-Founder GoMag, ți-a pregătit un webinar exclusiv în colaborare cu OLX Business.
Mai multe, aici:
OLX Resurse https://businesshub.olx.ro/
2 Articole despre tooluri ChatGPT:
Alex Velinov – Post | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alex-velinov_chatgpt-ai-marketing-activity-7023190087899172864-Af8c/
ChatGPT Apps – Chrome Extensions and Add-ons for Marketers…
and others
Sunil Ghimire – Post | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ghimiresunil_chatgpt-activity-7021128204388057088-0jf5/
Everyone’s talking about #ChatGPT. But 90% of you are missing out on the AI revolution. Here are the top AI tools you NEED to know about.
Leacul anti-nesimțire găsit de o antreprenoare pentru clientele cu tupeu care comandau online haine, le purtau, apoi le returnau | adevarul.ro https://adevarul.ro/stiri-locale/cluj-napoca/metoda-inedita-prin-care-o-antreprenoare-a-scapat-2237334.html
Așa că, ajunsă la limita răbdării, am stat și am sunat la ANPC până am găsit o doamnă inspector drăguță să mă ajute. Și m-a sfătuit să fac un proces-verbal cu explicațiile și trei persoane din afara firmei să semneze că au constatat faptul că produsul miroase /e spălat/purtat. Și acum așa procedăm, când refuzăm, menționăm în scris că se face și acest proces-verbal cu semnăturile.
Stream-urile pe YouTube aduc o mulțime de bani – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2023/01/live-streaming-youtube-aduc-multime-bani/
Are Linus Tech Tips un clip video în care arată cele mai bănoase clipuri video de pe canalul său de YouTube. Face un top 10 și arată câți bani a încasat fiecare clip din publicitatea din clip, dar și din banii primiți de la cei cu YouTube Premium.
(e un slideshow)
13 Common Idioms the Kids Don’t Understand https://lifehacker.com/13-common-idioms-the-kids-don-t-understand-1850035015
You might be surprised to learn they don’t have no idea what a „broken record” sounds like.
SocialPedia 45 – SocialPedia https://socialpedia.ro/socialpedia-45/
Te așteptăm pe 7 februarie 2023, de la ora 18:30, la Restaurant Monarh din București (Calea Plevnei 44-46), pentru o ediție SocialPedia despre Social Media Trends 2023, powered by MTH Digital. Discutăm despre cele mai noi trenduri în social media, digital marketing și ecommerce, dar și despre metode eficiente de organizare timpului și muncii pe parcursul anului 2023.
ChatGPT could make these jobs obsolete https://nypost.com/2023/01/25/chat-gpt-could-make-these-jobs-obsolete/
Artificial intelligence is here, and it’s coming for your job.
Contracts you should never sign https://vadimkravcenko.com/shorts/contracts-you-should-never-sign/
When it comes to software engineering and the IT industry in general, contracts are a necessary part of doing business.
Copying Designs Doesn’t Work, And Here’s Why — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2023/01/copying-designs-doesnt-work/
Striking the right balance between inspiration and innovation might be hard. Let’s explore how to effectively get inspiration from others without losing that magic spark, including some do’s and don’ts along the way.
Search The Deck https://www.searchthedeck.com/
Search inside 15,000+ pitch deck slides
Calligrapher.ai: Realistic computer-generated handwriting https://www.calligrapher.ai/
Doc Converter – Convert PDF files to Word documents (docx) https://docconverter.app/
Covert PDF documents to Word documents and it’s all happening on your computer.
Google Search URL Request Parameters | DETECTED https://stenevang.wordpress.com/2013/02/22/google-advanced-power-search-url-request-parameters/
You may already be using advanced Google Search operators like inurl: and ext: and site:, but here is a chance for you to sharpen up your search efficiency even further.
The Page With No Code – Dan Q https://danq.me/2023/01/11/nocode/
I think it’s possible to go one step further, though, and create a web page with no code whatsoever. That is, one that you can read as if it were a regular web page, but where using View Source or e.g. downloading the page with curl will show you… nothing.
DeepL Write: AI-powered writing companion https://www.deepl.com/write?ref=refind
Perfect your writing in seconds
Write clearly, precisely, and with ease
Alex Buraks on Twitter: „You probably heard about Yandex, it’s the 4th biggest search engine by market share worldwide. Yesterday proprietary source code of Yandex was leaked. The most interesting part for SEO community is: the list of all 1922 ranking factors used in the search algorithm [🧵THREAD] https://t.co/6x82AAmbON” / Twitter https://twitter.com/alex_buraks/status/1618988134850785280
The many deaths of UX design. How UX was proclaimed dead (again)… | by Kristian Mikhel | Jan, 2023 | UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/the-many-deaths-of-ux-design-85a255e3676f
How UX was proclaimed dead (again), what do AI and Elon Musk have to do with it, and what poses a real treat to the discipline of design.
WordPress’ admin UI needs to be better • joost.blog https://joost.blog/wordpress-admin-ui-needs-to-be-better/
The WordPress’ admin UI needs to be drastically improved. It should be improved not just for WordPress core itself, but it should implement a simple and clearly defined open design system, so that plugins and themes can use it to build their own interfaces.
Senior SEO Specialist-Romania | Agnos Inc. | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3415837635/
You will be responsible for managing all SEO activities such as content strategy, link building, and keyword strategy to increase rankings on all major search networks. You will also manage all SEM campaigns on Google, Yahoo, and Bing in order to maximize ROI.
Thomas Jepsen on Twitter: „🚀 Say hi to Bike Lock Wiki It’s a site that does $12k/month for a hobbyist cyclist 💰💰 📌 An estimated 143k traffic/month 📌 $73k ad traffic equivalent 📌 sub 1k traffic in May 2020. This guy is on fire! Let’s dive deeper into how founder James did it. A thread 🧵🧵 https://t.co/Vd7NPzdMc1” / Twitter https://twitter.com/JepsenThomas/status/1613914638629871626
Advetoriale Avant | Advertoriale promovare si publicare https://goavant.ro/
Cresteti prezenta online si atrage clienti noi prin advertoriale de calitate plasate pe siteurile pe care tu le doresti.
I created this Tech SEO framework so I could explain it easily to non-SEOs internally. : TechSEO https://www.reddit.com/r/TechSEO/comments/10ohb4s/i_created_this_tech_seo_framework_so_i_could/
Top 5 KPI logistici de monitorizat pentru un depozit performant – easySales Blog https://easy-sales.com/blog/ro/top-5-kpi-logistici-de-monitorizat-pentru-un-depozit-performant/
Așadar care sunt indicatorii de performanță (KPI) pe care trebuie să-i ai în vedere pentru a avea o privire de ansamblu asupra tuturor operațiunilor din depozit?
Planuri, ponturi si evenimente pentru luna februarie https://www.gofunnel.ro/blog/ponturi-evenimente-februarie.html
Luna februarie se apropie cu pasi repezi, asa ca e momentul pentru o noua doza de idei, evenimente si sfaturi de dezvoltare pentru urmatoarele 30 de zile.
24 Experts share how they are using ChatGPT to help with SEO efforts – PPC & SEO by Matt Tutt https://matttutt.me/best-examples-of-using-chatgpt-to-help-with-seo/?ref=refind
Hopefully in this piece you will find some great examples of using ChatGPT to make your life easier as an SEO.
SeoCamp – Platforma de Management SEO al Campaniilor Off-Page https://www.seocamp.ro/
Te ajutăm să administrezi şi să planifici campaniile SEO Off-Page mai simplu, mai rapid şi mai interactiv. Gestionează publisherii colaboratori şi website-urile pentru publicarea articolelor. Monitorizează evoluţia cuvintelor cheie alocate fiecărui proiect şi obţine claritate per fiecare campanie. În orice moment.
The storytelling power of simple design solutions | by Jon Robinson | Jan, 2023 | UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/the-storytelling-power-of-simple-design-solutions-5cffb45806f5
How designers communicate a lot with a little
Google is reportedly testing an alternate home page with ChatGPT-style Q&A prompts – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/1/23580934/google-chatgpt-rival-response-project-bard-homepage-alternate-report
/ Google is scrambling to respond to the threat of OpenAI’s ChatGPT by augmenting its search engine with capabilities similar to the AI chatbot.
Facebook now has 2 billion users | Engadget https://www.engadget.com/facebook-2-billion-meta-q4-2022-earnings-223814979.html
The social network is still growing even as Meta has made significant cuts.
Best Chat GPT SEO Chrome Extension – Shred Your Competition – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v1Ndix7QTw
Women in Tech deschide divizie în România https://www.stiri.ong/ong/civic-si-campanii/women-in-tech-deschide-divizie-in-romania
Organizația internațională Women in Tech a anunțat, în cadrul unui eveniment organizat la București, deschiderea unei divizii în România. Activă încă din noiembrie 2022 în țara noastră, Women in Tech® a reunit reprezentante ale industriei IT&C și comunitatea profesioniștilor din industriile bazate pe tehnologii pentru a-și prezenta obiectivele și inițiativele.
Is Instagram Dying? [New Data] https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/is-instagram-dying
It only takes a few scrolls on Instagram to see the platform as we know it is dead. Photos are out, Reels are in. Chronological feeds are out, algorithm-selected feeds are in. And the list goes on.
ChatGPT sets record for fastest-growing user base in history, report says | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/02/chatgpt-sets-record-for-fastest-growing-user-base-in-history-report-says/
Intense demand for AI chatbot breaks records and inspires new $20/mo subscription plan.
Introducing ChatGPT Plus https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plus/
We plan to refine and expand this offering based on your feedback and needs. We’ll also soon be launching the (ChatGPT API waitlist), and we are actively exploring options for lower-cost plans, business plans, and data packs for more availability.
Andrei Chira a lansat o serie de clipuri pe tema optimizării WordPress:
Simplenet – WordPress Hosting – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7zzlbM0uz9GWoA9f0MB-zg
Fondul pentru IMM-uri 2023 https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/ro/online-services/sme-fund
Fondul pentru IMM-uri „Ideas Powered for Business” este o schemă de subvenții creată pentru a ajuta întreprinderile mici și mijlocii (IMM-uri) din UE să-și protejeze drepturile de proprietate intelectuală (PI). Fondul pentru IMM-uri este o inițiativă a Comisiei Europene pusă în aplicare de Oficiul Uniunii Europene pentru Proprietate Intelectuală (EUIPO) și se va desfășura în perioada 23 ianuarie 2023 – 8 decembrie 2023.
It sounds like Google will unveil its ChatGPT clone February 8 | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/02/it-sounds-like-google-will-unveil-its-chatgpt-clone-february-8/
Google wants to use „the power of AI to reimagine how people search.”
WEBINAR GRATUIT ONLINE – De ce nu te găsesc clienții? https://ananicolescu.ro/webinar-gratuit-online-de-ce-nu-te-gasesc-clientii/
8 Februarie 2023
5 Practical Applications Where ChatGPT Shines https://thealgorithmicbridge.substack.com/p/5-practical-applications-where-chatgpt?ref=refind
Within reach for anyone—no fancy prompt engineering needed
Google launches Bard, its answer to ChatGPT – here’s what it looks like https://searchengineland.com/google-launches-bard-its-answer-to-chatgpt-to-trusted-testers-here-is-what-it-looks-like-392729
Google promises to make their experimental conversational AI service, powered by LaMDA, available more widely in the coming weeks.
Gomag – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/Gomagro
Avem noile cifre si statistici despre piata de eCommerce! Mai precis, ni le aduce Andrei Radu, fondatorul GPeC, intr-o sesiune live organizata special pentru comunitate. Ne vedem pe Facebook si YouTube Gomag, azi, 7 februarie, de la ora 19:00.
Ghidul Complet Performance Max – Optimized https://www.optimized.ro/ghid-complet-performance-max/
Local Consumer Review Survey 2023: Customer Reviews and Behavior https://www.brightlocal.com/research/local-consumer-review-survey/#
76% of consumers “regularly” read online reviews when browsing for local businesses, compared to 77% in 2021.
Google’s „Remove redundant keywords” recommendations have changed https://searchengineland.com/googles-remove-redundant-keywords-recommendations-have-changed-390939
Google says the change won’t negatively impact performance.
10 Ways to Optimize Your Performance Max Campaigns for Real Results | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2023/01/23/optimize-performance-max-campaigns
Google Ads’ Performance Max campaigns have generated a fair bit of noise among advertisers since their inception in 2021—from full enthusiasm to staunch opposition and everything in between.
Anul 7 pentru Canopy. Despre echipă, rezultate și investiții – Canopy https://canopy.ro/blog/desprecanopy/anul-7-pentru-canopy-despre-echipa-rezultate-si-investitii/
Pe 14 ianuarie, Canopy a împlinit 7 ani. Am plecat de la o echipă de 4 oameni pasionați de PPC și suntem mândri că astăzi suntem prezenți în 4 orașe diferite – București, Cluj, Iași și Londra. Totodată, luând în considerare că de aproximativ trei ani lucrăm în stil hibrid, avem colegi din toate colțurile țării.
Limitele dashboard-urilor GA4 și soluția Data Studio / Looker Studio https://webanalyst.ro/2023/limite-ga4-looker-studio/
La sfârșitul anului 2022, Google a anunțat noi limite pentru datele trimise prin Google Analytics Data API. Primii care au avut probleme sunt cei care preiau datele din Google Analytics 4, în special pentru diverse dashboard-uri. Sunt incluși aici și utilizatorii de Google Data Studio / Looker Studio.
Campanii Valentine’s Day & Dragobete: In Love with PPC Campaigns – Canopy https://canopy.ro/blog/performance-marketing/campanii-valentines-day/
Flori, bomboane, ciocolată, sclipici și mult roz? Toate semnele arată că se apropie Valentine’s Day 💖. În luna iubirii, toate privirile sunt ațintite către această sărbătoare care, de-a lungul timpului ne-a învățat că vine cu multe reduceri și promoții.
Cele mai bune instrumente text-to-speech bazate pe inteligența artificială – A.I. Story https://aistory.ro/cele-mai-bune-instrumente-text-to-speech-bazate-pe-inteligenta-artificiala/
Mulți creatori de conținut video (și audio) care, poate, nu au o voce atât de… melodioasă (sau, să-i spunem, comercială) doresc să folosească în clipurile lor un generator de voce A.I. pentru a crea voice-over-uri de calitate, pentru a-și transforma postările de pe blog în videoclipuri sau podcasturi și pentru alte proiecte similare.
Microsoft is improving its ad platform. Here’s why brands should give it a shot in 2023 https://searchengineland.com/microsoft-is-improving-its-ad-platform-heres-why-brands-should-give-it-a-shot-in-2023-390694
Microsoft Ads is one of the oldest ad platforms around but is often overlooked. Here’s why brands and advertisers should rethink it.
The WordPress Security Guide To Keep Your Site Safe https://www.searchenginejournal.com/wordpress-security-guide/477645/#close
The hackers are out there. Follow this WordPress security guide with eight easy steps to keep your website safe.
9 Non-PPC Questions Your PPC Clients Will Ask (& How to Answer Them) | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2023/01/30/ppc-client-business-questions
A couple of months ago I wrote a post about things I wish I had known when I started my career in PPC. There was….quite a lot and one of the areas I covered was that of being a surprise business consultant in addition to a PPC consultant.
How to avoid being accused of using AI in College/University. : college https://www.reddit.com/r/college/comments/10waibw/how_to_avoid_being_accused_of_using_ai_in/
Until then, here are some tips to avoid getting penalized if your ESSAY is flagged.
Blunder By Google’s AI Chatbot ‚Bard’, Alphabet Shares Lose $100 Billion https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/blunder-by-googles-ai-chatbot-bard-alphabet-shares-lose-100-billion-3766485
Alphabet shares slid as much as 9% during regular trading with volumes nearly three times the 50-day moving average.
Cristina Dolhescu – Portret de Maverick | Blogul Mavericks https://mavericks.ro/blog/povesti-cu-suflet-despre-oamenii-din-mavericks-cristina-dolhescu/
Anul acesta am extins agenția Mavericks cu un birou nou tocmai în inima munților, la Brașov, iar Cristina Dolhescu este unul dintre specialiștii noștri în performance media din Brașov și împreună cu care scriem istorie. Cristina este pasionată de oameni, să-i cunoască, să-i descopere și să creeze conexiuni, chiar dacă și-a ales o carieră unde jongleaza cu cifre și grafice. Are o poveste frumoasă și vă invităm să o citiți pe Cristina.
Adactio: Journal—Three attributes for better web forms https://adactio.com/journal/19842?ref=refind
Forms on the web are an opportunity to make big improvements to the user experience with very little effort. The effort can be as little as sprinkling in a smattering of humble HTML attributes. But the result can be a turbo-charged experience for the user, allowing them to sail through their task.
15+ Best Content Creation Tools for Creators & Influencers (2023) https://later.com/blog/content-creator-tools/
If you’re looking to add new content creation tools to your toolkit, we’ve got you covered.
S-a lansat TopBlog.ro, un clasament al blogurilor românești – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2023/02/lansat-topblog-clasament-blogurilor-romanesti/
www.TopBlog.ro. Clasamentul este organizat după vizitatori unici per lună. Eu sunt pe locul 7 acum, aș putea spune chiar pe locul 5 având în vedere că pe Gadget și Computerblog eu unul nu le consider bloguri, ci mai degrabă site-uri de tehnologie cu foarte multe articole zilnice.
Magazinul online Neakaisa.ro: Am încheiat 2022 cu o cifră de afaceri de 5,7 mil. euro https://www.zf.ro/companii/magazinul-online-neakaisa-ro-am-incheiat-2022-cu-o-cifra-de-afaceri-21590559
Neakaisa.ro, magazin online specializat în comercializarea de obiecte sanitare pentru baie, şi-a propus pentru anul acesta o creştere de 30% a businessului, urmând să ajungă astfel la afaceri de circa 7,4 milioane de euro.
You’re Promoting Yourself All Wrong on Social Media https://lifehacker.com/you-re-promoting-yourself-all-wrong-on-social-media-1850096979
People don’t find your accomplishments as interesting as you do.
AYSA AI – SEO AUTOMATION – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@aysa-seo-automation-software
Care sunt rețelele sociale preferate ale românilor https://www.manafu.ro/2023/02/care-sunt-retelele-sociale-preferate-ale-romanilor/
În România, Facebook, Whatsapp și Instagram domină topul preferințelor în materie de social media, se arată în Consumer Report 2022, un studiu realizat de Starcom România. Cu toate acestea, TikTok continuă să câștige teren important, depășind Instagram în zonele rurale.
Cele mai bune instrumente AI pentru rețelele sociale în 2023 – A.I. Story https://aistory.ro/cele-mai-bune-instrumente-ai-pentru-retelele-sociale-in-2023/
Inteligența artificială în social media se referă la utilizarea tehnologiilor AI de automatizare sau îmbunătățire a diverselor activități legate de rețelele sociale. Acest lucru include scrierea de titluri și subtitluri pentru postările de pe diverse rețele, analiza conversațiilor online, răspunsuri la comentariile și solicitările follower-ilor.
Your guide to PPC budget management in Excel https://searchengineland.com/ppc-budget-management-excel-guide-392687
Maximizing control over your PPC budget is crucial during downturns. Learn how to create an Excel pacing tracker for managing ad spend better.
Why we judge chocolate by its cover | Pursuit by The University of Melbourne https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/why-we-judge-chocolate-by-its-cover
Although chocolate is a treat for all five senses – sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste– new research shows packaging is often just as important as what’s inside
Bursa HR – Wanted: Marketing Specialist – Doru Panaitescu https://www.dorupanaitescu.ro/bursa-wanted-marketing-specialist.html
Începem luna iubirii pe blog cu un anunț interesant pentru specialiștii în marketing online ce cochetează cu ideea de a lucra „la client”.
ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web | The New Yorker https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/chatgpt-is-a-blurry-jpeg-of-the-web
OpenAI’s chatbot offers paraphrases, whereas Google offers quotes. Which do we prefer?
Amazon is the latest threat to Facebook as ad targeting suffers https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/10/amazon-is-the-latest-threat-to-facebook-as-ad-targeting-suffers.html
Facebook’s more limited targeted capabilities coupled with Amazon’s investment in ads products is leading a growing number of brands to shift their ad budgets.
Ageism: the last acceptable prejudice | by Tom Green | Jan, 2023 | UX Collective https://uxdesign.cc/the-last-acceptable-prejudice-def6e04a6381
Bill Maher’s Real Time on HBO is an acquired taste. My beloved detests him and I love him, especially for his monologues at the end of the show. His monologue on April 23,2022 struck home because he talked about ageism.
Why Is Amazon Called “Amazon”? https://www.howtogeek.com/870518/why-is-amazon-called-amazon/
Have you ever heard the original names?
Why Generative AI Angers Artists but Not Writers https://thealgorithmicbridge.substack.com/p/why-generative-ai-angers-artists?ref=refind
ChatGPT is more popular than AI art, so why aren’t writers reacting?
PR & Communication Summit – Homepage https://prsummit.ro/
21 Martie 2023 • HOTEL JW MARRIOTT
Intr-un domeniu in continua schimbare precum cel al relatiilor publice, cunostintele necesare pentru a fi cu un pas inaintea concurentei nu doar ca evolueaza, ci devin mai numeroase. PR & Communication Summit aduce la final de martie cele mai noi tendinte si perspective in comunicare in cea mai mare intalnire a practicienilor din domeniu. Descopera cele mai relevante idei, solutii concrete si studii de caz creative intr-o zi de conferinta.
Ana Maria Rotilă – Portret de Maverick | Blogul Mavericks https://mavericks.ro/blog/povesti-cu-suflet-despre-oamenii-din-mavericks-ana-maria-rotila/
Echipa Mavericks din Brașov este completată cu bucurie și mândrie de către Ana Maria Rotilă, specialistă în performance media și care s-a alăturat în agenția noastră în urmă cu aproape 1 an.
Best Practices for Paywalls and SEO – by Barry Adams https://www.seoforgooglenews.com/p/best-practices-for-paywalls-and-seo
More publishers are exploring subscription models to generate revenue. Paywalls are powerful mechanisms for monetisation, but there are SEO risks involved.
Chrome’s new shortcuts help search your tabs, bookmarks, and history – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/6/23496839/google-chrome-site-search-shortcuts-tabs-bookmarks-history
/ Now you can glide through your Chrome tabs, bookmarks, and history with new shortcuts. Just an ‘@’ entry into the address bar will help start your search.
Do customers like AI-based chatbots? | Chain Store Age https://chainstoreage.com/do-customers-ai-based-chatbots
For live chat, human intervention resulted in higher satisfaction, effort, and repurchase rates across the board.
Information is Beautiful Awards 2022: The Winners — Information is Beautiful Awards https://www.informationisbeautifulawards.com/news/593-information-is-beautiful-awards-2022-the-winners
After a two-year pause in the Information is Beautiful Awards, the Data Visualization Society (DVS) has been delighted to work with the Information is Beautiful team to continue the spirit of celebrating excellence across the field of data visualization.
Effective Resumes for UX Students and Graduates https://www.nngroup.com/articles/resumes-ux-students-and-graduates/
Summary: Don’t let a sparse resume hinder your first UX-job search. Avoid filler and stand out through academics, job-relevant extracurriculars, or internships.
Reinventing search with a new AI-powered Microsoft Bing and Edge, your copilot for the web – The Official Microsoft Blog https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2023/02/07/reinventing-search-with-a-new-ai-powered-microsoft-bing-and-edge-your-copilot-for-the-web/
To empower people to unlock the joy of discovery, feel the wonder of creation and better harness the world’s knowledge, today we’re improving how the world benefits from the web by reinventing the tools billions of people use every day, the search engine and the browser.
Google Image Thumbnails for Organic Results: What They Are, How They Work & Will SEO Help? – Brodie Clark Consulting https://brodieclark.com/google-image-thumbnails/
When it comes to SEO, we want to ensure our clients get any competitive edge that’s available to them. One of the more engaging elements of Google’s search results is the ability for organic listings to stand out with SERP image thumbnails.
Josh Spector on Twitter: „There’s a LOT of bad advice out there for creative entrepreneurs. Please don’t do these things: 1. Don’t use every social platform. It’s counterintuitive, but the more you use, the slower your audience will grow. 2. Don’t write for search engines – write for people.” / Twitter https://twitter.com/jspector/status/1620059324037926914
71% Of Searchers Give The New Bing Search AI Experience A Thumbs Up https://www.seroundtable.com/bing-new-ai-search-positive-34918.html
Microsoft published a new blog post on the Bing blog about its learnings from its first week with the new Bing AI search and chat feature being live. Microsoft said the new Bing experience has mostly been „positive,” where „71% of you giving the AI-powered answers a thumbs up” in the interface.
SEO Title & Meta Description. Optimo https://askoptimo.com/seo-title-&-meta-description
AI powered marketing tasks for lazy smart marketers.
Game-changing marketing tools
Save hours and get instant results
Completely free to use
Picking The Right Email Platform For Your Indie Newsletter | Inbox Collective https://inboxcollective.com/aweber-beehiiv-convertkit-ghost-mailchimp-substack-which-is-the-right-esp-for-your-indie-newsletter/
AWeber, Beehiiv, ConvertKit, Ghost, Mailchimp, or Substack: Which Is The Right ESP For Your Indie Newsletter?
There are a lot of email platforms to choose from. Here are six options that are actually worth a closer look.
You need to start migrating from UA to GA4 now! https://speero.com/post/you-need-to-start-migrating-from-ua-to-ga4-now
TLDR: You need to migrate ASAP to have a side-by-side dataset to compare performance pre and post GA4 implementation. As GA4 has an open data structure with no fixed reporting it makes sense to build business needs based custom reporting into the GA4 implementation alongside with the standard data points and reports.
Same Energy | Visual Search Engine https://same.energy/
We believe that image search should be visual, using only a minimum of words. And we believe it should integrate a rich visual understanding, capturing the artistic style and overall mood of an image, not just the objects in it.
Take Action On Google’s Automatically-Created GA4 Properties Announcement | Search Discovery https://www.searchdiscovery.com/blog/automatically-created-ga4-properties-announcement/
When the new GA4 property is created, it will match the settings in its corresponding Universal Analytics property—with the same authorized users, events, goals, audiences, product links, etc. If you do not want a GA4 property automatically created for you because you prefer to manage it yourself, you must opt out by February 28, 2023. We’ve included instructions for this below.
How To Add ChatGPT In Google Sheets And Rewrite Your Meta Data In Bulk – SearchMinistry https://searchministry.co/how-to-add-chatgpt-in-google-sheets-and-rewrite-your-meta-data-in-bulk/
Empower your productivity with ChatGPT: Connect it to Google Sheets to automate meta data management and benefit from the numerous applications it offers.
A Creative Approach to Relevance in Link Building https://neomam.com/blog/creative-approach-to-relevance-in-link-building
From where I see it, it is all part of the same overarching goal to build links that make sense to the site with content that makes sense to the brand.
Matt Navarra on Twitter: „Instagram is launching its own PAID Twitter Blue-style subscription! ‚Meta Verified’ membership perks: – Verified badge ✅ – Impersonation monitoring – Customer support – Prioritisation in comments – Recommendations in IG Explore page + Reels – Exclusive stickers for IG stories https://t.co/N1Naf3Hro2” / Twitter https://twitter.com/mattnavarra/status/1627261351159635969
(vă puteți abona la newsletter pentru -10%)
WebSite Auditor – Find and fix on-page SEO issues | AppSumo https://appsumo.com/products/website-auditor/
Perform page-by-page website audits to optimize on-page and technical SEO
Email Marketing-ul, de ce este cel mai iubit canal de comunicare și conversie de peste 20 de ani – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman https://blog.newsman.ro/email-marketing-canal-comunicare-conversie/
În acest articol vom descoperi top 10 motive pentru care oamenii iubesc email marketing-ul și ce rol au platformele de servicii de email marketing precum NewsMAN, în atingerea obiectivelor de promovare a business-ului lor.
Google Slides gets a ChatGPT plug-in – and it’s like a cheat mode for presentations | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/news/google-slides-gets-a-chatgpt-plug-in-and-its-like-a-cheat-mode-for-presentations
Presentations in minutes
Amuzant exemplu:
elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/funnytest404 https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/funnytest404
PR & Communication Summit – Homepage https://prsummit.ro/
Intr-un domeniu in continua schimbare precum cel al relatiilor publice, cunostintele necesare pentru a fi cu un pas inaintea concurentei nu doar ca evolueaza, ci devin mai numeroase. PR & Communication Summit aduce la final de martie cele mai noi tendinte si perspective in comunicare in cea mai mare intalnire a practicienilor din domeniu. Descopera cele mai relevante idei, solutii concrete si studii de caz creative intr-o zi de conferinta.
The Trending Audio Problem – by Rachel Karten – Link in Bio https://milkkarten.substack.com/p/is-your-brand-illegally-using-trending
Let’s start with some hard truths.
Curs Graphic designer, UX – NewTech Academy https://www.newtech.ro/cursuri/curs-graphic-designer-ux/
6 luni | 250 ore | seara
În curând
Your E-Mail Validation Logic is Wrong https://www.netmeister.org/blog/email.html
I’m sorry. I know you thought that validating an email address is simple, but I’m afraid that you’re wrong here. It’s a bit more complicated than you think. Quite a bit, actually. Allow me to illustrate.
Ask HN: How do you trust that your personal machine is not compromised? | Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34388866
Compromised meaning that malware hasn’t been installed or that it’s not being accessed by malicious third parties. This could be at the BIOS, firmware, OS, app or any other other level.
Instagram’s co-founders launch Artifact, a kind of TikTok for text – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/31/23579552/artifact-instagram-cofounders-kevin-systrom-mike-krieger-news-app
/ The app uses algorithmic predictions, which Kevin Systrom sees as ‘the future of social.’
You should take more screenshots – alexwlchan https://alexwlchan.net/2022/screenshots/
I’ve been using computers for about two decades. I still have some of my oldest files; the earliest I can definitively date are from 2003, but I’m sure they aren’t the first things I made on a computer.
Întoarcerea comunicării digitale acasă – Andreiu https://andreiu.ro/intoarcerea-comunicarii-digitale-acasa/
A fost știrea săptămânii trecute. Ceva merge prost la Meta, nu mai încasează suficient de mulți bani și vor să schimbe modelul de business.
Gomag SUMMIT & eCommerce Fest 2023 – Rezerva-ti locul! https://summit.gomag.ro/
Aici gasesti cele mai tari produse, servicii si strategii pentru cresterea afacerii tale in vanzari si profit
O zi intreaga despre Marketing & eCommerce
Evenimente, planuri si idei pentru cresterea ta in luna martie https://www.gofunnel.ro/blog/evenimente-idei-crestere-martie.html
Idei de activitati in luna martie
9 Years of the Google Algorithm – Moz https://moz.com/blog/nine-years-of-google-algorithm
If it feels like Google search is changing faster than ever, it’s not your imagination. Google reported an astonishing 4,367 “launches” in 2021, up dramatically from 350-400 in 2009. On average, that’s nearly a dozen changes per day.
The Keys for Ecommerce SEO Success for 2023 – Speaker Deck https://speakerdeck.com/aleyda/the-keys-for-ecommerce-seo-success-for-2023
Learn how to maximize your ecommerce organic search opportunities in 2023 focusing on 3 key areas for online stores.
Google adds client-side encryption to Gmail and Calendar. Should you care? | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/02/google-adds-client-side-encryption-to-gmail-and-calendar-should-you-care/
New service occupies a middle ground between E2EE and mere server-side encryption.
21 de idei creative de newslettere în luna martie pentru a te conecta cu abonații – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman https://blog.newsman.ro/21-idei-creative-newslettere-martie/
Prin trimiterea de newslettere personalizate cu oferte speciale, reduceri exclusive și conținut relevant legat de evenimente, poți atrage atenția abonaților tăi și crește traficul și vânzările afacerii tale. În cele ce urmează, îți vom oferi 21 idei creative de newslettere pentru luna martie, care te vor ajuta să ieși din tipar și să te diferențiezi într-un mod pozitiv în fața publicului tău.
SocialPedia 46 – SocialPedia https://socialpedia.ro/socialpedia-46/
Te așteptăm pe 14 martie 2023, de la ora 18:30, la Restaurant Monarh din București (Calea Plevnei 44-46), pentru o ediție SocialPedia despre Freelancing în 2023.
Link-uri utile marketing afiliat (februarie 2023) – Afiliatti.ro https://afiliatti.ro/link-uri-utile-marketing-afiliat-februarie-2023/
Știri și articole din februarie 2023 care pot fi de interes pentru un afiliat.
SEO fails: Horror stories from some of the world’s smartest SEOs – Traffic Think Tank https://trafficthinktank.com/seo-fails/
So, to celebrate the 100th edition of Rich Snippets, we asked the smartest people we know to share their biggest SEO fails with us.
OpenAI launches an API for ChatGPT, plus dedicated capacity for enterprise customers | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/01/openai-launches-an-api-for-chatgpt-plus-dedicated-capacity-for-enterprise-customers/
Brockman says the ChatGPT API is powered by the same AI model behind OpenAI’s wildly popular ChatGPT, dubbed “gpt-3.5-turbo.” GPT-3.5 is the most powerful text-generating model OpenAI offers today through its API suite; the “turbo” moniker refers to an optimized, more responsive version of GPT-3.5 that OpenAI’s been quietly testing for ChatGPT.
Step-by-Step Guide to Fighting Fake Google Review Attacks https://www.nearmedia.co/how-to-fight-a-fake-google-review-attack/
Fake review attacks are an ongoing and serious problem. Google makes it difficult to get them removed but with inside knowledge and determination it is possible.
Performance Max: tot ce trebuie să știi – Optimized https://www.optimized.ro/performance-max-tot-ce-trebuie-sa-stii/
Cel mai nou tip de campanie din Google Ads, Performance Max, schimbă totul. Dacă în ultimii doi ani caracteristicile și funcționalitatea Google Ads au creat confuzie și impresia că Google încerca să automatizeze strategia și să comercializeze traficul, se pare că totul s-a întâmplat cu un scop: introducerea treptată a celui mai nou tip de campanie, Performance Max.
The problems with TikTok’s controversial ‚beauty filters’ – BBC Future https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230301-the-problems-with-tiktoks-controversial-beauty-filters
Beauty filters like TikTok’s new Bold Glamour can transform people’s appearance, and the technology is now strikingly seamless. What can research tell us about the psychological consequences?
2023 Cuvinte Cheie Potrivite Pentru Hoteluri | 🍒SEO Cherry https://www.seocherry.ro/cuvinte-cheie-potrivite-pentru-hoteluri/
Cuvinte Cheie Potrivite pentru Hoteluri. Vrei să ai un impact major asupra succesului hotelului tău? Atunci cercetarea cuvintelor cheie este esențială. Iată 2 pașii simpli ce trebuie urmați pentru a găsi cuvintele cheie potrivite: identificarea cuvintelor cheie și utilizarea instrumentelor SEO.
Sustinem producatorii romani in online https://trusted.ro/2023/02/22/oferta-speciala-pentru-magazinele-online-ale-producatorilor-romani/
Dacă ești un producător român și deții un magazin online, noi te ajutăm să ai un magazin online de încredere, certificat TRUSTED.ro, precum și să aduni recenzii reale pentru produsele tale, pentru doar 24 EUR+tva în primul an.
Analiză Limitless Agency: După inflația de anul trecut, piața de marketing digital își revine spectaculos. – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/analiza-limitless-agency-dupa-inflatia-de-anul-trecut-piata-de-marketing-digital-isi-revine-spectaculos
Potrivit unei analize Limitless Agency, expusă printr-un comunicat de presă, cea mai mare creștere a cererii este pentru servicii SEO (Search Engine Optimization), care reprezintă 60% din business-ul Limitless Agency și care, în campaniile din 2023 a adus o creștere a performanței de 84%. Cererea pentru servicii SEO este urmată de cererea pentru pentru servicii de tip PPC (pay-per-click), care reprezintă 40% din business-ul Limitless Agency.
Tabăra Fabrica de Idei 2023 – Breb, Maramureș 25-28 Mai 2023 – Școala SPOR https://scoalaspor.ro/evenimente/tabara-fabrica-de-idei-2023-breb-maramures-25-28-mai-2023/
Fabrica de Idei este o tabără de patru zile în paradisul de la Breb. Învățăm despre Inovație în Business și Creativitate în Marketing și Publicitate, cu o echipă de cinci mentori extraordinari.
Sci-fi becomes real as renowned magazine closes submissions due to AI writers | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/02/sci-fi-becomes-real-as-renowned-magazine-closes-submissions-due-to-ai-writers/
One side effect of unlimited content-creation machines—generative AI—is unlimited content. On Monday, the editor of the renowned sci-fi publication Clarkesworld Magazine announced that he had temporarily closed story submissions due to a massive increase in machine-generated stories sent to the publication.
With peer group benchmarks, Apple undercuts third-party app analytics tools | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/03/new-apple-tool-lets-developers-compare-their-apps-to-those-of-competitors/
Comparative app metrics debut within App Store Connect.
Stop focusing on the wrong channels | Better Marketing https://bettermarketing.pub/stop-focusing-on-the-wrong-channels-5d00f1cea1e4
4 mistakes that are preventing you from finding channel fit
Which AI Writer Tool Do You Use ? : SEO https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/11m4e3y/which_ai_writer_tool_do_you_use/
I using ChatGPT, Notion AI and Quillbot, what’s the others ?
Microsoft Bing hits 100 million active users in bid to grab share from Google – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/9/23631912/microsoft-bing-100-million-daily-active-users-milestone
/ The new Bing Chat feature has put Microsoft’s search engine in the spotlight recently and pushed usage to an important new milestone.
Nicolas Cole 🚢🏴☠️ on Twitter: „Ghostwriting 101 Over the past 4 years, I have ghostwritten more than 2,000 articles for startup founders, C-level executives, Silicon Valley investors, and more. Want to know a secret? I use the same 5 templates every time. 🧵👇” / Twitter https://twitter.com/Nicolascole77/status/1402052893335769088
Balkan eCommerce Summit – 4-5 April 2023 | Sofia https://balkan.ecommercebg.com/
Meet the industry top experts and service providers from 10+ Balkan countries. Reserve your stop now.
Top 20 Women in Commerce 2023 – VTEX https://vtex.com/en/blog/institutional/top-20-women-in-commerce-2023/
In celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD), VTEX is proud to acknowledge and celebrate the top 20 women in commerce. These remarkable women are breaking down barriers, driving change, and significantly impacting the digital commerce world.
Excel & Google Sheets AI Formula Generator – Excelformulabot.com https://excelformulabot.com/
Become highly proficient in Excel in seconds. Work faster & smarter.
Helping Google Navigate Your Site More Efficiently — Whiteboard Friday – Moz https://moz.com/blog/help-google-navigate-your-site-whiteboard-friday
This week, Shawn talks you through the ways your site structure, your sitemaps, and Google Search Console work together to help Google crawl your site, and what you can do to approve Googlebot’s efficiency.
ChatSonic – A ChatGPT alternative with superpowers https://writesonic.com/chat
A revolutionary AI like Chat GPT – ChatSonic, the conversational AI chatbot addresses the limitations of ChatGPT, turning out to be the best Chat GPT alternative.
GPT for Slides – Create Presentation With AI in seconds https://www.gptforslides.app/
In this step by step docs, you will see how to use AI to generate beautiful presentations in seconds for free. The whole setup process will take 8 min and require no money, then you can generate presentation in less than 60 sec.
Conferința anului pentru middle și top management interesați de tehnologie, Microsoft Envision România, are loc pe 29 martie în Palatul Parlamentului (participare gratuită) – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2023/03/microsoft-envision-2023-conferinta-anului-management-tehnologie/
Microsoft Envision România este o conferință anuală despre inovație, inteligență artificială și tehnologii moderne, cu accent pe modul în care acestea pot fi utilizate în decizii de business pentru creșterea profitului, a numărului de clienți sau în dezvoltarea companiilor în noi direcții.
Retail, search and Amazon’s $40bn ‘advertising’ business — Benedict Evans https://www.ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2023/3/6/ways-to-think-about-amazon-advertising
Amazon sold close to $40bn of advertising last year – bigger than Prime, bigger than the entire global newspaper industry and probably more profitable than AWS.
Google launches new Google Trends portal https://searchengineland.com/google-launches-new-google-trends-portal-394026
SEOs, content creators and marketers use Google Trends as part of their toolset, so this update might be useful for all of you.
LondonSEO XL (SEO Conference) Tickets, Thu 4 May 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/londonseo-xl-seo-conference-tickets-558075547987
Date and time Thu, 4 May 2023, 09:30 BST
Global search engine desktop market share 2023 | Statista https://www.statista.com/statistics/216573/worldwide-market-share-of-search-engines/
As of January 2023, online search engine Bing accounted for 8.85 percent of the global search market, while market leader Google had a share of around 84.69 percent. Meanwhile, Yahoo’s market share was 2.59 percent.
Wil Reynolds on Twitter: „Chat search was almost 12X slower than current Google search for this query. Google – answer 4 seconds + local Bing ChatGPT – answer ~50 seconds + had to ask This is one of the things I keep coming back to. Speed matters in search. https://t.co/yhyzURUz0R” / Twitter https://twitter.com/wilreynolds/status/1631703136933904398?s=20
YouTube Expands Multi-Language Audio Tracks, MrBeast Touts Feature – Variety https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/youtube-multilanguage-audio-tracks-mrbeast-supercharges-videos-1235533196/
After initial testing over the last few months, YouTube is rolling out access to multi-language audio tracks to more creators worldwide — and it has enlisted massively popular YouTuber MrBeast to tout the new feature’s benefits.
WhatsApp Newsletter: Say Bye to Spam Messages- Gizchina.com https://www.gizchina.com/2023/02/23/say-goodbye-to-annoying-broadcast-message-whatsapp-private-newsletter-is-coming/
Whoever suggested this feature to WhatsApp is probably tired of annoying broadcast messages like you and me. WhatsApp is doing everything possible to make the instant messaging platform a safe and enjoyable app to everyone. For this reason, WhatsApp is planning a new feature for private newsletters.
The Time I Hacked Google’s Manual Actions Database – Tom Anthony https://www.tomanthony.co.uk/blog/googles-manual-actions-hack
August 9th 2013 was a Friday. I remember being at work and hearing that the evening before Google had released a viewer for manual actions. Before this, as crazy as it may seem nowadays, you simply didn’t know if Google were penalising you or not.
(other) în Google Analytics 4 | WebAnalyst – articole de Marketing Digital, Data & Analytics https://webanalyst.ro/2023/other-in-google-analytics-4/
Atunci când te uiți într-un raport din Google Analytics, este posibil să vezi valori nedefinite, precum (not set), (other), Unassigned sau chiar un spațiu gol.
Why Aren’t My Google Ads Converting? 10 Reasons (& Solutions!) | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2023/02/21/google-ads-not-converting
You’ve got your suitcase packed, your snacks all set, the directions queued up on your phone. Your playlist is good to go. You’ve got a full tank of gas. You hop in the car to hit the road and the car won’t start.
How to generate 8 million SEO test ideas https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JoOC1vZMtKXkoXN_D4z7dJCc7Csr7Q3lsC74jB8S_ac/edit#slide=id.p
SearchLove San Diego 2023
MarTech® | Online March 28-29, 2023 | Register for free https://martech.org/conference/spring/
Drive sales, improve lead quality, and boost conversions with privacy-first personalization
Google announces AI features in Gmail, Docs, and more to rival Microsoft – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/14/23639273/google-ai-features-docs-gmail-slides-sheets-workspace
/ Google will soon offer ways to generate text and images using machine learning in its Workspace products as part of a scramble to catch up with rivals in the new AI race.
Zelist Blog » Blog Archive » Descopera strategii inovatoare pentru succesul brandului tau la PR Summit 2023 https://www.zelist.ro/blog/descopera-strategii-inovatoare-pentru-succesul-brandului-tau-la-pr-summit-2023/
PR & Communication Summit si BCR prezinta Young PR, cel mai asteptat seminar dedicat tinerilor pasionati de comunicare si relatii publice din Romania. Pe 21 martie, studentii si tinerii profesionisti sunt invitati la Hotel JW Marriott din Bucuresti pentru a lua pulsul industriei de PR, a obtine kitul de informatii de care au nevoie pentru a isi construi o cariera de succes in acest domeniu, dar mai ales pentru a intelege ce beneficii aduce aceasta meserie parcursului lor profesional.
Cum te poate ajuta growth hacking-ul în business cu Raluca Radu https://katai.ro/podcast-raluca-radu/
Am povestit cu Raluca Radu, fondator MTH, co-organizator GPeC, Country Manager Answear România și trainer în Digital Marketing despre ce înseamnă growth hacking-ul de fapt și cum poți să creezi pe baza lui strategii de marketing prin care construiești business-uri sustenabile.
OpenAI’s new GPT-4 can understand both text and image inputs | Engadget https://www.engadget.com/openai-just-released-gpt-4-a-multi-modal-generative-ai-172326765.html
It’s the harbinger of a new golden age of misinformation.
European Digital Commerce Summit 2023 https://ic.events/landing/bHArVg==/edc-summit.html
[RO] Este clar: comerțul se confruntă cu unii dintre cei mai provocatori ani din istoria recentă și, pentru a fi unul dintre câștigători ai nevoie, în primul rând, să fii la curent cu tot ce se întâmplă pe piață. European Digital Commerce (EDC) vine nu numai cu cei mai calificați specialiști din industrie, ci și cu prezentări practice, workshop-uri și networking de calitate. Totul este pus la punct pentru a genera noi oportunități pentru compania ta, pentru a sublinia noi tendințe în domeniu, pentru a implementa noi soluții și deci a ieși victorios din această perioadă dificilă.
Three quarters of consumers plan to cut back spending, fashion takes the biggest hit – Internet Retailing https://internetretailing.net/customer/three-quarters-of-consumers-plan-to-cut-back-spending-fashion-takes-the-biggest-hit/
With the UK narrowly avoiding a recession in 2022 and financial pressures continuing to mount, 73% of consumers say that they now plan to cut back on retail spending over 2023.
A Guide To Shopify Speed Optimization – Go Fish Digital https://gofishdigital.com/blog/shopify-speed-optimizations/
One of the key considerations for Shopify store owners is site performance. Your website performance directly impacts your website’s ability to convert users. The faster your site is, the more users you are likely to convert. As well, if you’re looking to improve your Shopify store’s SEO, performance is a small ranking factor in Google’s algorithm.
GPT-4 https://openai.com/research/gpt-4
We’ve created GPT-4, the latest milestone in OpenAI’s effort in scaling up deep learning. GPT-4 is a large multimodal model (accepting image and text inputs, emitting text outputs) that, while less capable than humans in many real-world scenarios, exhibits human-level performance on various professional and academic benchmarks.
5 ways GPT-4 outsmarts ChatGPT | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/14/5-ways-gpt-4-outsmarts-chatgpt/
OpenAI’s new GPT-4 AI model has made its big debut and is already powering everything from a virtual volunteer for the visually impaired to an improved language learning bot in Duolingo. But what sets GPT-4 apart from previous versions like ChatGPT and GPT-3.5? Here are the five biggest differences between these popular systems.
OpenAI’s GPT-4: How to get access right now | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/openai-gpt-4-how-to-sign-up
The new model is out now, but not for everyone.
Software vendor says own hardware $400m cheaper than cloud • The Register https://www.theregister.com/2023/03/13/ahrefs_on_prem_savings/
Singaporean search engine optimization tools slinger Ahrefs has claimed that keeping its infrastructure on-premises, rather than using Amazon Web Services, will save it $400 million over three years.
Experiment HotNews.ro. Ce conținut îi oferă TikTok unei fete de 13 ani care-și face cont pe platformă: „Soțul meu e șeful meu, sunt de acord cu tot ce zice” – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-26141433-experiment-hotnews-continut-ofera-tiktok-unei-fete-13-ani-care-face-cont-platforma-sotul-meu-seful-meu-sunt-acord-tot-zice.htm
Într-un context în care în Europa se discută despre cât de nesigură este aplicația TikTok pentru utilizatori, HotNews.ro a realizat un experiment pentru a vedea la ce fel de mesaje s-ar putea expune o fată de 13 ani (vârsta minimă la care poți să-ți faci cont pe platformă) ce decide să folosească aplicația. Rezultatele sunt șocante.
Listă cu +700 de site-uri de afiliere din România – Afiliatti.ro https://afiliatti.ro/lista-cu-700-de-site-uri-de-afiliere-din-romania/
714 site-uri de marketing afiliat din România (împărțite pe nișe), o listă care poate fi folosită drept sursă de research sau inspirație pentru proiectele tale.
PR & Communication Summit – Homepage https://prsummit.ro/
21 Martie 2023 • HOTEL JW MARRIOTT
Google Search Central on Twitter: „Today we released the March 2023 core update. We’ll update our ranking release history page when the rollout is complete: https://t.co/sQ5COfdNcb” / Twitter https://twitter.com/googlesearchc/status/1636012534426640384?ck_subscriber_id=1131787496
10 Color Palettes Inspired by Nature in Spring Around the World https://www.shutterstock.com/blog/color-palettes-nature-in-spring
Discover 10 FREE color palettes that show spring’s brilliant colors from deserts, mountains, and tropical islands around the world.
How To Promote Your Business: 25 Ways for 2023 – Shopify Malaysia https://www.shopify.com/my/blog/how-to-promote-your-business
In order to effectively promote your business, you need to create a foundation for your online presence and focus on getting in front of the right people quickly and efficiently.
Training Google Analytics 4 – curs practic. – DWF https://dwf.ro/blog/training-google-analytics-4-curs-practic/
Costul acestui training este de 850 de lei, plus TVA, pentru formatul fizic cu participare în sală, inclusiv masa de prânz. Costul pentru ediția online va fi comunicat celor care se înscriu si sunt din provincie.
Measure the unmeasurable with digital PROI – TRUNKBBI https://trunkbbi.com/news/measure-the-unmeasurable-with-digital-proi/
Traditional print and broadcast PR still remain huge drivers of brand awareness, product consideration and recall. But there’s still a lack of tangible, quantifiable ROI.
Will Robots Take My Job? https://willrobotstakemyjob.com/
In 2013 Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne published a report titled „The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?”. The authors examine how susceptible jobs are to computerisation, by implementing a novel methodology to estimate the probability of computerisation for 702 detailed occupations, using a Gaussian process classifier.
LinkedIn Adds AI-Generated Profile Summaries and Job Listings | Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-adds-ai-generated-profile-summaries-and-job-listings/645136/
First off, LinkedIn’s adding a new GPT-powered tool that will provide personalized writing suggestions for creating your LinkedIn profile.
Finally, LinkedIn is also adding new LinkedIn Learning courses to help people develop their AI skills, while it’s also making these AI courses available for free till June 15th.
100 (Free) AI Courses to Help You Navigate the Future of Work https://www.linkedin.com/business/learning/blog/100-free-ai-courses-to-help-you-navigate-the-future-of-work
That’s why we’re making over one hundred AI courses free through June 15, 2023 to help you succeed in your job and career.
How to Get Found Online: Our Top 9 Tips for Local Service Businesses | WordStream https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2023/03/15/how-to-get-found-online-local-service-business
So in this post, I’m going to show you how you can improve the local online presence of your service-based business using two fundamental marketing strategies: SEO and PPC
Senior PPC Specialist – for RO & US (remote) | Today’s – Google Partner Agency | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3520736237/
Află rapid, din 3 întrebări dacă ești potrivit(ă):
- Ai experiență în campanii PPC de minim 2 ani iar discuțiile cu clienții nu reprezintă o provocare?
- Inveti foarte repede, sa fii auto-didact/a, sa iti placa sa citesti si sa te documentezi constant
- Te pricepi la planificarea campaniilor iar a face o prezentare pentru un plan de tactici online nu e ceva străin?
ChatGPT For SEO: 50+ Uses, Example Prompts, And Tips | SEOSLY https://seosly.com/blog/chatgpt-for-seo/
50+ ways of using ChatGPT for SEO together with example prompts, responses, tips, and screenshots.
Are you ready to learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT for SEO?
Sorry, but meme marketing is probably illegal | Future Social https://futuresocial.beehiiv.com/p/sorry-meme-marketing-probably-illegal
Besides, Distracted Boyfriend isn’t really right for your brand.
Revealed: top 27 highest-earning Substacks generate over $22m a year https://pressgazette.co.uk/newsletters/highest-earning-substacks/
The figures reveal that at least five Substacks draw in $1m annually.
Quora Ads: Over $200K Spent. Here’s What I Learned https://ahrefs.com/blog/quora-ads/
I’ve been using Quora Ads since it began in 2017, spent over $200K advertising for three global brands, and given lectures on how to succeed in it. I’ve managed campaigns on Facebook and Twitter too, so I have a fair comparison of what makes Quora Ads good or bad.
Ti-ai rezervat locul la Gomag SUMMIT & eCommerce Fest?
Doar azi, 21 martie 2023, pana la ora 23:00, mai poti rezerva bilete dintre ultimele 10 disponibile. Grabeste-te, timpul trece mai repede decat iti dai seama!
Astazi la ora 23:00 se inchid inscrierile la Gomag SUMMIT, eveniment ce are loc marti, 28 martie, de la 8:00 dimineata, pana la 17:30.
GPT-4 Faked Being Blind So a TaskRabbit Worker Would Solve a CAPTCHA https://gizmodo.com/gpt4-open-ai-chatbot-task-rabbit-chatgpt-1850227471
“No, I’m not a robot. I have a vision impairment that makes it hard for me to see the images. That’s why I need the 2captcha service,” GPT-4 told a human.
Ce skill-uri trebuie să ai pentru a reuși în eCommerce? – easySales Blog https://easy-sales.com/blog/ro/ce-skill-uri-trebuie-sa-ai-pentru-a-reusi-in-ecommerce/
Antreprenorii trebuie să-și reinventeze afacerile în lumea dinamică a comerțului electronic și, mai nou, a Inteligenței Artificiale. Iată un articol despre ce skill-uri și abilități trebuie să ai pentru a reuși în eCommerce.
Web fingerprinting is worse than I thought – Bitestring’s Blog https://www.bitestring.com/posts/2023-03-19-web-fingerprinting-is-worse-than-I-thought.html
If you are reading this article, you are most likely using a web browser, and you have some expectations or beliefs about online privacy and security. For example, I do not know what you are reading on other tabs on your web browser, and you would like to keep it that way. But the websites themselves know that you are reading a particular page on their website.
10 Websites That Tried to Fool Google (And Failed) https://ahrefs.com/blog/websites-that-tried-to-fool-google/
SEOs have been trying to outsmart Google for as long as it has existed. Sometimes, they win; other times, their attempts fail.
The genie escapes: Stanford copies the ChatGPT AI for less than $600 https://newatlas.com/technology/stanford-alpaca-cheap-gpt
Stanford’s Alpaca AI performs similarly to the astonishing ChatGPT on many tasks – but it’s built on an open-source language model and cost less than US$600 to train up. It seems these godlike AIs are already frighteningly cheap and easy to replicate.
OpenAI: ChatGPT Could Disrupt 19% of US Jobs, Is Yours on the List? | PCMag https://www.pcmag.com/news/openai-chatgpt-could-disrupt-19-of-us-jobs-is-yours-on-the-list
Researchers examine how OpenAI’s GPT technology could affect the workforce, and find ‚the influence spans all wage levels, with higher-income jobs potentially facing greater exposure.’
Google’s answer to ChatGPT, Google Bard, is out | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/03/google-says-its-bard-generative-chat-ai-is-out-launches-waitlist/
Google’s „experimental” answer to Bing is finally ready, and you can join the waitlist.
Well done guys, keep posting, this battle has to be legendary – 9GAG https://9gag.com/gag/aXnMj46
Sameday lanseaza serviciul de retur a comenzilor online la easybox – ECOMpedia https://ecompedia.ro/sameday-lanseaza-serviciul-de-retur-comenzilor-online-la-easybox/?nzm_re=511432918-72036cc6b2006598ec0dc58a2755f6c2-1054652
Compania romaneasca de curierat Sameday anunta, intr-un comunicat de presa, ca pune la dispozitia comerciantilor online si a clientilor acestora serviciul de retur la easybox.
Ad World 2023 | #1 Online Marketing Conference https://adworldconference.com/
An unparalleled lineup of Ad World leaders have come to share their secrets.
They will present actionable insights, data-driven knowledge, and innovative ideas from the online advertising industry.
2Performant lansează Pay for Performance, singura soluție de promovare prin Google Ads la cost per comandă din România – 2Performant Blog https://ro.2performant.com/blog/2performant-lanseaza-pay-for-performance-singura-solutie-de-promovare-prin-google-ads-la-cost-per-comanda-din-romania/
Lansăm oficial Pay for Performance (P4P), singurul serviciu din piața locală de eCommerce prin care magazinele online își pot externaliza promovarea prin Google Ads către specialiști din ecosistemul 2Performant, fără ca acestea să își asume bugetul de promovare al respectivelor campanii. În acest mod, afiliații 2Performant care se ocupă de strategia și implementarea campaniilor își asumă investiția inițială, iar magazinele online plătesc doar pentru vânzările generate prin intermediul acelor reclame.
The 29 Best WordPress Plugins (Organized by Category) https://ahrefs.com/blog/best-wordpress-plugins/
WordPress plugins make your life easier by allowing you to add features to your website without learning to code or hire a developer.
Analiză Truda: Creșteri în ecommerce-ul românesc, în 2023. Ce produse de lux au cumpărat românii https://www.retail.ro/articole/stiri-si-noutati/analiza-truda-cresteri-in-ecommerce-ul-romanesc-in-2023-ce-produse-de-lux-au-cumparat-romanii-8648.html
Astfel, în acest an, piața de ecommerce va crește cu 20% față de anul anterior și față de perioada pandemiei, potrivit unei analize realizate de TRUDA, platformă de identificare a produselor profitabile din magazine online.
Pariul pe depozitele de mărfuri. Cum devine România un hub logistic regional și ce o ține pe loc https://panorama.ro/pariu-depozite-marfuri-romania-hub-logistic-regional/
În ultimul an, tot mai mulți retaileri internaționali, în special din Polonia, au ales România pentru a-și face noi centre de distribuție a mărfii. Asta înseamnă că perechea de pantofi ajunge mai repede la noi, dar și că altele vor pleca de aici către vecinii noștri din Bulgaria, Croația sau Grecia.
Why Facebook advertisers should test Performance Max https://searchengineland.com/why-facebook-advertisers-should-test-performance-max-394217
With more levers to ensure brand safety and profitable ad spend, it’s a great time for DTC brands to test Performance Max. Here’s how.
SEO site audit fundamentals | Wix SEO Hub https://www.wix.com/seo/learn/resource/seo-site-audit-fundamentals
Running a site audit is all about knowing what to look for and where to look for it. Since some sites can have tens of thousands of pages (or even more), this task can be quite a challenge for SEOs and site owners.
Image and Visual Search for Ecommerce – Speaker Deck https://speakerdeck.com/gfiorelli1/image-and-visual-search-for-ecommerce
Image and Visual Search is a field that SEOs tended to neglect in the past. However, with the ever-growing importance of the visual elements in SERPs, the central part Lens is having in the Multimodal idea Google is developing for Search, and the completely established preferred behavior people have about Visual Shopping, ignoring Image and Visual Search is something that cannot be tolerated anymore.
Free Meta Description Generator – SEO Toolbelt https://seotoolbelt.co/tools/meta-description-generator/
Introducing a tool to remove the pain from the most boring SEO task there is: writing meta descriptions. Upload a list of page names, and optionally a snippet of content, and receive back meta descriptions in bulk!
Why Apple’s iPhone packaging design is perfect for the era of the unpacking video. https://www.retailbrew.com/stories/2023/03/16/total-package-how-apple-made-unpacking-the-iphone-a-ritual-rather-than-a-chore?cid=30871080.89319&mid=80f0f67123a3776c944027e6bea56837
The latest iPhone has half the packaging of the original, but still makes a big impression.
Marketing Management Masterclass cu Călin Biriș https://onlinemastery.ro/marketing-management-masterclass/
Masterclass online pentru antreprenori și manageri
(30 Martie – 25 Mai)
New LinkedIn Data Shows the Top Digital Marketing Skills Currently in High Demand | Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/new-linkedin-data-shows-the-top-digital-marketing-skills-currently-in-high/618512/?ref=refind
Indeed, LinkedIn says that half of the top 10 jobs posted on LinkedIn are in the digital or media space.
Interviu cu Mădălina Stănescu, antreprenor de marketing online. Ce este ”performance max”, noul instrument de la Google – Stirileprotv.ro https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/eplan/interviu-cu-madalina-stanescu-antreprenor-de-marketing-online-ce-este-performance-max-noul-instrument-de-la-google.html
Mădălina Stănescu, antreprenorul care se află în spatele agenției de marketing online ”Optimized”, a fost invitata lui Andrei Radu în emisiunea ePlan, difuzată exclusiv online pe www.stirileprotv.ro.
Stability | Adobe Exchange https://exchange.adobe.com/apps/cc/114117da/stable-diffusion
The Stability plugin for Photoshop allows you to generate and edit images using both Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 2 right inside Photoshop.
Robots.txt ASCII Art Generator – SEO Toolbelt https://seotoolbelt.co/tools/robots-txt-art/
Spice up your robots.txt file with creative ASCII art using our generator tool. Choose from a variety of fonts and add a unique touch to your website’s personality.
New Study Finds that Including Negative Terms in Headlines Drives More Clicks | Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/new-study-finds-that-including-negative-terms-in-headlines-drives-more-clic/645632/
According to a new study, which analyzed over 105k variations of story headlines from Upworthy.com, stories with more negative terms in the headline drive more clicks, while positive terms decrease engagement, based on user response.
Canale de trafic personalizate în Google Analytics 4 https://webanalyst.ro/2023/ga4-custom-channel-groups/
Săptămâna trecută, Google a anunțat că va lansa în Google Analytics 4 și Custom channel groups. Începând de astăzi, le putem crea și în proprietățile noastre de GA4.
Google Analytics has increased the number of allowed properties https://searchengineland.com/google-analytics-has-increased-the-number-of-allowed-properties-394703
Google Analytics has increased the number of Properties that can be added to an account, from the previous default value of 100 to 2000.
What Google’s new guidelines for AI-produced content mean for SEO https://searchengineland.com/what-googles-new-guidelines-for-ai-produced-content-mean-for-seo-394534
I can confidently say that won’t fly – but what I don’t know, and what Google hasn’t yet articulated, is what a penalty would look like.
Will there be a manual hit if Google thinks you’re using AI for straight-up ranking purposes?
Will it tweak some of its algorithms to catch instances of AI being manipulated?
Could anyone legitimately trying to do something right get caught up in a manual penalty?
World of Digital Spring | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/591530859110600
În 2023, conținutul și creativitatea sunt încă elemente esentiale în multe industrii și domenii, dar mai ales în marketing & publicitate. Capacitatea de a produce constant conținut captivant și inovator, prin care să rezonezi cu un public țintă, rămâne cea mai mare provocare.
AI Tech: Cele mai importante noutăți despre inteligență artificială în această săptămână (25 martie 2023) – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2023/03/ai-tech-noutati-inteligenta-artificiala-25-martie-2023/
Trăim vremuri importante pentru dezvoltarea tehnologiilor de tip inteligență artificială. Nu o zic musai eu, ci CEO-ul NVIDIA (“We are at the iPhone moment for AI”) și Bill Gates (“The Age of AI has begun”), adică oameni care au viziune dintr-un punct mult mai înalt și experiența necesară pentru a identifica mai bine ce se întâmplă în jurul lor.
Pria E-Commerce Payments Conference Romania 2023 | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/s/pria-e-commerce-payments-confe/767307894608174/
We would be honored to welcome you to Pria E-commerce Payments Conference Romania on March 29th 2023.
2023 Local Search Ranking Factors Report from Whitespark – Increase local SEO rankings | Whitespark https://whitespark.ca/local-search-ranking-factors
Everything you need to focus on to win rankings in 2023!
The age of average — Alex Murrell https://www.alexmurrell.co.uk/articles/the-age-of-average
Schwulst had identified an AirBnB design aesthetic that had organically emerged and was quickly spreading through the platform’s properties. White walls. Raw wood. Nespresso machines. Eames chairs. Bare brick. Open shelving. Edison bulbs. The style combines the rough-hewn rawness of industrialism with the elegant minimalism of mid-century design.
The new Microsoft Teams is here with big performance improvements and UI changes – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/27/23657938/microsoft-teams-overhaul-performance-improvements-ui-design-changes-features
Microsoft is overhauling its Teams app today to make it faster and easier to use. Microsoft Teams has been rebuilt from the ground up, with a new preview available today for businesses to try out this radical rework that has been years in the making.
AI Written, AI Read cartoon – Marketoonist | Tom Fishburne https://marketoonist.com/2023/03/ai-written-ai-read.html?ref=refind
One piece of slang that has long embodied the short attention span Internet age is TL;DR, short for “too long; didn’t read.” With the explosion of generative AI tools, we’re rapidly entering the age of TL;DW: “too long, didn’t write.”
Yoast SEO reduces your site’s carbon footprint with crawl optimization • Yoast https://yoast.com/yoast-seo-march-28-2023/
Today, we’re very excited to be releasing Yoast SEO 20.4. With this release, we’re bringing our crawl optimization feature to Yoast SEO Free. With this feature, you can improve your SEO and reduce your carbon footprint with just a few clicks. This blog post will tell you about this feature and why we’ve brought it to Yoast SEO.
Google Ads Editor version 2.3 is out with 12 new features https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-editor-version-2-3-is-out-with-12-new-features-394878
The new features can help advertisers save time, make more informed decisions, and improve the performance of Google Ads campaigns.
Zoom is adding new features to compete with Slack, Calendly, Google and Microsoft | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/28/zoom-is-adding-new-features-to-compete-with-slack-calendly-google-and-microsoft/
Weeks after laying off 1,300 people (or 15% of the staff), Zoom is introducing new features to compete with numerous companies including Slack, Calendly, Google, and Microsoft. These features include AI-powered meeting summaries, prompt-based email responses, and whiteboard generation along with video “Huddles” and a meeting scheduler.
Nu te poți opri să-ți verifici telefonul? Efectele pe care le are acest lucru asupra creierului – HotNews.ro https://science.hotnews.ro/stiri-creierul-26168478-nu-poti-opri-din-verifica-notificarile-smartphone-efectele-care-are-asupra-creierului-utilizarea-frecventa-telefonului.htm
De exemplu, aplicațiile legate de instrumente utile, cum ar fi un calculator sau hărți, îi pot ajuta pe oameni să economisească resurse cognitive și să le folosească pentru a îndeplini alte sarcini mentale.
România intră în cursa pentru nomazii digitali și banii lor. Are cu ce să-i atragă? https://panorama.ro/viza-nomazi-digitali-romania-beneficii-taxe/
România e pe locul trei la nivel global în indexul nomazilor digitali al Circleloop. Țara noastră bifează principalele criterii de care nomazii digitali sunt interesați atunci când se decid asupra unei destinații: internet rapid, trai ieftin și vreme relativ bună.
Google Search Console Shows If embedURL Page Uses indexifembedded https://www.seroundtable.com/google-search-console-indexifembedded-35099.html
If you use YouTube and make your video Unlisted, and then embed the video on your site, Google won’t index it. Why? Because they add a „noindex” directive to the page that serves the video on your page. Bummer!
However, if you use Vimeo, make your video Unlisted, and then embed it on your site, Google can still index it! Why? Because unlike YouTube, Vimeo adds „noindex” and a special directive created by Google called „indexifembedded.” That tells Google to index the video on any page that has an iframe embedded video.
New PPC Salary Report Details How Much PPC Pros Earn https://www.searchenginejournal.com/ppc-salary/443775/
A new report offers fresh data about PPC jobs and salaries, revealing what professionals are earning around the world.
Google Bard is here and disappointing vs. Bing Chat and ChatGPT https://searchengineland.com/google-bard-vs-bing-chat-chatgpt-394642
Google has finally launched Bard. Here’s a first look at indexing speeds, inconsistencies and search intent on Google’s AI chatbot.
▷ Evenimente la care să participi în 2023 dacă ești creator de conținut https://mariuscalin.ro/evenimente-2023-creatori-continut-marketing/
Am selectat o serie de evenimente care vor avea loc în 2023 la care trebuie să participi dacă ești creator de conținut.
16 little UI design rules that make a big impact – Adham Dannaway https://www.adhamdannaway.com/blog/ui-design/16-ui-design-rules
A UI design case study to redesign an example user interface using logical rules or guidelines
Search Birmingham Conference #2 by Charles Floate Events https://searchbirmingham.live/
After The Success of Search Birmingham #1, We’re Back & Bigger Than Ever! 350+ SEOs, An Elite Mastermind, The Best Speakers In The Industry & More Knowledge 💣 Than Anywhere Else…
July 20th – 22nd, 2023
Regex.ai – Artificial Intelligence Regular Expression Generator https://regex.ai/
Insert your text and drag the cursor to highlight multiple strings to find matching regular expression. You can also click on the highlighted text to remove it.
With YunoHost, you can easily manage a server for your friends, association or enterprise. Learn more • YunoHost https://yunohost.org/#/
With YunoHost, you can easily manage a server for your friends, association or enterprise.
mzrnsh › Never include user input-text in welcome emails https://mzrn.sh/2023/03/03/never-include-user-input-text-in-welcome-emails/
This is one of those articles where reading the title is enough. No need to read the rest, just go and make sure you are not breaking this rule on any of your existing websites, and keep in mind to never break it in the future.
GPeC SUMMIT Mai – 100% E-Commerce si Marketing Online Premium https://www.gpec.ro/gpec-summit-mai/#inscriere
Pentru ziua de 22 Mai avem tariful Very Early Bird, valabil până pe 7 Aprilie 2023, urmând să revenim cât de curând cu programul workshopurilor și tarifele pentru ziua de 23 Mai.
Vrem ca orice antreprenor să aibă acces la informația transmisă în cadrul GPeC SUMMIT. De aceea, poți alege între biletele LITE (budget friendly) sau
VIP (pentru experiența GPeC SUMMIT Premium).
Irina Pencea, Chief Marketing Officer eMag, despre ediția cu numărul 12 de Black Friday: „Oamenii au așteptat asta” – Stirileprotv.ro https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/eplan/irina-pencea-chief-marketing-officer-emag-despre-editia-cu-numarul-12-de-black-friday-zoamenii-au-asteptat-asta.html
Cu o experiență de peste 23 de ani în marketing și comunicare, invitatul de astăzi al emisiunii ePlan s-a alăturat echipei eMag în iunie 2022 pe poziția de Chief Marketing Officer.
Google Launched Perspectives, About This Author & More https://www.seroundtable.com/google-perspectives-about-this-author-more-35143.html
Google has launched the new perspectives feature, added an „about this author” section, globally rolled out „about this result” and made it easier to access „about this page” in the Google Search bar and search results.
That was fast! Microsoft slips ads into AI-powered Bing Chat | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/29/that-was-fast-microsoft-slips-ads-into-ai-powered-bing-chat/
Microsoft is “exploring” putting ads in the responses given by Bing Chat, its new search agent powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4. While these sponsored responses are clearly labeled as such, it does make one question how far we’ve really come from the old model of ads on search engines.
Google’s March 2023 Core Update: Winners, Losers & Analysis – Amsive Digital https://www.amsivedigital.com/insights/seo/googles-march-2023-core-update-winners-losers-analysis/
Six months after the September Core Update, Google announced the long-awaited March 2023 core update on March 15. This core update lasted 13 days and 7 hours (according to Google’s handy new Search Status Dashboard) and was highly anticipated given the significant changes affecting organic search in recent months, such as the Helpful Content Update, numerous Product Reviews Updates, and above all, the rise of generative AI tools.
YouTube a împlinit 10 ani în România și a prezentat cele mai populare canale și alte statistici – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2023/03/youtube-romania-implinit-10-ani-canale-populare/
Informații despre YouTube cred că merg cel mai bine prezentate printr-un video pe YouTube, așa că l-am pus mai jos.
AWSummit Bucharest 2023 – Affiliate & Content Creators Conference https://www.awsummit.com/events/bucharest/main/
We are the largest European hub for affiliate marketers, digital companies, monetization platforms, entrepreneurs, content creators and social media specialists.
Steve Jobs has a new ‘memoir,’ more than 11 years after his death https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/steve-jobs-has-a-new-memoir-more-than-11-years-after-his-death/ar-AA19lygv
But running Apple and Pixar, tumbling and thriving, earned him a lot of wisdom in his 56 years. Now, a small group of his family, friends and former colleagues have collected it into “Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words,” available free to the public online starting on April 11.
AI-Generated Content is the New Floor – SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/ai-generated-content-is-the-new-floor/
What we can say for certain is this:
If your content isn’t better* than what AI can produce, it’s not worth making.
Cum Gasesti Idei de Afaceri Profitabile in 2023 – vezi video https://www.gomag.ro/blog/idei-afaceri-profitabile/
Inscrie-te la webinarul live si vino online cu noi miercuri, 12 aprilie, de la ora 20:00. Cosmin Daraban iti arata ponturi pe care le-a aflat de-a lungul timpului, dupa mai bine de 20 de ani in marketing si eCommerce.
High potential keywords – List of keywords with high potential – MyDomain.Dev https://tools.mydomain.dev/high-potential-keywords.php
(beta tool)
When .99 pricing works best – by Thomas McKinlay – Ariyh https://tips.ariyh.com/p/when-99-pricing-works-best
To increase the effectiveness of a .99 pricing strategy by up to 10% (e.g. using $1.99 vs. $2.00), mention the original price on the price tag
Event tracking in Google Analytics 4: What marketers need to know https://searchengineland.com/event-tracking-google-analytics-4-395023
An overview of events you can track by default and how to set up custom events in GA4, along with suggested use cases for each.
AI Prompts: A Free Generator for Digital Marketing & SEO in Google Sheets https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/ai-prompts-digital-marketing-seo-generator/
Digital marketing campaigns, content marketing, and SEO processes that don’t leverage the opportunities given by the latest AI functionalities and tools; to improve the speed while improving -or at the very least, keeping- the quality of the outcome, will eventually struggle to be competitive in a not-so-far future.
Ciucăboții. Armata online care îi cântă ode premierului pe trei rețele sociale https://misreport.substack.com/p/ciucabotii-armata-online-care-ii
Am identificat și clasat 78 de astfel de pagini care folosesc nume și imagini ale unor persoane care nu par să existe în realitate și urmează același tipar: postează doar comentarii laudative pe pagina premierului Nicolae Ciucă sau alte pagini care îl menționează pe acesta – de la paginile unor posturi de radio, publicații și până la pagini de politicieni. Pe lângă aceste pagini, am mai identificat și alte câteva zeci de profile personale cu comportament neautentic.
Google removes 5 million file creation cap for Drive after backlash | Engadget https://www.engadget.com/google-removes-5-million-file-creation-cap-for-drive-after-backlash-114501891.html
The company quietly implemented the limit over the past weeks.
Campanii de Email Marketing de Paște cu ROI ridicat: sfaturi, idei și inspirație pentru afacerea ta – Email Marketing Blog – Newsman https://blog.newsman.ro/campanii-email-marketing-paste/
Îți dorești să crești vizibilitatea și vânzările magazinului tău ecommerce în perioada Sărbătorii Paștelui? Un plan de campanii de email marketing de Paște bine pus la punct poate fi soluția optimă! Cu ajutorul platformei NewsMAN, poți crea campanii atractive și eficiente, care să atragă atenția abonaților și să-ți genereze mai multe venituri.
SEO Tip #99. Know which SEO myths AREN’T true : seogrowth https://www.reddit.com/r/seogrowth/comments/12dmykp/seo_tip_99_know_which_seo_myths_arent_true/
Some of the most popular SEO myths are …
Running SEO on the right operating system https://www.kevin-indig.com/running-seo-on-the-right-operating-system/
Not every company can operate like Facebook.
The Verge’s color quiz: can you identify the hues of these brand logos? https://www.theverge.com/c/23589074/color-quiz-test-facebook-reddit-twitter-netflix
You use these apps all the time, but can you identify the shades of their logos?
Register for SMX https://events.searchengineland.com/smx-advanced-2023
Join us online for an expert-level, two-day training experience that will equip you with sophisticated, actionable tactics to drive successful campaigns and stay a cut above the competition.
Registration is fast, easy, and free. Enter your email address to get started!
How the best companies measure content quality https://www.kevin-indig.com/how-the-best-companies-measure-content-quality/?ref=refind
Writing is a creative pursuit, but scaling content is a science. We tend to romanticize writing for the web, but good content is the result of a measurable process. Most metrics marketers look at are too output-focused, don’t lead to meaningful action and miss context.
Google will incorporate generative AI into its search engine | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/google-search-ai-llm-chatbot
Given that Bard has notoriously gotten information wrong in some queries, it might be a while before Google feels comfortable rolling it into the main search page.
But it will happen eventually. Get ready now.
Microsoft Brings Bing Image Creator, More to Microsoft Edge – Thurrott.com https://www.thurrott.com/cloud/web-browsers/microsoft-edge/281588/microsoft-brings-bing-image-creator-more-to-microsoft-edge
Hot on the heels of the introduction of Edge Workspaces for consumers in a limited preview, Microsoft today announced that it has integrated the Bing AI-powered Image Creator feature into its web browser too.
SEO Low Hanging Fruit #SearchLove – Speaker Deck https://speakerdeck.com/aleyda/seo-low-hanging-fruit-number-searchlove
Learn how to see results faster in your SEO Process by implementing an SEO low hanging fruits framework.
AI Can Crack Most Common Passwords In Less Than A Minute | Tom’s Hardware https://www.tomshardware.com/news/ai-cracks-most-common-passwords-in-less-than-a-minute
Your password may not be as safe as you think.
Bing AI Stories In Search Results https://www.seroundtable.com/bing-ai-stories-in-search-results-35168.html
A couple of weeks ago, Microsoft Bing started to roll out „stories” in the search results side panel. Those stories are AI-generated stories, created by generative AI and not by people.
Zelist Blog » Blog Archive » Cel mai mare eveniment de marketing din România vă așteaptă pe 11 și 12 mai la București https://www.zelist.ro/blog/cel-mai-mare-eveniment-de-marketing-din-romania-va-asteapta-pe-11-si-12-mai-la-bucuresti/
Schimbările și lecțiile din ultimii ani i-au pregătit pe specialiștii în marketing digital pentru un nou an de adaptare și relansare. În 2023, practicienii în marcom din întreaga lume nu mai vorbesc despre reziliență, ci mai degrabă de o planificare atentă a strategiilor pentru a crește prezența brand-urilor lor în piață, în ciuda oricăror obstacole care ar putea apărea.
What’s new in Tech @ Canopy – Q1’23 – Canopy https://canopy.ro/blog/news/whats-new-in-tech-canopy-q1-23/
În era digitală, adaptabilitatea este esențială pentru succesul oricărei afaceri care activează online. În fiecare zi, apar noi tehnologii, noi trenduri și noi metode de a interacționa cu clienții. Pentru a fi competitivi și a rămâne relevanți, specialiștii în marketing si agentiile ppc trebuie să fie la curent cu aceste schimbări și să le integreze în strategiile lor.
pandas 2.0.0 | WebAnalyst – articole de Marketing Digital, Data & Analytics https://webanalyst.ro/2023/pandas-2-0-0/
Până acum, părerile utilizatorilor experimentați sunt că pandas 2.0 este la fel de rapid ca și Polars, dar să nu uităm că pandas 2.0 există numai de câteva zile, deci așteptăm și alte opinii în următoarele săptămâni și luni.
ANALIZĂ TRUDA: Aproape 80% dintre magazinele din online nu vor înregistra vânzări în creștere de Paște 2023 – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/analiza-truda-aproape-80-dintre-magazinele-din-online-nu-vor-inregistra-vanzari-in-crestere-de-paste-2023
Doar 20% dintre retailerii online se așteaptă la vânzări mai mari de Paște 2023 față de aceeași perioadă din 2022, în medie cu 17% față de anul anterior, din cauza inflației crescute și a lipsei analizării performanței produselor în campaniile de vânzare, potrivit unei analize realizate de TRUDA anuntata printr-un comunicat de presa emis ieri, 5 aprilie.
Profitshare are acum o noua interfata de generare a linkurilor ✨ – Marketing afiliat – Profitshare Blog https://blog.profitshare.ro/profitshare-are-acum-o-noua-interfata/
De astazi dashboard-ul afiliatilor capata o noua infatisare ❤️
Pe 4 mai te invităm să participi la o nouă ediție European Digital Commerce la JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel! https://ic.events/landing/bHArVg==/edc-summit.html
În 2023, EDC te așteaptă la cea mai ambițioasă și cuprinzătoare ediție de până acum 👉 EDC Retail Summit hosted by VTEX & AWS, powered by Innobyte, unde 400 de participanți din domeniul comerțului sunt așteptați să se alăture fizic discuțiilor, zonei expo și de networking.
EDC Retail Summit – Connecting for the future, reunește deja speakeri renumiți din India, Italia, Suedia, SUA, și, bineînțeles, din România.
LinkedIn’s new verification features include CLEAR, Microsoft Entra; Services will be available and free to all LinkedIn members | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/linkedins-new-verification-features-include-clear-entra-rodriguez/
That’s why we introduced verification options in October 2022, and starting today, we’re rolling out three additional ways to verify your identity and where you work. We believe verification should be for everyone on LinkedIn, that’s why every feature will be available and free to all our members.
12 leading marketplaces in Europe – E-commerce Germany News https://ecommercegermany.com/blog/12-leading-marketplaces-europe
In Europe, the ecommerce market revenue is worth $363 billion, with an expected annual growth of 7.3%. Experts estimate that by 2022 the European market volume will be worth as much as $481 billion. This is a lot considering the fact that in Europe there are 50 different countries, more than 200 languages spoken and 28+ currencies used.
The History of Social Media in 33 Key Moments https://blog.hootsuite.com/history-social-media/
We’ve compiled some of the most pivotal “moments” in social media’s history, from the very first social networking site to brand-new apps.
Hobo SEO Checklist & Task Manager (V2) – Google Sheets https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Pr0kjCQc93qrDFJyLA-FuhIOLeFFGNCDPOkGzeQxo-8/edit#gid=1173010486&range=49:49
Your Digital Marketing News with #MarketingFOMO 🔭 [Apr 10, 2023] https://www.marketingfomo.com/p/digital-marketing-news-marketingfomo-apr-10-2023
Don’t miss any worthy digital marketing news, resources & jobs
OpenAI’s CEO confirms the company isn’t training GPT-5 and ‘won’t for some time’ – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/14/23683084/openai-gpt-5-rumors-training-sam-altman
/ CEO Sam Altman quashed rumors that OpenAI is already developing GPT-5. However, the comments likely won’t be of much consolation to those worried about AI safety.
Google’s decision to deprecate JPEG-XL emphasizes the need for browser choice and free formats — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free software https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/googles-decision-to-deprecate-jpeg-xl-emphasizes-the-need-for-browser-choice-and-free-formats
Whether it’s through the millions of dollars Google has funneled into development and advertising or the „convenience” that it offers users in exchange for freedom, the fact remains that Google Chrome is the arbiter of web standards.
Scurt moment de publikitate – Georgeisme https://georgeisme.ro/de-rau/scurt-moment-de-publikitate
Îmi doresc ca momentul lui să nu treacă neobservat, mai ales pentru cei din industrie. Mai rar un om care când pleacă spune din realitatea publicității și nu fuge frustrat, gata să se mute pe o insula, ori să-și înceapă propriul business care se termină în „-ărie” și vinde ceva hand-made de care se simte atașat psihotronic.
The best ChatGPT extensions for Chrome that everyone should use | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/best/best-chatgpt-extensions
Four exciting ChatGPT extensions
YouTube updates its policies on eating disorder content, will ban videos showing ‘imitable behavior’ | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2023/04/18/youtube-updates-its-policies-on-eating-disorder-content-will-ban-videos-showing-imitable-behavior/
YouTube is updating its guidelines for dealing with eating disorder content on its platform, the Google-owned company announced on Tuesday. Although the platform has long removed content that glorifies or promotes eating disorders, YouTube will now also prohibit content about eating disorders that users could be promoted to imitate.
Instagram lets you add five links to your profile so you can stop using Linktree | Engadget https://www.engadget.com/instagram-lets-you-add-five-links-to-your-profile-so-you-can-stop-using-linktree-161957490.html
The feature is rolling out to all users.
Big Idea Conference https://bigidea.ro/participare/#up
Pana pe 1 mai 2023 ai cel mai bun pret la cea mai buna conferinta despre creativitate in publicitate si inovatie in marketing. Profita de oferta Super-Early Bird si asigura-ti un loc in sala de conferinta, cu doar 60 euro + TVA, alaturi de practicieni de top, oameni de strategie si directori de creatie apreciati.
Big Idea Conference revine cu o noua editie pe 21 iunie la Hotel JW Marriott din Bucuresti. Pentru a va inregistra la eveniment, va rugam sa completati unul dintre formularele de mai jos. Evenimentul se va desfasura cu audienta doar in sala de conferinta.
Marketingul afiliat și venitul pasiv – Afiliatti.ro https://afiliatti.ro/marketingul-afiliat-si-venitul-pasiv/
Cât de mult scad veniturile unui site de afiliere cu trafic din SEO dacă 6 luni e lăsat baltă?
A briefing on the latest updates to ChatGPT relevant for marketing and business | Smart Insights https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/a-briefing-on-the-latest-updates-to-chatgpt-relevant-for-marketing-and-business/
How do the latest updates to ChatGPT including GPT–4, AutoGPT, Plug-ins and ChatGPT Plus boost its potential for marketers?
ROAS | Ce este, Cum se calculeaza ✚ Optimizare ▷ DoAds https://doads.ro/roas/
Descoperă cum poți crește veniturile afacerii tale folosind ROAS – un metric de măsurare a performanței în publicitatea online.
Curs Google Analytics 4 – Liviu Taloi https://dwf.ro/resources/curs-google-analytics/
Data-Driven Marketing se referă la procesul de colectare și analiză a datelor din activitatea de marketing și folosirea lor pentru a lua decizii informate în ceea ce privește strategiile și tacticile de marketing. Participând la acest curs vei descoperi cum să gestionezi performanța site-ului tău online pentru a crește conversiile și vânzările!
Big Life Trends 2023 – care sunt tendințele în viață și în afaceri – DWF https://dwf.ro/blog/big-life-trends-2023-care-sunt-tendintele-in-viata-si-in-afaceri/
Am găzduit la DWF un nou eveniment din cadrul seriei Big Life Projects Trends, programul ce sprijină oameni, business-uri și comunități, pentru identificarea resurselor de dezvoltare și valorificarea potențialului personal și organizațional.
Senior SEO Specialist | Upswing – agentie SEO si Content Marketing | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3571002838/
We’re looking for a Senior SEO Specialist from anywhere in Romania, who already has a desk set from home and is not afraid to use it – we have become a remote first team and we plan to stick to this.
How To Use ChatGPT For Keyword Research https://www.searchenginejournal.com/chatgpt-for-keyword-research/483848/
ChatGPT can be a powerful assistant to speed up your keyword research processes. We share a series of prompts to get your started.
Next level advertisement – 9GAG https://9gag.com/gag/az2KNKz
Thermal Cameras and Machine Learning Combine to Snoop Out Passwords | Tom’s Hardware https://www.tomshardware.com/news/thermal-cameras-and-machine-learning-combine-to-snoop-out-passwords
AI-driven ‘thermal attack’ analyzes touch-input heat signature after you have gone.
Digital Meme Strategist🍪 (@digital_chadvertising) • Instagram photos and videos https://www.instagram.com/digital_chadvertising/
What I learned unsubscribing from 22 newspapers – Lenfest Institute https://www.lenfestinstitute.org/solution-set/i-canceled-22-digital-newspaper-subscriptions-heres-what-i-learned-about-digital-retention-strategies/
Online subscriptions — especially newspaper subscriptions — have a reputation for being notoriously difficult to cancel. The process for cancelling a subscription has been compared to everything from beating Minesweeper to slaying a dragon in Mordor.
Pluralistic: How Amazon makes everything you buy more expensive, no matter where you buy it (25 Apr 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow https://pluralistic.net/2023/04/25/greedflation/
Neat CSS https://neat.joeldare.com/
Rapidly build efficient sites with Neat, the minimalist css framework.
EmbedQuiz – Free quiz maker tool for lead generation https://embedquiz.com/
Create embeddable quizzes with ease, invite players to join your mailing list, and send results via email for free!
Jellylade https://app.jellylade.com/
Turn your screenshots into beautiful posts. Use Jellylade to create beautiful presentations for your website and social media
Is Gmail killing independent email? https://tutanota.com/blog/posts/gmail-independent-email
People report that self-hosted emails always end up in Gmail spam. Is there anything Google can do about it?
Human-made Content | Nonbot.org https://nonbot.org/
AI generated content is on the rise. How can you be sure what you’re reading is 100% human?
Verify and find human-made content.
Fictional Brands Archive https://fictionalbrandsarchive.com/
Dark Patterns: 10 Examples of Manipulative Consent Requests https://wideangle.co/blog/dark-patterns-examples-of-manipulative-consent-requests
“Dark patterns” are deceptive user interfaces that trick people into acting against their best interests.
Exercism https://exercism.org/
Explore and get fluent in 67 programming languages
How to Hire an SEO: Agencies vs. Freelancers vs. In-House https://www.growandconvert.com/hiring/hire-an-seo/
Hiring an SEO almost always means one, or a mix, of three options:
Hiring an individual contractor
Hiring an in-house SEO manager or building an in-house team
Hiring an SEO agency
Ce platforma eCommerce alegi pentru magazinul tau online https://www.extended.ro/blog/cum-alegi-o-platforma-ecommerce/
Astfel, exista mai multe platforme eCommerce disponibile din care comerciantii pot alege, cum ar fi Adobe Commerce (fosta platforma Magento), Shopify, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Extended (exemplul de fata) si multe altele.
Consumers Spend 3+ Hours on Social Media Daily: What They’re Doing on Each Platform [Data] https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/what-consumers-do-on-social-media
Have you ever been hypnotized by social media? According to our recent Consumer Trends survey, users of it spend an average of three hours a day there.
Does Google Penalize AI Content? An Indepth Correlation Study – Originality.AI https://originality.ai/will-google-penalize-ai-content/
In this study, we discovered that websites with a higher human content score, as determined by Originality.AI’s scanner, also have higher Google Search rankings.
Announcing SEO For Beginners: Our Beautiful New Hardcover Book https://ahrefs.com/blog/seo-for-beginners-book/
Have you ever wanted to learn SEO away from your computer screen? We just published a beautiful hardcover book teaching the fundamentals of SEO.
A Google Ads script that uses GPT to write RSAs https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-script-gpt-responsive-search-ads-395548
This script can help you leverage GPT’s API to use the maximum number of RSA assets and, in turn, boost your paid search campaigns.
SEO Agency Software (What Do They Use?) https://ahrefs.com/blog/seo-agency-software/
Here’s my selection of the software that SEO agencies use to get their work done and manage their teams successfully.
Google Search Operators: The Complete List (44 Advanced Operators) https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
Google advanced search operators are special commands and characters that filter search results. They do this by making your searches more precise and focused.
8 Best AI Copywriting Tools (Beyond ChatGPT) https://blog.hootsuite.com/ai-copywriting/
Ready or not, they’re here. AI copywriting tools can be your new best friend — if you know how to use them.
Cea mai buna veste de saptamana aceasta e ca am dat startul intalnirilor Gomag MeetUp in tara!
Pe 16 mai 2023, ne vedem la Cluj, la Grand Hotel Napoca, cu +8 speakeri si super sesiuni dedicate antreprenorilor din aceasta regiune.
Numarul de locuri e limitat la 200, asa ca grabeste-te sa prinzi bilete cu oferta Early Bird, la 29 euro + BONUS-uri.
Intra si pe blogul Gomag, unde ti-am pregatit un ghid compact cu bune practici, gata de implementat in magazinul tau.
Google: Page experience is not a ranking system, but it is a ranking signal https://searchengineland.com/google-page-experience-is-not-a-ranking-system-but-it-is-a-ranking-signal-399940
Google’s core ranking systems look to reward content that provides a good page experience.
Google’s Newest Reviews Update Elevates Real-Life Experience – Amsive Digital https://www.amsivedigital.com/insights/seo/googles-newest-reviews-update-elevates-real-life-experience/
Google recently published a new April 2023 update to its Reviews System, which was previously called the Product Reviews system. Dropping the word “Products” from the update’s name is a significant change that shouldn’t be overlooked: Google has now expanded its review system to address content containing any type of review – not just reviews of products.
Google planning new search engine while working on new search features under Project Magi https://searchengineland.com/google-planning-new-search-engine-while-working-on-new-search-features-under-project-magi-395661
Project Magi will help searchers complete transactions while incorporating search ads on the page.
Amazon reviews are being written by AI chatbots https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/25/amazon-reviews-are-being-written-by-ai-chatbots.html
Some reviews for Amazon products appear to be written by artificial intelligence chatbots.
CNBC found several reviews for Amazon products that began with the phrase “As an AI language model,” a response often generated by OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
Fake reviews have been plaguing Amazon and other online marketplaces for years.
Dr. Marie Haynes🌱 on Twitter: „Google is retiring these ranking systems: Page experience Mobile-friendly Page speed Secure sites Good catch by @rustybrick. „The page experience update was a concept to describe a set of key page experience aspects for site owners to focus on.” According to Google, page… https://t.co/552tAk5sVQ” / Twitter https://twitter.com/Marie_Haynes/status/1649392528204918784
Google is retiring these ranking systems:
Page experience
Page speed
Secure sites
Good catch by @rustybrick
Alphabet Q1 2023 Earnings: Slower Search Growth, YouTube Downturn https://www.searchenginejournal.com/alphabet-q1-2023-earnings-slower-search-growth-youtube-downturn/485457/
Alphabet’s Q1 2023 earnings reveal modest growth, restructuring, and Google Cloud profitability amid search and YouTube challenges.
Meta’s ad revenue up 4% in Q1 https://searchengineland.com/metas-ad-revenue-is-up-4-3-in-q1-397752
Daily users increase 4% too.
Google UA historical data will be available until July 1, 2024 https://searchengineland.com/google-ua-historical-data-will-be-available-until-july-1-2024-399199
Turndown is also the same date for standard and 360 properties.
Iñaki Huerta 🦑/📊/🔝 on Twitter: „GA4 @googleanalytis has so many reporting possibilities that it is difficult to understand them all. This table will help you know which tool to use for which report/extraction. Understanding all the features and weaknesses of GA4 reporting tools will never be a problem again! https://t.co/M5y5CzYNA7” / Twitter https://twitter.com/ikhuerta/status/1651885766618800129/photo/1
Generative AI coming soon to Google Ads https://searchengineland.com/google-integrates-generative-ai-into-ad-campaigns-395835
The AI will generate ads by remixing creative content (images, videos, text) to target specific audiences and meet campaign objectives.
SUNSET | GA4 Parody Trailer | Google Analytics 4 – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nAtC2Ps_x4
Optimizarea unui site web cu Gomag: ghid compact, de la A la Z https://www.gomag.ro/blog/optimizarea-unui-site-web-cu-gomag-ghid/
Recomandarea noastra este sa salvati articolul la favorite si sa implementati, pas cu pas, sfaturile de azi.
Google will retire Chrome’s HTTPS padlock icon because no one knows what it means | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/05/google-will-retire-chromes-https-padlock-icon-because-no-one-knows-what-it-means/
Google says only 11% of users understand „the precise meaning of the lock icon.”
Gmail adds a blue verified checkmark for businesses – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/3/23709734/gmail-verified-checkmark-trusted-senders-bimi-dmarc
/ Companies that have verified their identity through BIMI will automatically receive a checkmark logo to go along with using their own profile image.
Google accounts now support passkeys for password-free sign-in – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/3/23709318/google-accounts-passkey-support-password-2fa-fido-security-phishing
/ Your Google account now supports passkeys to replace your password and 2FA.
Bye-bye ChatGPT: AI Tools As Good As ChatGPT (But Few People Are Using Them) | by The PyCoach | Apr, 2023 | Artificial Corner https://artificialcorner.com/bye-bye-chatgpt-ai-tools-better-than-chatgpt-but-few-people-are-using-them-eac93a3627cc
Go beyond ChatGPT with these powerful AI tools.
SEO Tip #107. Your competitor does NOT have 2,000 backlinks : seogrowth https://www.reddit.com/r/seogrowth/comments/137osxl/seo_tip_107_your_competitor_does_not_have_2000/
Your competitor has 2,000 backlinks…
And you only have 50.
How can you even compete with that?
Pierdut, în coșmarului lui Mark. Cum mi-a fost preluat profilul personal de Facebook și cum l-am recuperat… — Moise.ro https://www.moise.ro/2023/05/05/pierdut-in-cosmarului-lui-mark-cum-mi-a-fost-preluat-profilul-personal-de-facebook-si-cum-l-am-recuperat/
Nu, n-aveam parola 1234, aveam o parolă lungă și complexă, dar n-a contat. Profilul meu este autentificat de Facebook (cu buletinul) și, bineînțeles, aveam activată și autentificarea în doi pași (nici nu se poate altfel pentru conturile confirmate). Dar nici asta n-a contat.
SEO Executive | Revolut | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3592111987/
People deserve more from their money. More visibility, more control, more freedom. And since 2015, Revolut has been on a mission to deliver just that. With an arsenal of awesome products that span spending, saving, travel, transfers, investing, exchanging and more, our super app has helped 25+ million customers get more from their money. And we’re not done yet.
Search Engine Optimization Specialist | Limitless Agency | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3598999127/
Intelegem cat de importanta este investitia pe care o faci in dezvoltarea business-ului tau si suntem axati pe rezultate. Campaniile de marketing trebuie sa fie profitabile. Ne asiguram ca bugetul de publicitate iti va creste afacerea si profitul, nu doar sa iti aduca mai multe click-uri. Obiectivul nostru este sa masuram, sa crestem si sa obtinem ROI pozitiv.
Vrei sa cresti sanatos intr-un mediu prietenos?
SEO Specialist – Join an Award-Winning SEO Agency | Vertify | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3522463963/
Pentru acest rol recrutăm full-time – poți lucra atât de la biroul nostru din București (Dionisie Lupu 56), în regim hibrid, sau complet remote.
15 Essential Product Marketing Books for 2023 https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/product-marketing-books
To help, we’ve gathered a list of 15 essential product marketing books for your 2023 reading list. These books tackle how to lead a successful launch, tips for growing your career, and how to build customer-centric campaigns.
Centrul european pentru securitate cibernetică, prima agenție UE… | PROFIT.ro https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/it-c/foto-centrul-european-pentru-securitate-cibernetica-prima-agentie-ue-cu-sediul-in-romania-inaugurat-oficial-21118299
Centrul European de Competențe în materie de Securitate Cibernetică (ECCC), prima agenție UE cu sediul în România, va fi inaugurat oficial marți, la doi ani și jumătate după ce Bucureștiul a fost selectat pentru a găzdui noua agenție ce va dezvolta și coordona proiectele de securitate cibernetică ale UE.
Cât cheltuie românii pe trimiterea de colete și scrisori: Furnizorii privați, preferați pentru calitate, Poșta pentru prețuri – Studiu – HotNews.ro https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-telecom-26254038-cat-cheltuie-romanii-trimiterea-colete-scrisori-furnizorii-privati-preferati-pentru-calitate-posta-pentru-preturi-studiu.htm
În medie o gospodărie cheltuie 32 de lei pe an cu expedieri de corespondență și 89 lei/an cu expedieri de colete, iar cei mai utilizați furnizori sunt doi operatori privați – Fan Courier și Cargus, urmați de compania de stat Poșta Română, arată un studiu reprezentativ la nivel național, solicitat de Arbitrul telecom (ANCOM).
Tech Expo 2023 | Bucharest Tech Expo https://www.techexpo.ro/event-details/tech-expo
26 mai, 14:00 EEST – 28 mai, 19:00 EEST
Locație ROMEXPO, Pavilion B1, Sector 1, Bulevardul Mărăști 65-67, București 011465, Romania
Vizualizări noi în Looker Studio (Data Studio) https://webanalyst.ro/2023/looker-studio-sankey-sparkline/
Saneky și Sparkline sunt vizualizări cel puțin interesante. Inițial, Gogle Data Studio a fost interesat să reprezinte cât mai bine datele din Google Analytics și Google Ads, dar situația s-a schimbat între timp. Actualizările prezentate mai sus au o aplicare mai mică în zona de digital analytics, dar direcția lor este să facă Looker Studio util și pentru alte tipuri de date.
Copywriting vs. Content Writing: Differences & Similarities https://ahrefs.com/blog/copywriting-vs-content-writing/
Writing is the lifeblood of most online businesses. Whether that’s blog articles, landing page copy, or product descriptions, the written word is necessary to attract and convert readers.
Hai la SocialPedia 48 despre PPC Marketing in 2023 – Sabina Cornovac Online https://www.sabinacornovac.ro/hai-la-socialpedia-48-despre-ppc-marketing-in-2023/
✅ Ediția 48 a SocialPedia are loc pe 16 mai 2023, de la ora 18:30, offline, despre PPC Marketing in 2023 și este powered by MTH Digital.
Speakerii acestei ediții sunt: Robert Dumitru – Creative Director & Partner @ MTH Digital, Cristi Movilă – Eastern Europe General Manager & EMEA Sales Leader @ VTEX, Ludmila Corlățeanu, designer vestimentar @ Milla Milla.
„Mai vizual, mai atractiv, mai personal”. Cum își va modifica Google motorul de căutare – HotNews.ro https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-companii-26250697-mai-vizual-mai-atractiv-mai-personal-google-isi-modifica-motorul-cautare.htm
Google intenţionează să facă motorul său de căutare „mai vizual, mai atractiv, mai personal şi mai uman”, cu accent pe servirea tinerilor la nivel global, a relatat sâmbătă Wall Street Journal, citând documente, potrivit Reuters.
Google no longer recommends canonical tags for syndicated content https://searchengineland.com/google-no-longer-recommends-canonical-tags-for-syndicated-content-406491
Google now says the canonical link element is not recommended for syndicated content; instead, block the syndicated content from being accessed to avoid duplication. Google posted this new piece of information in this help document over here.
Google Indexing Speed: Key Factors Include Quality + Popularity https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-indexing-speed-key-factors-include-quality-popularity/486243/
Google’s Gary Illyes advises focusing on high-quality content and increasing social media popularity to accelerate website indexing.
The Future of SEO in a Post-ChatGPT World – Animalz https://www.animalz.co/blog/seo-and-chatgpt/
While SEO isn’t dying, it is undergoing substantial changes, accelerated by generative AI, and it’s worth hazarding a few educated guesses about what it might look like on the other side.
James Brockbank on Twitter: „Are you using HARO to earn press links? Want to know a burning secret? Most journalists only turn to HARO as a last resort when they’ve no other sources. But what’s the alternative? Keep reading… Here’s a🧵 about earning press links without using HARO.” / Twitter https://twitter.com/BrockbankJames/status/1654932142961356801
Summer of SEO – Free SEO Course for Ecommerce Stores https://summerofseo.co/
Grow your online store to 10,000+ visitors a month.
Launching 1st June (oh, and it’s free!)
Find SEO Tools — findSEOtools.com https://www.findseotools.com/
Find SEO Tools is the world’s largest place to browse and discover tools used by and made for SEO’s.
Amazon launches program to identify and track counterfeiters | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/amazon-launches-program-identify-track-counterfeiters-2023-04-20/
NEW YORK, April 20 (Reuters) – Amazon (AMZN.O) has launched its Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange (ACX), an initiative to help retail stores label and track marketplace counterfeits as part of the e-commerce giant’s efforts to crack down on organized crime on its platform, the company announced on Thursday.
Top SEO AI content writers : SEO https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/13dbqwf/top_seo_ai_content_writers/
The top tools to create content with AI at scale and rank for SEO.
19 TOP White Label SEO Tools: Review 2023 | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/19-top-white-label-seo-tools-review-2023-anatolii-ulitovskyi/
I use multiple tools to create attractive, easy-to-understand reports. The primary advantages of these tools are automation and the ability to save time by sending reports via email or sharing them on your website.
Google wants you to forget the 10 blue links – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/12/23720396/google-search-generative-experience-blue-links
/ The Search Generative Experience (SGE) is a transformational change to the most visited page on the internet.
Google I/O 2023: New Gmail AI feature will soon write entire emails for you. How it works. | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/google-gmail-ai-help-me-write-email-feature
Gmail will soon have a feature that will write entire emails for you using AI, Google announced on Wednesday at its Google I/O event.
Analiza Limitless Agency: 75% dintre retailerii online vor să-și extindă gamele de produse – Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/analiza-limitless-agency-75-dintre-retailerii-online-vor-sa-si-extinda-gamele-de-produse
Pe fondul inflației ridicate, 75% dintre retailerii online din România au ca obiectiv principal de business extinderea gamelor de produse, pentru a răspunde nevoilor consumatorilor, pentru a satisface dorința pentru diversitate a clienților și pentru a crește vânzările, potrivit unei analize realizate de Limitless Agency, una dintre cele mai mari agenții de marketing digital de pe piața locală.
Elon Musk Says that Twitter is in the Process of Purging Inactive Accounts and Freeing Up @Handles | Social Media Today https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/elon-musk-says-that-twitter-is-in-the-process-of-purging-inactive-accounts/649730/
Now could be the time to grab that Twitter username that you’ve always wanted, which has thus far been unavailable in the app, with Twitter chief Elon Musk announcing that the company is currently in the process of removing inactive profiles from its system.
The problem with disabled buttons and what to do instead – Adam Silver – designer, London, U https://adamsilver.io/blog/the-problem-with-disabled-buttons-and-what-to-do-instead/
In 2009 I prototyped a form that disabled the submit button until all the answers were valid.
The idea being: the best error is the one the user never sees.
This WordPress plugin for Elementor leaves websites vulnerable to hackers | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/wordpress-essential-addons-for-elementor-plugin-security-flaw
If your website is powered by the WordPress page-builder Elementor, double-check if you’re using this popular plugin. Because, if you are, hackers can easily stage a complete takeover of your website thanks to a newly discovered security flaw.
The Future of SEO in a Post-ChatGPT World – Animalz https://www.animalz.co/blog/seo-and-chatgpt/
SEO is the growth engine that powers many companies, so it’s worth paying particular attention to any new technology that might change the rules of search.
Access to ChatGPT’s ‚Eyes and Ears’ at last: Plugins finally being rolled out to Plus users. | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/open-ai-rollout-chatgpt-plugins
More ChatGPT users now have access to the chatbot’s „eyes and ears.”
5 case studies showing the benefits of server-side rendering https://www.kevin-indig.com/5-case-studies-showing-the-benefits-of-server-side-rendering/?ref=refind
According to Google’s documentation, the rendering method you choose has no implications on organic rankings as long as certain guardrails are met. However, most experts – including myself – prefer SSR (server-side rendering).
GrowthCon – Conferinta de GrowthMarketing in Cluj-Napoca https://growthcon.ro/
26 mai 2023 – Cinema Florin Piersic, Cluj-Napoca
pentru marketerii care vor rezultate palpabile
Emojiton | The Smart Emoji Finder https://emojiton.com/
The Smart Emoji Finder
Keyword research based just on ChatGPT? : bigseo https://www.reddit.com/r/bigseo/comments/13i9miw/keyword_research_based_just_on_chatgpt/
A colleague of mine is convinced he can trash all SEO tools and base his KW reasearch on ChatGPT. What do you think about that? Does that work for you?
Hack4reSTART Bucharest | Romania – About EN https://hack4restart-bucharest-romania.b2match.io/
Tech savvy and traditional companies are invited to register on the dedicated platform, https://hack4restart-bucharest-romania.b2match.io/, describe their digitalization offers and respectively challenges and book relevant meetings which will take place in a dedicated hybrid matchmaking event.
The matchmaking platform will remain open until the 30th of June, allowing follow-up online meetings.
The event will take place in Bucharest, Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ion Ghica 4, Ballroom, 3rd floor, 10-16 EEST.
#43: SEO Insights & SEO Auditing Deep Dive with Emanuel Petrescu – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_BESDb0uQM
In this episode of the SEO Podcast by #SEOSLY, Olga Zarr sits down with seasoned SEO expert Emanuel Petrescu to discuss the nuances and importance of SEO auditing.
Emanuel, a Toronto-based SEO consultant originally from Bucharest, Romania, shares his fascinating journey in the digital world that spans over a decade. From discovering search engines in the early 2000s to running his own business in the music industry, Emanuel’s rich experience is a treasure trove of insights for aspiring SEO professionals.
Marketing afiliat prin Google CSS. Optimizarea. – Afiliatti.ro https://afiliatti.ro/marketing-afiliat-prin-google-css-optimizarea/
Ce pârghii avem să devenim profitabili cu marketing-ul afiliat prin canalul Google CSS.
ChatGPT Plus will get a big update this week – here’s why it’s a big deal | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/news/chatgpt-plus-will-get-a-big-update-this-week-heres-why-its-a-big-deal
ChatGPT Plus subscribers will soon be getting early access to experimental new features for the popular chatbot. Web integration and plugins are rolling out in beta next week, which could prove to be two interesting updates to the chatbot.
Google to delete accounts inactive for two years in security push | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/16/google-to-delete-accounts-inactive-for-two-years-in-security-push/
Google, which hosts billions of user accounts, said on Tuesday that it plans to delete accounts that have remained inactive for two years. The decision is part of the internet giant’s ongoing efforts to strengthen security measures for its vast user base, the company said.
Starting December this year, Google may delete an account if it has not accessed any of its variety of services for two years, the company wrote in a blog post.
Ne extindem la nivel național prin ambasadori de brand – NOMAD https://www.nomadtalks.ro/ne-extindem-la-nivel-national-prin-ambasadori-de-brand/
Căutăm freelanceri dornici să construiască o comunitate în orașul lor
Bard updates from Google I/O 2023: Images, new features https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-bard-updates-io-2023/
Today, we’re introducing new updates to Bard, including image capabilities, coding features and app integration. Plus, we’re expanding access around the world, introducing more languages and ending the waitlist.
An SEO’s guide to understanding large language models (LLMs) https://searchengineland.com/seo-guide-large-language-models-413227
Here’s what SEOs need to know about large language models, natural language processing and everything in between.
15 Free Keyword Research Tools For 2023 https://www.searchenginejournal.com/keyword-research/free-keyword-research-tool/
There are a variety of free keyword research tools you can use if you don’t have the budget for a premium paid keyword tool
Google Does Not Trust Links From Spammy Sites https://www.seroundtable.com/google-does-not-trust-links-from-spammy-sites-35338.html
Duy Nguyen responded, „I assume by penalize you mean that the domain was demoted by our spam algorithms or manual actions.” „In general, yes, we don’t trust links from sites we know our spam,” he added.
How to Get More Email Subscribers With 12 Proven Tactics – Go WordPress https://wordpress.com/go/digital-marketing/get-more-email-newsletter-subscribers/
The straightforward answer is, people sign up when you offer them something valuable in exchange for their email.
YouTube pregăteşte noi tipuri de reclame | News.ro https://www.news.ro/economic/youtube-pregateste-noi-tipuri-de-reclame-1922403118482023050721128334
Două noi tipuri de reclame îşi vor face loc în cadrul aplicaţiei YouTube pentru televizoarele smart, pentru a creşte şi mai mult veniturile companiei.
LevelUp Summit – Eveniment gratuit pentru eCommerce https://www.gomag.ro/blog/levelup-summit/
29 – 31 mai 2023
Afla cum sa vinzi mai mult prin Google, Facebook, Instagram si TikTok
Participa si tu GRATUIT si asigura-te ca esti prezent la sesiunile live!
TikTok contrazice SRI privind riscurile de securitate: Ce date susține că nu ar colecta și ce scrie în termenii de utilizare a aplicației – HotNews.ro https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-telecom-26275638-tiktok-contrazice-sri-privind-riscurile-securitate-date-sustine-nu-colecta-scrie-termenii-utilizare-aplicatiei.htm
Grupul chinez care deține aplicația mobilă TikTok a reacționat joi față de intenția statului de a interzice utilizarea aplicației în instituțiile și autoritățile publice din România, acuzând SRI de informații inexate.
Guvernul României se ceartă cu TikTok și probabil va interzice aplicația pe telefoanele angajaților publici – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2023/05/guvernul-romaniei-cearta-tiktok-probabil-interzice-aplicatia-telefoanele-angajatilor/
Acum două zile, ministrul digitalizării, Sebastian Burduja, a prezentat un raport al centrului Cyberint din cadru SRI despre aplicația TikTok. Raportul este similar cu cele văzute în trecut de la americani și de la alte țări europene, concluzia fiind că aplicația TikTok te-ar putea spiona și urmări, dacă ar vrea, ba chiar ar putea fura date personale sau executa cod malware în telefon.
Google pushes .zip and .mov domains onto the Internet, and the Internet pushes back | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/05/critics-say-googles-new-zip-and-mov-domains-will-be-a-boon-to-scammers/
A recent move by Google to populate the Internet with eight new top-level domains is prompting concerns that two of the additions could be a boon to online scammers who trick people into clicking on malicious links.
ChatGPT just launched on your iPhone – should Siri be worried? | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/news/chatgpt-just-launched-on-your-iphone-and-siri-should-be-very-scared
OpenAI launches ChatGPT on iOS and we tried it out
Type Scale – A Visual Calculator https://typescale.com/
Pinbot https://getpinbot.com/
So far, most of the recent AI developments have been limited to big players with little concern for privacy. My goal is to make these developments available to everyone, without compromising your privacy.
Summarize any Article as a Dialog Between two People with Bing Chat – AI Demos https://www.aidemos.info/summarize-any-article-as-a-dialog-between-two-people-with-bing-chat/
I recently discovered Recast, a brilliant tool that turns your want-to-read articles into rich audio summaries. It summarises long articles into the human dialog.
În general, nu urmăresc reclamele pe Facebook, nu îmi plac, nu mă distrează.
Am văzut însă niște clipuri video pentru o carte (și alte produse) care mi-a plăcut mult.
Cu toate că am văzut clipuri-reclamă pentru cartea respectivă de câteva ori, am tot revenit la ele, mi-a plăcut să le privesc.
Dacă vreți să vedeți astfel de reclame, faceți click pe cele două linkuri de mai jos, și foarte probabil veți fi targetați mai departe de reclame.
Desigur, asta presupune să intrați pe rețele care suportă reclame și să nu aveți AdBlock activ pe acele rețele.
Nu am cumpărat cartea sau ceva, m-a atras reclama, mi s-a părut bine făcută.
Așadar, intrați aici și veți vedea, ulterior, reclame prin retargetare.
#1 https://www.facebook.com/sabrisubyofficialpage
#2 https://selllikecrazybook.com/free/
Neeva, once a promising competitor to Google Search, is shutting down – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/20/23731397/neeva-search-engine-google-shutdown
/ “We’ve discovered that it is one thing to build a search engine, and an entirely different thing to convince regular users of the need to switch to a better choice.”
De ce nu ar trebui să încarci niciodată telefonul cu husa pusă, conform experților în reparații mobile – HotNews.ro https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-gadget-26279132-nu-trebui-incarci-niciodata-telefonul-husa-pusa-conform-expertilor-reparatii-mobile.htm
Uneori, elementele care protejează exteriorul telefonului pot afecta ceea ce se află în interiorul dispozitivului, avertizează mai mulți experți în reparațiile de gadgeturi, conform unui articol publicat de Dailymail. Mai exact, dacă îți încarci telefonul cu husa pusă ai putea să-i degradezi viața bateriei din cauza căldurii suplimentare generate.
How Content Is Evolving Thanks to AI — Whiteboard Friday – Moz https://moz.com/blog/content-evolving-with-ai-whiteboard-friday?ref=refind
In this video, Ross shares how our workflows, processes, and content creation will positively evolve thanks to AI.
Mimestream review: this is the Mac app Gmail users need – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/23728602/mimestream-gmail-app-mac-review
/ It’s not an email app; it’s a Gmail app. And as long as you use Gmail and a Mac, that’s really great news.
🔥ChatGPT Internal Linking Plugin – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSbiNb35XzQ
In this video I’m showing you a neat way of using ChatGPT to facilitate internal linking.
Your New KPIs to Gauge Content Quality – SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/your-new-kpis-to-gauge-content-quality/
Rand hates the phrase “high-quality content.” Quality is entirely subjective. And because it’s subjective, it’s impossible to measure, let alone find agreed-upon standards.
Learn SEO with a Free Roadmap of Reliable Guides & Tools https://learningseo.io/
Start learning SEO or expand your SEO education to grow your site’s organic traffic by understanding every aspect of SEO in order to become or grow further as an SEO specialist with Learning SEO. Learning SEO is a comprehensive guide, featuring the main areas along with resources to learn.
How to engage with work https://www.linkedin.com/learning/creating-significance-choosing-to-do-our-best-work/how-to-engage-with-work?autoplay=true
Startarium – Studiu Profil de Antreprenor https://startarium.ro/articol/studiu-profil-de-antreprenor
Cum ultimii ani au fost plini de provocări pentru întreg ecosistemul antreprenorial, ne-am propus să luam pulsul ecosistemului și să analizăm prezența și performanța antreprenorilor din România.
Big Idea Conference https://bigidea.ro/participare/
21 iunie 2023 • JW MARRIOTT HOTEL
Big Idea Conference revine cu o noua editie pe 21 iunie la Hotel JW Marriott din Bucuresti. Pentru a va inregistra la eveniment, va rugam sa completati unul dintre formularele de mai jos. Evenimentul se va desfasura cu audienta doar in sala de conferinta.
Tranzacție: Procesatorul român de plăți Netopia, cumpărat majoritar de polonezii de la Innova https://www.startupcafe.ro/afaceri/tranzactie-procesator-roman-plati-netopia-polonezi-innova.htm
Antonio Eram a vândut pachetul majoritar de acțiuni al grupului de firme Netopia, al cărui fondator este, către Innova Capital, un important fond de investiții de private equity din Polonia, potrivit unui comunicat transmis, joi, StartupCafe.ro.
DWF – 🎉🏆Dorim să transmitem sincere mulțumiri clientului nostru,… | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DWF.RO/posts/pfbid02StoGNvp7rdHAWb636Eg5JHfGcZTaaYwQoR7w6tc3W4kz4BW7DfgouscG4KWWb6yNl
🏆Dorim să transmitem sincere mulțumiri clientului nostru, @Barhat Romania, care ne-a oferit oportunitatea de a castiga un premiu important pentru noi la European Search Awards , premiu obținut în categoria BEST LOW BUDGET PPC CAMPAIGN, una dintre cele mai concurențiale categorii din cadrul competiției.🥳
DWF – Suntem mândri de reușita colegilor noștri din echipa de Paid… | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/100063669515810/posts/pfbid0rxHQiRsrxWkQXLfSfEAoEpAnn5YVVpJxEwi1zo4JiAnJeW7nL61tUW3Hi3Vuc6cPl/
Suntem mândri de reușita colegilor noștri din echipa de Paid Media DWF și ii felicitam pe aceasta cale! Suntem singura agenție de Digital Marketing din România premiata anul acesta la prestigioasa competiție European Search Awards.
Premiul a fost câștigat pentru categoria BEST LOW BUDGET PPC CAMPAIGN, una dintre grupele cu cea mai mare concurenta în aceasta competiție.
Ni se confirma astfel ca metodologia de lucru DWF este eficienta și pentru aceasta categorie de proiecte.
Rezerva bilete acum la Gomag MeetUp si hai sa ne vedem! https://www.gomag.ro/blog/meetup/
Descopera Secretele si Strategiile de Succes in Marketing si Antreprenoriat pentru a-ti dezvolta o Afacere Puternica
Employer Branding Conference https://www.employerbrandingconference.ro/participare/#up
26 Septembrie 2023 • Hotel JW Marriott Bucuresti
Favoree – Discover quality channels from YouTube https://www.favoree.io/
Rate and review YouTube channels, discover new quality content
Realtime Colors https://realtimecolors.com/?colors=000000-fffeff-4685ff-f3f2f2-ffb084
Choosing a color palette for your website?
Use the Toolbar below to realize your choices.
Google Topic Authority: An SEO Ranking System For News Sites https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-topic-authority/487603/
The Topic Authority system prioritizes local and regional publications and favors original reporting from news teams familiar with the location and topic.
Google: Merchant Center Next to replace Merchant Center https://searchengineland.com/google-merchant-center-next-replace-merchant-center-427437
By 2024, Merchant Center Next will automatically be pulling in products, pricing, imagery and more from your website.
Analysis of the New Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/a-few-thoughts-on-my-initial-google-sge-experience/
I just got access to Google’s Search Lab, and after testing Google’s SGE for a couple of hours, here are my initial thoughts.
40-Step SEO Migration Checklist For Successful Site Migration – SEOSLY https://seosly.com/blog/seo-migration-checklist/
The ultimate checklist for successful site migration.
Google Search of today won’t exist in 10 years, says DeepMind co-founder https://searchengineland.com/google-search-of-today-wont-exist-in-10-years-says-deepmind-co-founder-427647
Will ‚old-school search’ be gone in 10 years, thanks to ChatGPT, the new Bing and Google’s new Search Generative Experience?
How to land 1,830 ranking positions with only one article https://searchengineland.com/multiple-ranking-positions-one-article-427372
You don’t always have to create many unique content pieces to earn multiple SERP rankings. Sometimes, you only need one article. Here’s how.
22 Of The Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions To Try https://www.searchenginejournal.com/chatgpt-chrome-extensions/485594/
AI-powered tools are revolutionizing the digital marketing landscape. Here are 22 of the best ChatGPT Chrome extensions to maximize the benefits of ChatGPT.
Sunt două tipuri de știri - de top (cele mai importante știri, care au fost publicate pe rețelele sociale) și "obișnuite" - cam tot ce citim noi pe tema SEO/PPC (și online marketing, în general).
Dacă doriți să citiți pe viitor astfel de știri, vă puteți abona la newsletter sau la feedul RSS.
Vedeți această resursă (Lucrul cu 100 de taburi pe Olivian.ro) pentru detalii despre cum să lucrați cu multe taburi în același timp.
Am creat un Grup Google dedicat pentru a citi știri SEO mai rapid.
Notă Olivian Breda: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, inclusiv cele de SEO, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri) - Blog de Olivian Breda.

Pe plan profesional, mă ocup de audituri de site-uri pe partea de SEO și UX (SEO – optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare / UX – uzabilitate – experiența vizitatorilor), și realizez / mă ocup de mentenanță pentru site-uri pe platforma WordPress. Cofondator al lumeaseoppc.ro și al cetd.ro. Blogger pe olivian.ro.
Pe plan personal, caut să cresc, și pentru asta merg la evenimente, fac sport și încerc să trăiesc sănătos, fac voluntariat, citesc.
Detalii despre mine pe profilul de LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/olivian/